【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】Data for Airliner Spotting
■はじめに : Greeting
I hereby show you the information for airliner spotting at Hong Kong International Airport (HKG) at the time of June 2019. I hope these information will be helpful for your spotting at HKG.(^^)
→資料一覧へ : To the list of data
→Introduction of Hong Kong International Airport

觀景山より07R離陸機を撮影: Seeing a taking off from 07R from Scenic Hill
■資料一覧 : List of Data
・撮影ポイント : Spotting Points
・夜撮影 : Night Spotting
・滑走路運用記録 : Records of Runway Opearations
・12ヶ月光線記録 : Sun Rays Records per months
・その他の情報 : Other Helpful Information
【ご注意 : Attentions】
Please be sure that my cameras are Nikon's full size so all mentions about focal length are based on them.
All information are just memos gathered by individual hobby, nobody checked them so not all information are correct. And there are some expressions for example “This flight takes off lower or higher” by just my experiences but please be sure it may be different when you come.(ex by the reason such as hot day makes planes taking off lower or strong winds makes them taking off higher and so on)
■ 撮影ポイント : Spotting Points
I hereby show you the list of Spotting points around HKG as in May 2019.
①スカイデッキ : SkyDeck ※2024年まで立ち入り不可: NOT Available until 2024⇒詳細:Detail
②T2連絡通路※現在使用不可 : T2 connecting aisle※ Now not reachable→現状: Current
: MTR building※ Alternative point of T2 connecting aisle←No longer can access⇒Related post
④T1車寄せ(南) : T1Carriage porch(South)
⑤T1車寄せ(北)※撮影可能になりました: T1Carriage porch(North)※Now available!
⑥キャセイ本社裏 : Behind of Cathay City
⑦觀景山 : Scenic Hill
⑨香港天文台の丘(沙螺湾ポイント) : Wind Profiler Station(Sha Lo Wan Point)
⑩山の上ポイント(アクセスは概要のみ) : The mountain point(Only summary of access)
■夜撮影 : Night Spotting
Thanks to 24 hours operation and much lights around, I can say HKG is suitable for night Spotting. I made a page for night photographing with my 4 years experiences from 2015.

夜に25Rに降りる機体をスカイデッキより撮影 Taking landing to 25R at night from SkyDeck.
→HKG夜撮影へ : To HKG Night Spotting
■滑走路および天気の記録 : Records of Runway Opeartaion and Weathers
From 2016, I record HKG runway operations by watching Flightradar every day. From 2017, with some weathers and from latter 2017, I recorded weathers almost everyday.
↑こんな感じの記録がご覧になれます(^^) : You can see this kind of data(^^)
★記録は下記の年をクリック! : Please click below years to see the records!★
・2016 ※すいません(TωT)事故により9,10月がありません: Sorry(TωT)Due to accident, I lost Sep and Oct
【ご注意 : Attentions】
@PDFが開きます : PDF will open
: Please see the data after you read the guides and attentions on the first page
■12ヶ月光線記録 : Sun Rays Records per months
I selected the photos taken in the morning, afternoon and evening of all months to know where sun rays come from in all months.
↑こんな感じの記録がご覧になれます(^^) : You can see this kind of data(^^)
★記録は下記をクリック!Please click below to see the records!!
→【資料】香港国際空港12ヶ月光線一覧 :【HKG Data】Sun Rays Records of 12 months
【ご注意 : Attentions】
@PDFが開きます : PDF will open
■その他お役立ち情報 : Other Helpful Information
・オクトパスカードとは何ぞや? : What is Octopus Card??
・香港国際空港出発/到着案内(HKGサイト) : Departures/Arrival info at HKG HP
・到着階マップ : Arrival Hall Map
・タクシー乗り場の案内板 : The information board at taxi station.
・(平日時刻表)東涌フェリー乗り場 : (Time Table for Weekday) 東涌(Tung Chung) Ferry Pier
・(土曜日時刻表)東涌フェリー乗り場 : (Time Table for Saturday) 東涌(Tung Chung) Ferry Pier
・(土休日時刻表)東涌フェリー乗り場 : (Time Table for Sunday and Holiday) 東涌(Tung Chung) Ferry Pier
・MTRの路線図(MTRサイト) : Line Map of MTR(MTR HP)