【香港国際空港】撮影ポイント⑦觀景山 : 【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】 Spotting Point⑦Scenic Hill


【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】Spotting Point⑦Scenic Hill
現地画像 : View of this point

・概要 : Summary
・現地からの画像 : The view from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample Photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項 : Attention
・アクセス : Access
・関連記事:Related Posts

■概要 : Summary

This point is a viewing platform on the hill named 觀景山(Scenic Hill), which is located south side of airport. You can see around the airport.
If you want to take shots of planes taking off from 07R with Hong Kong like backgrounds, this point will help you when the shots from SkyDeck are back to the light.

It is a little far from airport so most of shots need some trimmings even taken with 400mm (full size) but you can take some shots with back ground of terminals and control towers. You must feel excited when planes take off with best angles!!
You also can take some planes taxing. I recomend you to come in the morning because there are less gases and heat hazes.
And you can also take rare shots of planes landing to 25L with terminals  (but you need to check the time and days).

It takes around 25 minutes from airport (10 minutes bus and 15 minutes walk), or around 30 minutes walk from 東涌 (Tung  Chung) station (but there is a toilet on the way). It may be hard at the first 10 minutes walk on the mountain trail, but latter half of it is not so hard. There being a roof and benchs, you can take photos even in rain. Except no toilets there, you can stay at ease.

■現地からの画像 : The view from this point

■撮影サンプル : Sample Photos
↑: 上がりの角度がいいと、管制塔が2本とも入ります(^∀^)
↑: If planes take off with nice angles, we can take with 2 control towers back(^∀^)
↑: ミッドフィールドコンコースとセットになる場合もあります
↑: Some planes take off with background of Midfield Concourse
↑: 長距離便で上がりが低いと第1ターミナルが背景になる場合もあります。
↑: Some long range flights take off lower with background of Terminal 1.
↑: タキシング中の機体です : Taxing planes
↑: 25L降りの機体の場合、ターミナルや高速道路が背景に入ります。
↑: When we take planes landing to 25L, the background should be terminals and higways.

■撮影環境 : Conditions
①使用レンズ : Lenses
The shots with planes and cotrol towers need little trimming even taken with 400mm with full size cameras and if you take short range flights, they must take off higher, you need over 500mm or large trimming.
②光線状況 : Sun Rays
In summer solstice season (from late May to top of August) you see almost all shots from here should be back the lights whole day. Except this seazon, many shots in the morning should be follow the light and getting back to the light afternoon. In winter, most of the shots are follow the light.

■注意事項 : Attention
At the first 10 minutes mountain trail, you need to go up long steep stairs. They foece you to go up almost all atitude here so you may get exhausted considering walked time.

Hong Kong belongs to subtropical climetes, if you try to go up in hurry for the reason such as your targets are comming, you must get totally exhausted. Please do not try such things but try to come much earlier to your targets (of course please consider the waiting time for buses)
Stairs and trails are made by concrete and usually get well maintenanced but some part are not, please come with the shoes which are suitable for walking.

There being roofs and benches but please do not forget sunscreens, insect repellents and an umbrella for sudden rains even it being fine in the morning.
You can go to the toilets only on the way to (from) 東涌(Tung  Chung) station (25 minutes) or after arrived at (before come from) airport by bus.

■アクセス : Access

クリックして拡大 : Click for large

・空港から : From airport
→到着階周辺の地図 : Map around arrival Hall 
空港からはS1またはS56のバスにお乗りいただくと、最寄のバス停の『飛機燃料庫 (Aviation Fuel Tank Farm)』に約10分ほどで着きます。S56の方が快速なので少し早いです。下車後徒歩数分で登山道に入り口に着きます。登山道は最初の10分程度の急な階段がきついですが、後半からは楽です。ベンチも途中にあります。階段を上りきってから数分で展望台に到着します。
S1 or S56 bus will lead you to the nearest bus stop 飛機燃料庫 (Aviation Fuel Tank Farm). It takes around 10 minutes from airport. Being express bus, S56 should reach earlier. You can reach to the enstrance of mountain trail by around a few minutes walk.
It may be hard walk on the long steep stairs at first 10 minutes but after the stairs trail is not so hard. You can find some benches and reach to the goal in a few minutes.
↓a: 飛機燃料庫(Aviation Fuel Tank Farm)のバス停で下車後は、進行方向へそのまま進みます
↓a: After you get off at 飛機燃料庫(Aviation Fuel Tank Farm), please go foward↓b: ラウンドアバウトを左へ進んでください。曲がった先すぐに登山道の入り口があります。
↓b: Please turn left at the roundabount, you can find the entrance of moutain trail soon.→登山道から先はこちら
→After you reach the entrance of moutain trail.

・東涌駅から : From 東涌 (Tung  Chung) station
。バスに乗って(飛機燃料庫 (Aviation Fuel Tank Farm)で降りるという手もありますが、十数分しか差がないし、途中にトイレもあるので、私はいつも徒歩で向かいます。行き方はそんなに難しくないので上記地図と下記の画像をご参照いただければ幸いです。
You can reach to the entrance of moutain trail in 15 to 20 minutes on foot from 東涌 (Tung  Chung) station. You also can reach here by bus (getting off 飛機燃料庫(Aviation Fuel Tank Farm)) , there are not much difference between on foot and you can drop in on toilets on the way, I alway go there on foot from station.
You can find the way easliy with the map and photos below. Please refer to them.

※A地点までの行き方 : How to reach point A
ポイントAまでは2019年6月現在周辺工事のため赤の矢印のようなルートになっています。青の※印のところに信号が設置される予定ですので、将来的にはバスターミナルの中を通過する青の矢印になると思います。 現在はガードレールがあるので※印のところでの道路の横断は不可です。
The route to point A is like red arrow due to construction work at the time of June 2019. New trafic lights will be placed at blue ※ mark, so the route will be change to blue arrow, on which you go through the bus terminal. Now there are guardrails at ※ mark, you cannot across the road there now.

↓A: 建物の脇の通りを真っ直ぐ進みます。
↓A: Please go straight the road beside a building.
↓B: 突き当たりにトイレがあります。裏には歩道橋の入り口があります。
↓B: You can find a toilet at the end of road. There is a entrance of footbridge behind the toilet.
↓C: 歩道橋の入り口です。赤の矢印に従い渡ってください。
↓C: This is the eatrance of footbridge. Please follow the red arrow.
↓D: 歩道橋よりD地点を。歩道に従い橋に向かいます。緑のサイクリングロードは橋をくぐるので、お間違えのないようにご注意。
↓D: Seeing the D point from the footbridge. You will go along the sidewalk to the bridge next. The green aisle is a cycling course and does not lead you to the bridge, please be careful not to along this green aisle.
↓E: 橋の上はこのような感じです。
↓E: The view on the bridge is like below
↓①After few minutes wallk from bridge(Bus stop), you can find guidepost to the mountain trail.
↓ ①登山道入り口の階段です
↓ ①This is the stairs at the entrance of the mountain trail.
↓②You need to go up this steep stairs about 10 minutes, please walk slowly and do not be in hurry.
↓③This is the view after you go up the stairs. You can walk easier.↓↓③マンション方向や南側の綺麗な景色が待っています(^^)
↓↓③Beautiful scene of apartment side and south side are waiting for you(^^)
■関連記事: Related Posts
觀景山からの25Lの着陸と陽炎 : Taking 25L landings from Scenic Hill and heat hazes


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