【香港国際空港】撮影資料~夜撮影~ : 【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】Data for Airliner Spotting~Night Spotting~


【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】Data for Airliner Spotting~Night Spotting~
I started taking night shots in earnest in January 2015.
Thanks to HKG operating in 24 hours and it being blight airport, I can enjoy night spotting evryday even after my work on weekdays. I come to airport at night at least once a week.
I have never attended some classes or something for photographying so there may be my own ways but I hope this page will be helpful for your night spotting at HKG(^^)

・夜でも多くの離発着がある明るい空港 : HKG having many flights at night and being blight airport 
・カメラや設定等 : Cameras, lenses and settings
・それでもやっぱり難しい : But it is still difficult....
・07運用: 車寄せ(南)から : 07 Operation:  07R↑ From Carriage porch(South)
・25運用(25R↓): SkyDeckから : 25 Operation: 25R↓ From SkyDeck
・25運用(25L↓): SkyDeckから : 25 Operation: 25R↑ From SkyDeck
・その他の外周ポイントから : From other points outside airport

■夜でも多くの離発着がある明るい空港 : HKG has many flights at night and is blight airport 
Compared with other airport, thanks to nearby highways and parkings, HKG is blight airport for night spotting. And HKG operates 24 hours, planes take off and lands whole day. Especially from 23:00PM to 1:00AM, there are many flights to Europe, whose arrival time at destinasion should early in the morning. During this time, you can see A380 of BA, LH, EK in May 2019. They being long range flights and tking off lower, it is comparably easy to take them. And some day OZ's A380 comes, it is short rage flight but takes off not so higher

■カメラや設定等 : Cameras, lenses and settings
現在はNikon D5 を使っていますが、D3sの時代から撮っていますし、D800でISO6400でも撮れましたので、カメラは最新のものである必要ないと思います。正直言うとD5もD3sも中古で買いました。求めるクオリティは個人個人違うと思いますが、ISO6400以上が常用のカメラなら撮影自体は可能だと思います。入門機でも撮れることもあるかもしれませんが、おそらくオートフォーカス辺りで差が出ると思います。(D4s→D5で感じました)
Now I use Nikon D5 but I think we do not need to use latest camera for night shots because I used to use Nikon D3s (second hand) and I could take with ISO6400 on Nikon D800 before. To tell the truth I bought my D5 and D3s on second hand.
It may depend on how much quality you require but if your camera can take with  ISO over 6400 in normal use, it can take night shots. Some entry model may have such ISO, I guess there may be diffrence on auto focus. (I found it when I changed camera from D4s to D5)
Anyway the most important thing is not camera, but blight Yasumura,,,no, fast lens. I think we need the one with at least F2.8.

I describe my night setting here but these figures are only for the nights not applicable for twilight time. At twilight time, skys change its colors and blightness faster, all settings also need to be changed soon, for example if you take photos with my setting here, skys must be too strong blue at twilight time.

■それでもやっぱり難しい : But it is still difficult....
I darely intruduce you how I take night shot here, in fact there are many many failures.
We can see planes only as a points of lights at night, so I usually can not see if the focus is exact or not and I sometimes start taking without knowing it. I usually take 30 - 50 shots one time but I can get 10 shots when I am lucky, usually around 5 shots, sometimes unfortunately all shots get failed.

I show you those taken at respective points with settings and some commens below but I believe you may find better settings with your cameras and lenses, I hope if you see them as a kind of references.

■07運用: 車寄せ(南)から : 07 Operation:  07R↑ From Carriage porch(South)
07Rの上がり機の撮影になります : I usually take 07↑ from here.<設定>
絞り(Aperture) : F2.8
焦点距離(Zooming): 200mm
シャッタースピード(Shatter Speeds): 1/25-1/40
ISO: 6400(曇りや雨の日(Rainy/Foggy/Cloudy nights) )-10000(快晴の夜(Fine nights))
ホワイトバランス(White Balancs): 電球(Bulb)~K2500

When the weather is bad, lights reflect on the low clouds and fog and it makes the sky really blight so I can set shatter speed more faster but I usually do not change it  over 1/40 because I want to get ACL instead I change ISO lower. But if the target is rare, ex planes with special markings and the last time in my life,  I set shatter speed faster, in such case focus is more important than ACL.

We can see vapours on bad weather day, they give us nice shots when ACL are on with them or when planes fly into clouds(^∀^) I visit airport on bad weather days more than fine days.

■25運用(25R↓): SkyDeckから : 25 Operation: 25R↓ From SkyDeck
This is the 25R↓ shot taken at SkyDeck.
Shots with the thermal power plant are nice and, it is little far and harder to get focus, but taking with buildings are also nice.<設定>
絞り(Aperture) : F2.8
焦点距離(Zooming): 200mm
シャッタースピード(Shatter Speeds): 1/25-1/40
ISO: 8000-10000
ホワイトバランス(White Balancs): 電球(Bulb)~K2500

Compared with Carriage porch (South), taking night shots from SkyDeck is more difficult because background force me to move cameras flatly and need to get focus to downed gears and nunbers on its covers.( When we faile to get focus on them, it much stand out...)
Due to the 3rd runway works, there are many ships on the sea and they come into the shots eveywhere and here. Continuous shooting bend a part of flowed lights with shatter shocks.  Fast shatter makes the lights shapes just V shape but trying low speed cause blures...

■25運用(25L↓): SkyDeckから : 25 Operation: 25R↑ From SkyDeck
This is the 25L↓ shot taken at SkyDeck.
There is a few chances but if you can take clearly when planes land to 25L, the inmpact is must be very huge(^ω^)!<設定>
絞り(Aperture) : F2.8
焦点距離(Zooming): 200mm(it should be better if you have 300mm)
シャッタースピード(Shatter Speeds): 1/30-1/80
ISO: 8000-12800
ホワイトバランス(White Balancs): 電球(Bulb)~K2500

Planes are too far with my 200mm so I usually trim later. Planes are descending but I want to flow the lights behind flatly so I usually take care of the focus, blures and flatness as well.

■その他の外周ポイントから : From other points outside airport
I hereby show you the night shots taken at other points.
I may show you details in the future but, at this time, for your safety I refrain from showing detail information because staying in such desolate place out side airport makes small matters to critical matters. And some shots need additional equipments such as stepladders and so on.↑ : MTRビルポイントにて、25Rに降りるKEのA380を撮影
↑ : Taking KE's A380 landing to 25R from MTR building point↑ : HAECOポイントにて07RよりタキシングするOZ744を撮影。
↑ : Taking OZ's 744 taxing from HAECO point.↑ : 25Lエンドより07R着陸機を真下から
↑ : Taking 07R landing from 25L end.


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