【香港国際空港】撮影ポイント①SkyDeck: 【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】Spotting Point①SkyDeck


【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】Spotting Point①SkyDeck

For the expantion works, Terminal 2 is closed from 29th November 2019 to 2024 when the works are expected to be completed. So now we cannot access to SkyDeck until 2024. For the details, please refer to the press release from the airport.
<Press Release>
~Terminal 1 Extension to Commence Operation on 29 November 2019~

現地画像 : The view of SkyDeck・概要 : Summary
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access

■概要 : Summary
香港での飛行機撮影でおそらく最も有名な撮影ポイントになるかと思いますSkyDeckは第2ターミナルの香港航空探知館(Aviation Dicovery Centre)にある展望デッキです。山あり(07R↑)、海あり(25R↓)、都会風景(25L↓)ありで撮れる背景の種類が多様なのも魅力の一つだと思います。
SkyDeck should be the most famous airliners spotting point in Hong Kong.It is an observation deck at 香港航空探知館(Aviation Dicovery Centre) in ternminal 2. taking airplanes with background of mountains (07R↑), sea (25R↓), city view (25L↓) and so on. These many backgrounds must be one of the attractive points of SkyDeck.
Required entrance fare but, thanks to SkyDeck being in T2, we can access easily and, of course, the easy access to labatories and convenince store makes our photographying confortable.

(香港)平 日:午前11時   ~午後22時

<Opening hours>※Holidays are Hong Kong based
Week day(Monday to Friday) : 11:00AM - 22:00PM
Weekend and public holidays:   9:30AM - 22:00PM
SkyDeck opens in rainy days but may be closed if the weather is quite bad (some alarts or strong rains and so on). And when some works proceed SkyDeck may be closed.
When SkyDeck is closed, we can see the notice at the gate of Aviation Discovery Centre.

<料金 : Fares>
チケットを買わずに入る人がいるようで、最近チケットチェックは厳しくなったように感じます。“If any suspected criminal offence about ticket issue was found, will be reported to police for prosecution.  (チケットの発券に関して、これに反する犯罪と思しき行為を発見した場合、処罰のために警察に通報します) ”の注意書きが最近入り口に貼られました。
One time entrance fare per adult is HKD15.00- and 1 day pass per adalt is HKD40.00-. (In addition to them there seem to be some for children, students and senior). Of course you can buy by Octpus. I guess if you do not enter 3 times, buying 1 time ticket everytme should be reasonable.
Strictly speaking where the entrance is placed, getting out for toilet should be counted as one time I guess.
There seem to be someone who enter without buying tickets, it made the ticket cheking more strict these days. New notice which says “If any suspected criminal offence about ticket issue was found, will be reported to police for prosecution” has placed at entrance there days.

■現地からの眺め : Views from this point
①北側(07L/25R方向) : North (Seeing 07L/25R)
②西側(第1ターミナル方向) : West (Seeing Terminal 1)
③南側(07R/25L方向) : South (Seeing 07R/25L)

■撮影サンプル : Sample Photos
↑: 香港定番の25R降り機
↑: Famous shot of Hong Kong, planes approaching to 25R
↑: 同じく25R降り機を街をバックに
↑: 25R approaching with city back
↑: 25L降り機です。便は少ないですが同じく定番のビルバック
↑: Not many chances but also famous shot of Hong Kong, planes approaching to 25L.
↑: 香港は25が好まれますが夏の夕方の07R離陸も絶景です(^^)
↑: Many people like 25 operations but I can say departures from 07R in summer evening are also very nice(^^)
↑: 同じく07R上がりを。低い便だと貨物エリアの機体群とセットです
↑: Another tking off from 07R, the planes taking off lower can be taken with background of planes on cargo area.

■撮影環境 : Conditions
①レンズ : Lenses
For the famous shots  which airplanes landing to 25R should be 200mm~(Full size),
for 25L landing with full view of tall apartments should be 300mm~
for the planes taking off from 07R should be at shotest 300mm (closest)
(I recommend you to bring the one 400mm~)

②光線状況 : Sun Rays
In summer when you take planes landings to 25R, they follow to the light in the morning and start to be back to the light from afternoon.
However on summer solstice season (from late may to top ofAugust), planes are on the top lights or back to the lights even in the morning and are back to the light whole afternoon.
In other words, planes landing to 25L and taking off from 07R, during this period both follow the lights almost whole day.
In winter, when HKG mostly operates 07, if you take planes taking off from 07R, almost all shots should be back to the light whole day.
In other word, it is very rare but if HKG operates 25 in winter, all planes landing to 25R should follow to light all day.

Just compared by sunlight,, I can say spotting at SkyDeck in summer is the best spotting at both on 07 and 25 operations (and rare 25 oprations in winter).

■注意事項等 : Attentions
As you can see on the photos, there are no roofs which protect you from sunlight and rains so it is quite hot in summer and it burns you soon even in a just short stay. I strongly recommend you to prepare sunscreens and hats for sunburn and sufficient water for heatstroke, and unbrella for sudden rains.
Airport free Wifi cannot reach to SkyDeck, you need to buy SIM card and change if you want to see Flightrader on your mobiles.

In the past, I saw a person who seems to be a Japanese quarreling with Hong Kong people and a Japanese group chatting about other nearby people with laud voice. Hong Kong being Japan-friendly erea, some Hong Kong people can understand Japanese, please be careful of your words as well as when you are in Japan.

■アクセス : Access
I hereby describe how to access to SkyDeck from arrival hall on T1, for example.
↓①First, please go to T2
↓②Please turn left at the front of AirportExpress station
↓③Please turn right at the corner beside taxi services centre
↓④Please go through the aisle to T2
↓⑤Please go up the escalater at the end of aisle
↓⑥Please go straight. You can find 711 left side, if you need water or something, please buy here.
↓⑦Please go up the escalater at the end of aisle and tuen left.
↓⑩そのまま進むとAviation Discovery Centreの入り口があります
↓⑩After just a litte walk, you can find the entrance of Aviation Discovery Centre.
↓⑪Some soldiers from Star Wars world welcome you.
↓⑫右のカウンターでチケット購入。右の列に並んで、“One SkyDeck ticket please”でOKです。入り口はそのまま奥に進みますが、トイレに行きたい場合は、先にどうぞ
↓⑫Please buy ticket at the right counter. You can buy at right line, just inform the clarks “One SkyDeck ticket please”You can reach the entrance of SkyDeck by just walking straight but if you want to go to toilet I recomend you to go first.
↓⑬This is enstrance, if some clarks here please show your ticket.The elevater incide leads you to SkyDeck.
↓⑭Below is the elevator. Some new displays have been attached on the wall. Any information will be showed in the future(^^)?


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