About Hong Kong International Airport
I hereby introduce you Hong Kong International Airport, at which I usually take airliner photos as my base airport.
(Except any description, all information and figures are at the time of May 2019)
★For the data of airliner photographying is here★
・ 概要: 世界屈指の大空港 : Summary : One of the biggest airport in the world
・ 24時間空港 : 24 Hours Airport
・ 滑走路運用 : Runway Operations
①コロナ禍以前の通常体制: Normal operations before Covid-19
: Operations under Covid-19 era(As of June 2022)
③第3滑走路の建設: Construction of 3rd runway
・ 視程 : Visibility
・ 太陽光線 : Sun Rays
・ 空港周辺の工事 : Construction Works around HKG
・ 気候 : Climates
・ 治安 : Public safety※注記あり: Attention attached
・ 市内とのアクセス : Access to city
■概要: 世界屈指の大空港 : Summary : One of the biggest airport in the world
正式名称は香港國際機場 (Hong Kong International Airport )で、別名赤鱲角國際機場(Chek Lap Kok International Airport)とも呼ばれます。IATAコードはHKGで、ICAOコードはVHHHです。滑走路は並行に3,800mを2本を備えています。山側と海側があり、山側が07R/25Lで海側が07L/25Rです。
Official name is “Hong Kong International Airport ” and sometimes called “Chek Lap Kok International Airport”. The IATA code is HKG and ICAO code is VHHH, and HKG has 2 parallel runways. Mountain side runway 07R/25L and sea side runway 07L/25R. (both 3,800m)
Almost 68 million people visited HKG by air (2015) and this figure is the 3rd in the world next to Dubai(DXB) and London Heathrow(LHR).And thanks to there being no tax for import and export cargos through Hong Kong (Hong Kong is freeport), whole amount of air cargos has reached 4,422,227 tons in 2015. This is the 1st in the world (※The second is Memphis with 4,290,633 tons)
香港拠点のCX(キャセイパシフィック航空), (KA) キャセイドラゴン, (HX) 香港航空, (OU) 香港エクスプレスだけでなく、A380に限ってもSQ,BA,EK,LH(※2019年5月)等と複数見られるだけでなく、大型機を中心に数分おきに離着陸を繰り返しています。また、EKの1日4便(A380×3便+B777×1便※2019年5月時点)のように、一日に何便も来るエアラインや、日本では見られないマイナーなエアラインを見ることもあります。
We can see many large aircrafts landing and taking off in almost every few minutes. Not only many fleets of CX (Cathay Pacific Airways), KA (Cathay Dragon), HX (Hong Kong airlines) and OU ( Hong Kong Express) which base HKG but also can see, for example, many A380s (SQ, BA, EK, LH※2019 May) everyday. And in addition to them, we can see same airlines several times in a day(ex,EK's 4 flights, A380 × 3 flights and B777 × 1 flight※2019 May) and can see some minor airlines which have no flights to Japan.
(Atlas) and K4 (Kallitta) in same day but also can see some cargos from Middle East and Africa, ex SV (Saudia), OR (Qator), ET (Ethiopian) and some minor cargo airlines, for example, Aerotrasncargo and raya airways.
They do make you excited!

747がたくさん並ぶ貨物エリア: Cargo area with many 747s
■24時間空港 : 24 Hours Airport
Airplanes are taking off and landing in every few minutes whole night. Especially from 23:00PM to 1:00AM, many flights to Europe, whose arrival time at destination should be early in the morning, take off with large aircrafts.
Ex) A380 of BA, LH and EK, and other major European airlines※2019 June
Thanks to the much lights from nearby highways and car parking, HKG is blight airport so if you have some cameras and lenses for night photography, you can enjoy taking night shots whole night ※on some day.
※This depends on which runway HKG uses because HKG uses only one runway at midnight (1:30AM to 8:00AM).

夜離陸するBAのA380 BA's A380 taking off at night
☆The guides for night spotting is here☆
■滑走路運用 : Runway Operations
①コロナ禍以前の通常体制: Normal operations before Covid-19
: Operations under Covid-19 era(As of June 2022)
③第3滑走路の建設: Construction of 3rd runway
①コロナ禍以前の通常体制: Before Covid-19 era(Normal operations)
Basically planes take off from mountain side (07R/25L) and land to seaside (07L/25R).
For landing, some cargo flights land to mountain side (around 1 flight per 1 or 2 hours) . It is rarely but some passenger flights may land to mountain side when they are next to large aircraft or on the day with strong winds and so on.
For departures, no flights take off from seaside runway in daytime.
HKG use only one runway during midnight(1:30AM to 7:30-8:00AM) for maintenance.
They change back to parallel operation from 7:15 to around 8:00 in the morning.(Little different from day by day. The most I saw in the past were around 7:30.)
I can say HKG mostly operates 07 through the year however we can see many 25 operations in summer and 07 operations in winter.
★I have recorded operations from 2016 (and some weathers) and provide them on this HP, I hope they are helpful to you with imagaing the HKG runway operations.
→Go to the chart
※However the period on which HKG operates 25 the most is different by year so I can say it is difficult to expect exactly the runway operations and weathers before visiting HKG.
Operations under Covid-19 era(As of June 2022)
Under Covid-19 era, at the time on June 2022, HKG operates with one runway (07R/25L), during 7:15AM to 18:15PM.
As of the term 0:00AM to 7:15AM, they operates with 07L/25R on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, with 07R/25L on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. During 18:15 to 23:59, they operate with 2 runways.
③第3滑走路の建設: Construction of 3rd runway
Many readers may have already known that a new runway, 3rd runway is now under construction. At the time of June 2022, 3rd runway itself have been completed and now they are constructing the facilities and terminals around.
From April 2022, they started testing 3rd runway by China civil aviation inspection company. They said they can start 3rd runway operation on time in this year.
The number of 3rd runway will be 07L/25R and that of current 07L/25R will be 07C/25C. After new 07L/25R start operation, 07C/25C will be closed for 2 years, so it should be from 2024 that they start 3 runway operations.
■視程 : Visibility
This may be the famous matter on airliners photographing so many people may already know, the visibility in Hong Kong is not good through the year. We can see many sunny days without clouds but with strong gas above horizon (Just can see white air)
It is quite difficult to expect the day with good visibility but, compared with other seasons, I saw some good visibility days in summer, there were some squalls in the morning and night washed away the dirt in the air.

視程のいい日(左)と悪い日(右) : The day with high visiblity (left) and low visiblity (right)
■太陽光線 : Sun Rays
Thinking about taking photos from SkyDeck when HKG operates 25 (trying to take planes landing to 25R), I can say most shots follow the light in the morning and are back to the light in the late afternoon.
★I explain about the sun rays at the part of respective photography points, if you want to know the details, please refer to them☆
→To the list.
Sun rises from just in front of the planes taking off from 07R in late May (around 20th May?) and beginning of August (around 1st August?).This means, compared with other months, most of the photos of 25R landing seen from Skydeck in the afternoon are back to the light. But, in other words, planes taking off from 07R follow to the light in the afternoon during this period. In winter when HKG mostly operates 07, I can say most shots planes taking off 07R from SkyDeck should be back to the light.
■空港周辺の工事 : Construction Works around HKG

空港周辺は工事だらけ : Many constructions around HKG
There are some large-scale construction works around HKG.
・3rd runway
・Highway between Hong Kong to Macau
(Highway itself has already completed)
・Extending terminal
・Re-arrangement of parking
Due to them, we can see many works everywhere here around HKG. And some have impacts for our photographing. For example, the most serious one is the disaprear of the north connecting aisle between T2 and parking, on which we used to take planes landing to 25R before SkyDeck opens. I cannot say it will be constructed again or no more in the future...
Works may give us new photo points but, until all works get completed, there should be some sudden changes not only for photographing itself but also change of our activities such as temporary re-allocation of bus stops and so on.
Please be sure for the changes from your last visit HKG when you come.
■気候 : Climates
Hong Kong belongs to subtropical and its humidity is high through the year. It should be different by year but usually rainy season comes from late March to July. specially from March to May, there are many days with strong fog or gas. After May we can see some sunny days with showers in the morning or at night. Compared with Japan, low latitude makes sun goes higher and sunlight strong. Please make sure to be alerted when you stay outside. And in summer, even in sunny days, strong rains may suddenly comes, so please be sure to bring an umbrella.

突然のスコール Squall suddenly came
There is short winter in Hong Kong but temperature rarely get lower than 10℃. However you may feel colder than temperature because there are only few buildings have warmer (less warm places) and in the most of buildings and public transportations run coolers for ventilation and dehumidification.
【ご注意ください:デモについて】 ご存知の方も多いと思いますが、現在香港では政府に反発する大規模なデモが頻繁に行われております。2019年8月時点では、特に週末は毎週のように各地で大規模なデモが行われ、時には100万人を超え(8月18日には170万人)、道路等が完全に埋め尽くされるので周辺地域の交通機関がストップします。特に空港では8月12日と8月13日の夜間に空港内で大規模なデモ活動が行われ、チェックインをはじめとする空港機能の大半がストップし、大半の便にキャンセルが出て大混乱になりました。現在空港への立ち入りは搭乗客のみに限定されており、チケットがないと入れません。(8月20日現時)。そのため、見送り・出迎え・買い物、当然撮影などの理由では入ることができません。エアポートエクスプレスも、減便しております。デモの周辺では道路を埋め尽くすほどの数の人がいます。特に最前線付近では何が起こるかわかりませんので、香港に来られる際は、デモの情報に注意し、行われている地域には近寄らないようオススメします。また、デモの地域に行かなくても、香港内で移動される際の公共機関がデモ地域周辺で止まり、時間内に目的地に着かないといったことも考えられますので、デモ地域から離れていてもデモ情報にはご注意いただきますようお願いいたします。 【Attention: Demonstrations】 Many people has already knows there are many large-scale demonstrations against government are held in Hong Kong. In August 2019, they hold demonstrations at each district almost every weekend. Sometimes over one million people attend the demonstrations (on 18th August was 1.7 million). Once demonstration held, the roads must be totally filled up with the people and most of the transportation must stop. As of the airport, large-scale demonstrations were held in the terminal at night on 12th and 13th August. They disturbed most of airport functions such as check in and so on, it cause cancellations of many flights. Now only passengers can enter the terminals.(on 20th August). No people can enter without air tickets. So we cannot visit airport for picking up, seeing off, shopping, of course taking photos and so on. AirportExpress also decrease their trains. Around the areas where demonstrations are held, so many people must come and road must be totally full of people. Especially at the front of the demonstration, nobody knows what will happen. When you come to Hong Kong, please be aware of the information of demonstrations and do not go close to the demonstrations. And if you are far from the demonstrations, some transportation you use may stop around the area where demonstrations are held, you may not be in time for the destination. So please pay attention to the information even when you are far from it. |
I can say Hong Kong is a safe area in May 2019. Some Hong Kong people is concerning that of in Japan. People like Japan products and some fairs of Japan products and cultures such as animations are sometimes held at large exhibition halls. Hong Kong being Japan-friendly area, some Hong Kong people understand Japanese.
Thanks to that United Kingdom used to be the master country of Hong Kong, some schools force their students communicate in English not only at classes but also among their conversation. You can communicate in English almost everywhere in Hong Kong.
I can say it should be better to go to Hong Kong than to go to the countries where nobody understand even English.
However there seems to be some criminals such as pick-pocket at crowded places and tourist points, please take care of your valuables same as when you go other countries.
■市内とのアクセス : Access to city
The route from arrival hall to each transportation is as below map.
①鉄道(MTR) : By railways(MTR)
・エアポートエクスプレス : AirportExpress
※ご注意: Attentions※2020.12.26
AirportExpress is not operated normally. In-Town-Check-In is also stopped. Please refer to below post or MTR HP for the latest information.
・関連記事: Related post

エアポートエクスプレスの車両 Trains of AirportExpress
博覧館 (AsiaWorld Expo) -機場(Airport)-青衣(Tsing Yi)-九龍(Kowloon)-香港(Hong Kong)
AirportExpress connects airport (機場) station which is directly connected to airport and Hong Kong (香港)station in Hong Kong island by 24 minutes in every 10 minutes.
One way fare to Hong Kong station is HKD110.00 (paid by 八達通“Octopus”) and if you come back to airport in same day, round fare is free (It means that round trip fare in same day paid by Octopus is HKD110.00)
→What is 八達通“Octopus”??
Stations are as followings
博覧館 (AsraWorld Expo) -機場(Airport)-青衣(Tsing Yi)-九龍(Kowloon)-香港(Hong Kong)
Operation time is from 6:00AM to 0:30PM, during non-operation time, the way you go to city side should be by bus or taxi.
★In Town Check In★
There are airline check in counters at Hong Kong station and Kowloon station. You can issue tickets and check in your baggage there.
Some airlines like LCC do not provide these services but counters open from in the morning and you can check in 90 minutes before your departure time.
For example, when you stay in hotels in Hong Kong side and you have night flight, you can enjoy sightseeing and photographing without any heavy baggage by checking them in and issue tickets earlier. They opening from morning, you do not need to take care of the counters at airport open 3 hours before departure time, and in town check in counters usually are not so crowded compared with those at airport.
These services are together with train tickets so you must pay the train fares before entering counter area (touch the Octopus or buy tickets). Of course, no payment required when you enter the platform.

In Town Check Inの入り口(香港駅) : Entrance of In Town Check In (Hong Kong Station)
: Local train (via Tung Chung (東涌) station)☆Hong Kong Disney Land
空港からバスで東涌(トンチョン : Tung Chung ) 駅まで移動して各駅停車で市内まで行く方法もあります。

東涌(トンチョン)駅 : Tung Chung station
路線名は東涌線( Tung Chung Line)で、香港ディズニーランドへもこの路線になります。ディズニーランドの場合、降りる駅は最初の駅で、欣澳(Sunny Bay)駅です。
You can reach to city side and Hong Kong Disney Land by local train via Tung Chung (東涌) station. Taking S1 or S56 bus at airport and getting off at Tung Chung (東涌) station (if you take S1 bus, Tung Chung station is the last stop), you can take local train.
The line name is Tung Chung Line (東涌線), you also can reach to Hong Kong Disney Land by getting off at the first station 欣澳(Sunny Bay station).
→Go to MTR map (MTR HP)
②バス : Bus

空港線専用バス Express bus between airport
There are many buses go to each districts in Hong Kong.
Line No of express buses with comfort seats are AXX and normal bus (all stop) is EXX (※Other than there buses, you can see SXX which goes near airport, BXX which is related to Macau over border and so on)
Bus stops to go to city side (AXX and EXX) are gathered at the south side next to T2. And lane map will help you to find your bus stop. Each bus departs almost in 20 or 30 minutes from 6:00 AM to 1:00 AM next day (This depends on the line).
→Bus stop map around HKG
Buses run from 6:00 AM to around 1:00 AM next day. Other time (1:00 AM to 6:00 AM), you can take night buses. No is changed to AXX to NXX, if the No is same (ex A11→N11), destination district is same but the routes, stops and final stop should be changed and less-frequent, and some bus stops at airport are also changed. If you need to take these buses, please be careful of them.
※Some lines have NAXX
(Almost same as AXX but stops are less than AXX and fare should be little more expensive)
③タクシー : Taxi

空港のタクシーターミナル Taxi Terminal at Airport
・赤(初乗り2km: HKD24.00)が香港島や九龍周辺
・緑(初乗り2km: HKD20.50)が中国に近い新界、
・青(初乗り2km: HKD19.00)が空港の属しているランタオ島内といった感じです。
Please go to taxi station north side next to T2. You can find staffs waiting, please inform them where you want to go and follow their instructions. This depends on how the road crowded, fares should be around HKD250-300 to around Hong Kong station in vacant time (just my experience on 2019 May)
Taxis are classified by colors where they belongs.
・Red (First 2km:HKD24.00 ) : Hong Kong island and around Kowloon side.
・Green (First 2km: HKD20.50): 新界(New Territories), where is near China side.
・Blue (First 2km: HKD19.00) : Inside Rantau island in which airport is located.
→(Photos) Information panel beside taxi information center.
→Details and latest information (HKG taxi HP)
However sometimes it seems not to be apply. There are many red taxis running near airport and you can take them to go around airport. Some drivers may accept so you do not need to wait for blue one.(If you do not care the difference of first fare)
※You may see many red taxis make long line near airport, these drivers may want to get long distance (to city side) passengers, so for your moves around airport, you should not to try them but to running one or the one just dropped off its passangers.
・支払い : Payments
For payment, there are only a few taxis accept by Octopus or cards, please prepare cash.
And if you have large baggage they may require you additional fare (HKD6.00 per baggage※ Red taxi) and at the toll gate of long bridges and sub marrine tunnels as well.
Paying in large bills, drivers sometimes do not have enough changes, so if you have only HKD500.00 or ※HKD1,000.00 bills, I recommend you to change them to small one in advance.
・チップ : Chips
When you get some coins as changes, people usually left them as chips, if there's no changes, you can give drivers your coins from your wallet.
※HKD1,000札 : HKD1,000Notes
In the past, much counterfeit HKD1,000.00 notes have been distributed so some shops may decline to accept or, if they accept, it takes long time to check. I recommend, when you get some HKD1,000.00 bills at exchange, you should ask them to change them to HKD500.00 or HKD 100 notes.