【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】Spotting Point⑩From the mountain
こちらのポイントはアクセスや滞在に危険を伴いますのでアクセスは概要のみ掲載します。無理して行かれて、怪我等をされても、当サイトは責任を負いません。There are some dangers with reaching and staying at this point so I describe the access only summary of it. If you have any accidents, this HP do not take any responsibilities.現地の画像 :The view of this point
・概要 : Summary
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス (概要のみ): Access(Only the summary)
■概要 : Summary
This is second point near 沙螺灣(Sha Lo Wan), and located on the mountain. You can see around the airport from here, especially the mountain side runway (07R/25L). You can take photos of all departures from high point for both 07 and 25 operations. You can take nice photos of 25L taking off. However it is really hard to reach this point due to the long walk in mountain and some dangerous points on the way, I refrain showing the details of the access.
■現地からの眺め : Views from this point
■撮影サンプル : Sample photos
↑:Some short rage flights take off higher with back of terminals and towers.
↑:Short-middle range flights take off with back of the spotted planes↑↑: 長距離便はHAECOの工場をバックに低く上がっていきます
↑↑: Long range flights take off lower with back of HAECO factory↑↑↑: 07運用の際、離陸機はこんな感じで07Rから離陸していきます
↑↑↑: We can see the departures from 07R like this during 07 operations.↑: 07運用の際、ほとんどの貨物機は全機目の前の誘導路を通っていきます
↑: We can see almost all cargo flights taxing on the taxiway in front of us during 07 operaions.
↑: 07Rへの着陸するカーゴルクスの747です。こちらも高い目線でいい絵が撮れます
↑: The cargolux 747 landing to 07R. We can take nice 07R landings from high point.
■撮影環境 : Conditions
・レンズ :Lenses
手前の誘導路を通過する貨物機で250-300mm, ランウェイ上の機体でも300mm~、25Lエンド付近の機体で400mmのイメージです
250-300mm for the cargos on the taxiway in front of us. For those on the runway should be 300mm~. It is 400mm for the planes on the end of 25L.
・光線状況 :Sun Rays
Most of the shots in the morning should be follow the light and getting back to the light afternoon but in summer solstice season (from late May to top of August) you see almost all shots from here should be back the lights whole day or top light in shot time. In winter, you can enjoy the shots which follow the light almost whole day (BUt some may be back to the light in late afternoon).
■注意事項等 : Attentions
Please do not be in hurry and be careful of your foot.
Please prepare much water.
There being much insects, please bring insect repellents and long sleeves.
In case for the weather changes suddenly, please bring umbrella. It may be sunshades for you.
Please wear the shores which are suitable for mountain climbing.
■アクセス (概要のみ): Access(Only the summary)
沙螺灣(Sha Lo Wan)のフェリー乗り場から徒歩で30分~40分、東涌(Tung Chung) 方向からでも徒歩で1時間半です。フェリーが2時間に1本程度なので、場合によっては歩いた方が早い場合があります。しかし、どちらから向っても直前にきつい上りがあります。また、登りの後は道のない山に入って、15分ほど歩くだけでなく、滑りやすいところや、落ちやすいところもあるので、向うにはそれなりの体力と経験が必要です。香港は亜熱帯で、夏場は通常30℃以上で特に湿度も高いので、この気候の中で長時間の山道は非常に体力を使うので、登山に自信のない方は避けた方が無難かと思います。
It takes around 30 to 40 minutes walk from 沙螺灣(Sha Lo Wan) ferry peir or 1 and half hours walk from 東涌(Tung Chung) side. Ferries come almost in every 2 hours, so sometimes you can reach here earlier on foot. However on both ways we need to go up hard before this point and we need to walk 15 minutes in the forest without any pathes. And there are some slippery points and cliffs on the way, you need much powers and experiences for mountain climbings. Hong Kong belonging with subtropical climetes, it usually should be over 30℃ in summer and has much humidity, walking long time in such places must make you exhausted sooner, I recomend you to give up to come to this point if you do not have any confidence.
And you may find many large spiders on the way. They do not have any poison but they MUST be 3 times bigger than those in Japan. If you do not like them, you need to be ready to see them.
The point itself is on the slope with slippery soils, you CANNOT be at ease even at the point.