What is Octopus!?
I hereby introduce the 八達通“Octopus” card, which is the must item in Hong Kong life.
①八達通“Octopus”とは何ぞや? : What is 八達通“Octopus”?
②どうやって入手するの? : How to get Octopus??
③使い方は? : How to use??
④チャージはどうするの? : How to charge??
⑤マイナスもOK? : Octopus accept over amount?(minus amount after paid)
⑥残高知りたいんだけど : Want to know the balance
⑦有効期限は?(香港から帰国後など) : Expiration date (After leave Hong Kong)
⑧払い戻しはできるの? : Refund
①八達通“Octopus”とは何ぞや? : What is 八達通“Octopus”?
It makes you easy to understand if you imagin that 八達通“Octopus” is similar to SUICA card in Japan. 八達通“Octopus” card helps you to pay the fares of trasnportation, such as MTR, buses, tram, ferries and cable cars EXCEPT TAXI and some payments at vending machines, all convinience stores, some supermarkets and restaurants sudh as fastfood.
(but most of local stores cannot)
It is bothering to buy train tickes everytime and, especially on the crowded bues, checking the fares and takig out small coins from wallet, Octopus make it easy to do such payments by just touching Octopus. And there seems to be some stores in Shenzhen and Macau which accept payments by Octopus in HKD.
Octopus must much extend your activities!
②どうやって入手するの? : How to get Octopus??

空港のMTRサービスセンター : MTR Services Centre at airport
サービスセンターに行き、英語で“One Octopus please”といって、現金でHKD150.00を渡すと、HKD100.00分が使えるカードを渡されます。
You can get Octopus cards at the service centres near the gate at MTR or ferrie station or convenience stores in cash. And you can find issuing machine at airport, which has been placed these days.
At the service centre you can just say “One Octopus card please ” and pay HKD150.00. You can get Octopus card charged HKD100.00.
HKD50.00 is for deposit.
If you pay with HKD200.00, HKD50.00 should be return to you as change.
→I tried to buy Octopus from issuring machine at airport!(To article)
☆Airport Express Tourist Octopus☆
通常のカードのほかに、旅行者向けに“Airport Express Tourist Octopus”という種類のカードがあります。滞在日数が14日以内の旅行者のみが対象で、有効期限が180日です。
HKD250(初回チャージHKD200.00): AirportExpressに1回無料で乗れる+MTRが3日間無料
HKD350(初回チャージHKD300.00): AirportExpressに2回無料で乗れる+MTRが3日間無料
☆Airport Express Tourist Octopus☆
There are special Octopus card for tourist named “Airport Express Tourist Octopus”.
It is only for the tourists who stay in Hong Kong within 14 days and it will expire in 180 days from issued day.
There are 2 type of “Airport Express Tourist Octopus”.
HKD250.00 card (First charge HKD200.00): 1 free AirportExpress + 3 days free fare of MTR
HKD350.00 card (First charge HKD300.00): 2 free AirportExpress + 3 days free fare of MTR
Deposit of HKD50.00 and refund of balances and depost is same as normal Octopus card. You can buy one at issuring machine.
③使い方は? : How to use??駅であれば改札、バスであれば乗車口、コンビニやレストランであればレジの側等に、オクトパスの支払機があります。新旧で表示方法は若干違いますが、いずれも使用時に引かれた金額と新しい残高が確認できるようになっています。コンビニや商店などでは、店員さんが現金支払いか分からないので、支払い時にオクトパスカードを見せてあげるといいでしょう。
You can just place your Octopus card on the payment machines at the gates in the station, at the enstrance on the buses and next to the cash register at the stores. There are some difference between old and new machines but both show you the new balances and the amount how much you paid.
At the convenience stores or other shops, restaurants, clerks don't know which way you want to pay by Octopus, in cash or by cards, it should be better to show your Octopus card to them before you pay.
④チャージはどうするの? : How to charge??
チャージは駅のチャージ機(『増値機(Add Value Machine)』といいます)や全てのコンビニ、および一部の提携店でもできます。
You can charge Octopus card at the 増値機(Add Value Machine) at stations or at all convenience stores or some partnershops.
There are so many convenience stores in Hong Kong that I usually charge Octopus there.
チャージはHKD50.00単位でできます。増値機ではカードを差し込んで、お札を吸い込ませて、返却ボタンを押すだけですが、HKD100.00札とHKD50.00札のみ対応なので、手元にあるのがHKD500.00札のみの時や、HKD20.00札やHKD10.00札が手元にたくさんあるような時は、コンビニのレジになります。レジではカードを見せながら英語で『Cherge Please』と言いながら必要なお金を渡すを渡すだけでOKです。お釣りが必要場合は英語で必要な金額を伝えるだけでOKです。
Charge is only by HKD50.00 units. At 増値機(Add Value Machine), you can just insert your card, insert bills and press return bottun but 増値機(Add Value Machine) can accept only HKD50.00 bills and HKD100.00 bills so if you only have HKD500.00 bills or many small bills (HKD20.00 and HKD10.00 bills) you can add values at convenience stores.
It is also easy to charge at convenience stores for you to just show your Octopus and hand over the money you want to charge. Of course I you need changes, you can just inform how much you want to charge.
⑤マイナスもOK? : Octopus accept over amount?(minus amount after paid)
Within HKD35.00, Octopus accept minus amount once.
You cannot pay HKD34.99 after your balance get HKD-0.01, minus amount is allowed only one time.
You can use your card again with plus amount after charge.
⑥残高知りたいんだけど : Want to know the balance
You can know your balance and the recent payment records at the machine in the stations.
Just touching your Octopus, your balance and recent records are shown on the display.

残高表示機と表示例 : Octopus Enquiries Machine and sample view
⑦有効期限は?(香港から帰国後など) : Expiration date (After leave Hong Kong)
Octopus card will be temporary locked 1,000 days after your last charge. You can release the lock at the service centre in the MTR station.
⑧払い戻しはできるの? : Refund
You can refund your Octopus card at the service centre at MTR station. You can refund the balance and deposit as well.