【Hong Kong Int'l Airport】Spotting Point⑨Wind Profiler Station(Sha Lo Wan Point)現地の画像 :The view of this point
・概要 : Summary
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access
■概要 : Summary
This point is near the Wind Profiler Station across the sea from 25L end.
It takes about 15 minutes walk from 沙螺灣(Sha Lo Wan) where is 10 minutes ferry from 東涌(Tung Chung). There are 2 points near 沙螺灣(Sha Lo Wan), this point is the one people usually call as 沙螺灣(Sha Lo Wan) point.
You can see around 25L end from here without any obstacles. You can take all departures from 07R and can take landings to 07. 07L is a little far from here but landings to 07R are very nice.
There are some guides with photos to this point in front of the wind profiler station gate and floors of and pathes to this point are made by concretes and they cut off the trees for photographying, I can say this point is admitted officially.
And you can find toilets on the way from 沙螺灣(Sha Lo Wan) ferry pier, this also is a good point. It takes about 5 minutes from this point to the toilets.↑: 特に秋~冬の夕方は綺麗に西日が当たります
↑: Especially in the late afternoon from autumn to winter sunlight hit the planes very nicely.
■現地からの眺め : Views from this point
■撮影サンプル : Sample Photos
・07Rからの離陸: The departures from 07R
・07Rからの貨物機の離陸: Cargos departure from 07R
・07Rへの着陸機: Landings to 07R
・25Lからの離陸機: Taking offs from 25L
・その他: Other
・07Rからの離陸: The departures from 07R
↑↑↑↑: 07Rの離陸機はこんな感じで撮れます(^^)
↑↑↑↑: We can take 07R departures like this(^^)
・07Rからの貨物機の離陸: Cargos departure from 07R
↑↑: 貨物機はこんな感じです(^^)
↑↑: Gargo departures are like this(^^)
・07Rへの着陸機: Landings to 07R
↑: 07Rへの着陸機は目の前を通過していきます
↑: Planes landing to 07R are pass through just in front of us.
・25Lからの離陸機: Taking offs from 25L↑: 近距離で上がりの高い便の中には、管制塔が2本とも背景になることもあります(^^)☆
↑: Some short range flights may take off high with the back of 2 control towers(^^)☆ ↑: 視程がよければ対岸のマンションがバックになることもあります☆
↑: If the visiblities nice, some planes take off with the back of apartments accross from the sea☆ ↑↑: 長距離便の貨物便の離陸です。駐機場の機体やHAECOの整備工場をバックに上がっていきます☆
↑↑: Taking off of long range cargo. They take off with the back of spotting planes and HAECO maitenance factories☆
・その他↑: 到着した貨物機が07R/25Lを渡るところですが、視程がいいとターミナルや駐機機がいい感じでバックになると思います☆
↑: Arrived cargo accrossing 07R/25L. If the visiblities good we can take it with terminal and spotting planes back nicely☆
■撮影環境 : Conditions
・レンズ :Lenses
It should be 200mm~ to the planes around 25L end and should be 400mm to the planes landing to 07L.
・太陽光線 :Sun Rays
For the planes on the runway(07R), in summer solstice season (from late May to top of August) you see almost all shots from here should be back the lights whole day. Except this seazon, many shots in the morning should be follow the light and getting back to the light afternoon. In winter, most of the shots are follow the light. Most of the targets are departures from 07R, we can see they turn 180℃, they are following the light at some points all time . Westering sun shines on the planes beautifully in Autumn and Winter.
■注意事項等 : Attentions
There are no shades, please be careful of heatstrokes and sunburns.
There being less ferries(almost in every 2 hours), I guess you need to stay here for long time, please much prepare for the foods and, especially, much water in case for the heatstrokes.
There are many insects, please bring insect repellents and long sleeves.
Roads are made by concretes but please wear the shores which are suitable for walking.
When the ferry gets full, you must wait for the next ferry or walk about 1 and half hours(But this time is for the person who knows well around here). Please arrive at ferry piers earlier.
! I have seem the ferry arrived at 沙螺灣(Sha Lo Wan) 10 minutes earlier but they did not wait for the departure time. So I strongly recomend you to arrive at piers earlier especially when you plan to take last one.
■アクセス : Access
The access is 10 minutes ferry from 東涌(Tung Chung) and about 15 minutes walk after ferry. There are not so much up and down you can walk at ease.
I used to come here only on foot at no ferry time but it took at least 1 and half hours so I do not describe it here.
①東涌フェリー乗り場までの行き方 : How to reach 東涌(Tung Chung) ferry pier
②フェリーの時刻表 :Time tabele of the ferry
☆フェリー会社の時刻表のページ : Timetable on ferry company HP☆
・平日と土曜 :Week day and Saturday
・土曜日: Saturday
・日曜と祝日 :Sunday and Holiday
③沙螺灣からのルート : The route from 沙螺灣(Sha Lo Wan) ferry pier
①東涌フェリー乗り場までの行き方 : How to reach 東涌(Tung Chung) ferry pier
A: 空港から直接向う場合 :From Airport
S56のバスにお乗りいただき、東涌(Tung Chung)駅の次の停留所で降りると目の前が東涌フェリー乗り場になります。
Please take S56 bus and get off it at NEXT stop from 東涌(Tung Chung) station. The bus stops in front of the 東涌(Tung Chung) ferry pier.
B: 東涌駅からの場合 :From 東涌(Tung Chung) Station東涌駅からは徒歩で約10分程度になります。なお、途中の歩道橋までは觀景山に歩いて向う場合と同じです。
About 10 minutes walk from 東涌(Tung Chung) Station. The route is partialy (Until the footbridge) same as the way to 觀景山(Scenic Hill).
②フェリーの時刻表 :Time tabele of the ferry
・平日と土曜 :Week day and Saturday
・土曜日: Saturday
・日曜と祝日 :Sunday and Holiday
③沙螺灣からのルート : The route from 沙螺灣(Sha Lo Wan) ferry pier
↓①This is the entrance of the path(Seeing from 沙螺灣 ferry pier)
↓↓②Please go along with the path for a moment.
↓③Please go straight at the tennis court(Please DO NOT TURN LEFT)
↓④You can find a bridge and toilets after accrossing the bridge.
↓⑤This is the toilet.
↓⑥Please turn right and accross the bridge, and turn left.
↓⑦You can find a square sooner.Please go through it.
↓⑧Ater the square you can find a branch.Please go up the slope on LEFT side.
↓⑨You can reach to the gate of Wind Profiler Station in a few minutes.
↓⑩You can find the guides with photos(^^)
↓⑪Please go up the slope in front of the gate.
↓⑫You can go along with this kind of concrete path(No pathes in the past)
↓⑬We've just arrived(^^)!