【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】 Spotting Point⑧HAECO
現地画像 : The View of this point

①HAECO工場周辺: Around HAECO Factory

②25Lエンド周辺、進入灯側まで行けます : Around 25L End, you can go close to ALS lights.

③滑走路南側 : South side of runway
・概要 : Summary
・現地からの画像 : The view from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample Photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access
■概要 : Summary
These points are at and around end of runway 25L, beside HAECO maintenance factory. This point is famous for the shots which planes taking off from 25L with mountain back. And when HKG operates 07, you also can take all approaching planes.
Especially during 25 operations, the road being around the runway, you can find any points to take the shots with the angle you want with your targets. You can get the best shots if your targets take off actually as you expected!
I can say, in other words, changing the points many times makes you exhausted, especially in sunny days. You need to take care of your health as well as seeking the points. It takes around 15 minutes to 20 minutes walk from bus stop to the end of runway.
For the shots of planes approaching 07L, you can take all by just staying on the rocks, no need to move many times. If planes land to 07R, you can also take powerful shots at the right below of the planes by going to end of runway.
■現地からの画像 : The view from this point↑: HAECO工場周辺から西側を望む(07Lアプローチ方向)
↑: Seeing west side from near HAECO factory (Seeing 07L approaching)↑: 同じくHAECO工場周辺より南側望む(25L離陸方向)
↑: Seeing south side from near HAECO foactory(Seeing 25L taking off)
■撮影サンプル : Sample Photos↑: 07Lに降りてくる747をHAECO工場周辺より撮影
↑: Taking 747 landing to 07L from near HAECO factories.↑: 上がりの高いKE748を前から撮影。場所はHAECO工場近くの背の高い岩からです。本当に上がりの高い近距離便やビジネスジェットなどはどこから撮影してもお腹だけですが、近距離便でもこのように背景に山が入ったり、前気味に撮影することができます。なお、手前に駐機している機体がある場合は、尾翼等に隠れる場合があります。
↑: Taking KE748 which took off higher. The place I took it was on the large rock near HAECO factory. Shots of some short range flights and business jet with light planes should be just bottom shots from all points around here but some short range flights can be seen with mountain like this shot. However if some planes park near here, their tails may bother some of your shots.
↑↑: 25L離陸の747長距離便を撮影。場所は空港内のシェードが終わったあたりの岩の上です。上がりが低いと2枚目のように背景のほとんどが山になります。
↑↑: Taking long range 747s taking off from 25L. The place I took them was on the rocks near the end of shades in airport. If the flight is heavy and takes off lower, most of the background should be mountain like second photo.
↑: 25L離陸の長距離便を前から。場所は、高い道路の照明が低い照明に変わるあたりです。長距離便に対して迫力のある絵が撮れますが、近距離便など上がりが高い便の大半がおなか撮影にあり、犠牲になります(苦笑)
↑: Front shot of long range 747. The place I took it was where the high streetlights change to low lights. This place helps us to take such powerful shot with long range flights but, in turn, for short range flights, they must get only bottom shots in vain.↑: 朝07Rに降りてくる機体を真正面・真下から撮影。日中は運ですが、夜間07R運用になっている日の朝、8時前の切り替えるの前までなら全機撮れます。
↑: Taking 07R landing from right front below in the morning. In daytime, we can take this kind of shots just only when we are lucky but can take bofore 8:00 AM in the morning when HKG operates 07R at midnight.↑: あまりないですが、冬の25運用の夕方にKEの747を滑走路の南側から撮影。冬なので南側からの方が順光になっています。画像のKEの747はやや上がり高いので、真ん中辺りから撮影です。長距便などはエンド付近で滑走路のシェードが終わったあたりからがいいと思います。
↑: It should be rare case, taking KE747 from south side of runway in winter evening. It being winter, taking from south side follow to the lights. I took it around middle of this area because KE747 usually takes off higher. If you want to take long range flights, it should be better to go around the end of shade beside runway.
■撮影環境 : Conditions
①使用レンズ : Lenses
For the planes approaching 07L, if you take them from near HAECO factory, you need 300mm~ at the nearest point (full size) likewise if you try 400mm, B777s are taken with almost no margins.(amended in Nov 2019)
For the planes taking off from 25L, it should be differrent amang what angle you want, but, for example, you need 100mm~ when you take heavy flights with full mountain back.
②Sun Rays
・For the planes approaching 07L
Most of shots follow to the light in the morning and gradually get back to the light from late afternoon except in summer solstice season (from late May to top of August), this period they are back to the light all day. In winter you can enjoy almost all shots following to the light, especially in the sunny morning with clear air and visibility.
・For the planes taking off from 25L (Trying to take with mountain back)
In summer, most of the shots following to the light from afternoon, especially in summer solstice season (from late May to top of August) you can enjoy them from late morning. Some spotters seem to move with the sun, they visit SkyDeck in the morning and start to move here when they see planes get back to the light.
・For the planes taking off from 25L in winter (seems to be rare case)
If you try to take shots with mountain back in winter all of them should be back to the light, it should be better to go opposite side of runway. You can take shots with following to the light but no background (only the sky) .
③撮影場所 : The place where you take photos
・07運用時 : 07 Operations
Most of planes approaching to 07L, you can take them from on the rocks near the factory of HAECO. You can take right beside shots. When planes land to 07R, you also can take them, but some streetlights may bother you.
⇩Below small harbor point has disappeared due to the constructions of new airport facility. (≧≦)⇩
You can take 07L approaching from a small harbor near the bus stop.

船着場の様子(過去) : View of the small harbor(IN THE PAST)
⇧現在の船着場の様子 : The current view of the small harbor. ⇧
こちらは飛行機には一番近いですが、真横が撮影できないだけでなく、いつもいる消防隊の黄色い船のアンテナが入る時があります。ただ、07Rに降りてきた場合は、山をバックに綺麗に撮ることができます。釣り客もいます。なお、6年間の撮影で最近になって初めて交通整理(Trafic Control) に注意されましたので、もしかしたら注意されるかもしれません?
You can take approaching from the small harbor near the bus stop. Here is the nearest place to landing planes but you cannot take the right beside shots and the antenna of the yellow rescue ship at anchor may bother you. But when planes approach to 07R, you can take them with nice mountain back.
There may be someone who enjoys fishing here. I have got first warning from Traffic Control in my 6 years photographing here these days. I do not why but please be careful of it when you visit here.
・夏の25運用 : 25 Operations (In Summer)
Many spotters take photos around HAECO factory. And you can find your points as you like, if you have any particular shots, you may take them with guessing how your target takes off and move to the best place for it.
I usually stay at 3 points for the angles and targets and I placed samples of them, I hope if you refer to them.
It must be common sense that the angles with which planes take off should be different by the ranges, the amount of cargos, passangers, temparature and winds. There have been many failure shots because my targets took off higher (lower) than my expect.
On these pints, there is a road between you and planes, if hight vehicles especially buses and tracks pass, they must bother your shots. And if you select large rockes to clear the fences on airport side, please be careful of yourselves because staying on the rock is in danger.
・冬の25運用※稀ですが : 25 operation (In Winter)※This should be rare case
冬の25運用の場合、HAECO工場周辺(つまり滑走路のに対して北側)からだと、逆光になるので、空バックですが南側に移動すると順光になります。この場合は、バスは終点まで行かずに一つ前の停留所の『政府飛行服務隊( Government Flying Services)』の方が近いと思います。エンドまで徒歩15-20分程度です。撮影できる範囲が広いので便に合わせて歩き回ることになります。例えば、長距離貨物だとエンドの駐車スペースに近い岩場周辺ですが、近距離便だと、ヘリの格納庫周辺等です。
It should be rare case but if HKG operates 25 in winter, if you try to take the mountain back shots from around HAECO factory, all shots should be back to the light whole day.
If you want to take shots following to lights, it should be no background but you can take them by going to south side of the runway.
If you want to visit there, it is better to get off the bus 1 stop before the last stop, stop name is 『政府飛行服務隊( Government Flying Services)』. It should be 15-20 minutes walk to the end of runway from the bus stop.
You also can select the points arond here, for example, for long range caego flights, it should be from the rock near parking erea, for the short range flights, it should be from near the hanger of helicopters.
■注意事項 : Attentions
【このポイント全般 : Common to all these points】
①トイレや日陰等がない : No toilets, No shades
There being no shades, it is quite hot in summer and it burns you soon even in a just short stay. I strongly recommend you to prepare sunscreens and hats for sunburn and sufficient water for heatstroke, and unbrella for sunlights and sudden rains. And there also being no toilets, you only can go there before or after come here (at airport or at the station.
②バスの本数が少ない(20分に1本) : Less bus services (Every 20 minutes)
Buses come in every 20 minutes, so especially when you come here, please expect much time. Usually it takes around 40 minutes from/to airport include changing buses but, in case of the bad connection, I guess it should be better to leave airport/here 1 hour before to your next target.
③周辺に売店・自販機等なし : No stores and vending machines
There are no stores and vending machines around here so you cannot get any supply. Please buy a little more than you expect becasue, even you planned to leave soon, it may occur that your target delays for long time or you find new targets. There are many flights in HKG, they may force you to stay longer.
④大型車両に注意 : Be careful of large vehicles
There is a construction gate for 3rd runway near here, and many tracks to HAECO come (you may see the some transporting airplane engines), these many large vehicles come here, please be careful to them.
⑤歩き回る時は体調に注意 : Be careful when you walk around many times
You can change your angles as you like so if you walk around in sunny hot days, but it must make you exhausted soon, please take care of your health as well.
⑥たくさんの人が集まります : Many people come here
Here is also nice viewing point for sunset, many people come here to see it and enjoy taking photos. And polices and traffic controls come here many times and warm illegal parking and to the people who act in danger. I rarely see they warm to the airliner photographers but please be careful of them.
【特に岩場では : Especially when you are on the rocks】
Standing on the rock is danger, please stand carefully with your balances.
All rocks are really large and make deep gaps, if you drop something in it, they must never come back. I have dorpped my mobile at night before, I spent really acazy time then. Please alawys watch your belongings carefully.
■アクセス : Access
空港からだとS1またはS56のバスにお乗りいただき、東涌駅でS52『飛機維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area』にお乗換えいただくと、終点がHAECOポイント周辺になります。空港からは概ね40分程度で移動できますが、S52のバスは20分に1本しかないので、乗り継ぎが悪いと1時間以上かかることもあるので、ターゲットがある場合は、1時間は余裕を持って移動された方がいいと思います。東涌駅のバス停の配置は2019年6月現在下記のようになっています。S52のバス停は行きと帰りのバス停が並んでいるので、必ずバスの表示は番号だけでなく行き先も見てからご乗車ください。なお、バス停も5月に変わったばかりです。バス停周辺も工事中なので、突然変わることがあるのでご注意ください。(ここ半年で3回変わっています)
From airport, please take S1 or S56 bus and get off at 東涌(Tung Chung) station. And please change bus to S52『飛機維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area』, the last stop is around HAECO point. Usually, it takes around 40 minutes from airport to HAECO point but S52 bus come every 20 minutes, so if connection is bad, it may take around 1 hour so if you have any target airplane, please make sure to leave at least 1 hour before it. The bus stop map at 東涌(Tung Chung) station is as below. Please be careful that the S52 bus stop to 『飛機維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area』is next to from one. So please carefully see not only the No of the line but also the destination. The bus stops were re-arranged just in May (it was 3rd time in this half year), bus terminal is still under re-arrangement, they may change again in the future, please be sure of it when you come.
→To the person who know well.

東涌バスターミナル(2019年6月) Tung Chung Bus Terminal (2019.June)
↓① This is the S52 bus stop at 東涌(Tung Chung) station bus terminal.↓②行き先案内版の表示です。S52『飛機維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area』に並びましょう
↓②This is the destination information board. Please wait at S52『飛機維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area』. In the morning, you may see S52P, it does not go the the last stop, please do not take S52P.↓③バスに乗ったら一番前か右側の座席がオススメです(^^)もちろん一番前が楽しいですが、右側に座れば滑走路脇を走るときに、HAECO工場内が見渡せるので、思わぬ発見があることがあります。一度激レアジャンボの尾翼を発見して捕獲に成功したことがあります(^∀^)画像は
↓ :③ I recommend you to take front seat or right side one(^^). Of course, the front one is the fun and you can see around HAECO factory from right side seat when the bus runs beside runway. In the past I found the tail of very rare 747 and I could take photos of it later(^∀^) The photo was taken at Asia Airfreight Terminal. You can see 2 Atlas 747. You can also know what freighters will take off later.☆
↓④終点の飛機維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Areaに着いた後の画像です。HAECO周辺へはバスが来た道を少し戻るだけです。なお、船着場は画像のように右へ進みます。
↓④This is after we arrive at last stop 飛機維修區 Aircraft Maintenance Area, you can reach HAECO point by just few minutes walking back the way. As you can see, if you go right, you can find harbor point.
※慣れた方への乗り換え情報 : To the person who knows well.
I introduced the access between airport and HAECO point by the one via 東涌(Tung Chung) station for the safety and simpleness reason. The shortest one from airport should be the one changing bus at 飛行機燃料庫(Airport Fuel Tank Farm), but it may end to take same bus as you change at Tung Chung station, and to the airport should be the one changing bus at Cathay City to other buses going to airport.
The fastest way is, of course, by taxi. It may cost around HKD120 to 150. But what we want the most is these kind of urgent moves never happen(^^;).