【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】Spotting Point⑥Behind of Cathay City現地画像 : The view of this point
・概要 : Summary
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Samples Photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attention※2020年1月更新: Updated in Jan 2020
・アクセス : Access
■概要 : Summary
This point is on the bridge which is above the highway and behind Cathay City, which S1 bus runs.This point helps you to take pictures of planes taking off from 07R with following lights on the winter season when the same shots get back to the lights from SkyDeck.
This point is not so high from the ground so the shots of short range flights should be the just bottom shots of planes but for long and middle range flights should be not to be that.
Compared with from Scenic Hill, I introduce on other part, there are no backgronds but here being closer to airplanes you can take shots with less concerning about heart hazes or gases.
We being not able to see planes taxing, they suddenly come from the back of buildings. You can also take the shots planes landing to 25L.(But you need to check the time and day)
■現地からの眺め : Views from this point
■撮影サンプル : Samples Photos↑: 上がりの低い長距離便でこんな感じです。
↑: Low took off long range flight was like this↑: 少し高いとこんな感じ。バックが空なのであまり違いが分からない(^^;)
↑: Little more higher, background being only sky it is hard to find difference(^^;)↑: 上がりの高い近距離便です。便によっては機体番号が判読しづらいかも(><;)
↑: Short range flight took off higher. It may be hard to recognize their registration numbers for some flights(><;)
■撮影環境 : Conditions
①使用レンズ : Lenses
For the planes taking off 07R, it should be from 200mm to 300mm.
②光線状況 : Sun Rays
Except summer solstice season(from late May to top August : back to the light all day), shots from this point are following the light in the morning, start to be back to the lights from afternoon, especially in winter, they should be follow the light almost whole day.
■注意事項等 : Attention
On this point, we stay just on the side walk of the road and there being no handrails, please be careful of passing cars especially large vehicles such as buses and tracks for constructions.
There also being no shades, please take cares of your health such as sunburn, heatstroke and mosquites for long stay.
③セキュリティー: Securities Matter
I heard a spotter has been politely alarted by airport securities not to take photos here and instructed to stay ground level. If you are alarted, please follow their instruction politely.
■アクセス : Access
I hereby show you how to access to this point.
You can access here by bus and on foot, but there are some constructions around here, new building seems to be constructed, so in the future, bus stops may suddely changed. (I've seen 2 changes theres days). Please be sure of it.
・空港または東涌駅から(赤矢印) : From airport or 東涌 (Tung Chung) station (Red arrow)
【バス : Bus】
空港または東涌駅からS1のバスにお乗りいただき、『民航處總部 Cad Headquarters』のバス停でお降りください。空港からも駅からも概ね10分程度で到着します。なお、行きと帰りのバス停が離れていますので、ご注意ください。
Please take S1 bus and get off 『民航處總部 Cad Headquarters』. It takes around 10 minutes from both airport and station. Please be careful that there is a little distance of the bus stops to airport and to 東涌 (Tung Chung) station.
↓↓①After getting off the bus please go west straight along the street and accross the corner.↓②突き当りの左カーブの手前から右の側道にお入りください。
↓②Please turn right before the left curve.↓③コンクリートの歩道があるので、そのままお進みください
↓③You can find concret sidewalk and please go along with it. ↓④最初の信号で通りをお渡りください。
↓④Please accross the street at the first traficlight.↓⑤お渡りいただいた後、数分でポイントに到着します。
↓⑤After a few minutes walk from the traficlight, you can reach to the point.
・キャセイシティーのバス停から(青矢印) : From the bus stop Cathay City(Blue arrow)
When you want to come here from HAECO point, it is faster to get off the bus at Cathay City and walk than to change the bus at 東涌駅 (Tung Chung) station.
↓①After you get off the bus, please go airport side and accross the roundabout. There are much trafics, please be much careful for the vehicles!!!↓②消防署の前を道なりにお進みください。
↓②Please go along the road in front of the fire station.↓③真っ直ぐ進むと右に高速道路の方へ向かう道があるので、そちらにお進みください。
↓③You can find the aisle forward to highway at right side, please turn right to the aisle.↓④信号機を渡り、階段を進むと、ポイントへ到着できます
↓④Please accross the highway at the traficlight and go up the stairs. It lead you to the point.