Now July 2023 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2023 July.☆
You can see from below URL or from data page☆
I’d like to post 5 Flightradar memos and an extra this month☆
This is an A343 of Surinam Airways. It apparently come from Air Belgium. I found it used to be OO-ABD.
The name of this airline may make it to be difficult to see it but, ,,,
According to its flight histories these days, it just connects Amsterdam and Paramaribo as PY993 and PY994, the airport we should try to see is Amsterdam. (・∀・) DELICIOUS
②N537CA最近ナショナルに新たに入った元JAL機体です。最近ちょくちょく見かけるようになりましたね(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
JAL時代の機体番号はJA402Jです(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
This is one of pure cargo 747-400Fs which joined to National these days. It comes from JAL. It can be seen often on the Flightradar these days. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Its reg No, when it belonged JAL was JA402J. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Just only their upper decks being shorter, but their impressions are quite different from other BCF fleets. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
NCA時代の機体番号はJA03KZ .です(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
The next is N768CK, which comes from NCA to Kalitta☆
Its reg No, when it belonged to NCA was JA03KZ. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
日本人としては、こうしてまだまだ元気な姿を見られるのは嬉しい限りです( ꈍᴗꈍ)
As a Japanese, I feel glad to see such 747s are kept well active. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
MSC Air Cargoというエアラインの777Fです。
I had seen once it had come to Hong Kong in the past, this is a 777F of MSC Air Cargo. It came back to Hong Kong. (*´ω`*)
Last time its logo seen on the Flightradar was Atlas but this time none.
I remember the color of N708GT used to be LAN cargo (without LAN). (・∀・)
I hope it will come to Hong Kong regularly. (*´ω`*)
⑤TC-MGG見たことない773を発見。MGAというトルコのエアラインのようです。尾翼のハートのロゴがオシャレですよね(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
この機体は元ヴァージンオーストラリアのVH-VOZで、アズールに移籍してVQ-BTKだった機体のようです(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
I found a 777 whose color I have never seen. The name of the airline is MGA, an Terkish airline. The 2 colors heart on the tail is nice. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
This ship used to be VH-VOZ of Virgin Australia and moved to Azul to be VQ-BTK. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
■オマケ: Extra
先日の香港遠征でも少し触れましたが、香港のスーパーあるあるです(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
As I mentioned a little on the last post about my return to Hong Kong, it should be seen often at Hong Kong supermarkets.
Please see this display shelf. (゜o゜;
Almost everything is souvenirs from Japan. ヾ(*’O’*)/
It sometimes came up to me to try to buy them to pretend I go to Japan and actually not or go to other countries, and,,,, such chances never come to me. (。ノω\。)