【フランクフルト・ハーン空港】21エンド付近の北側の側道: 【Frankfurt-Hahn Airport】Sideway on the north side of 21 End


【Frankfurt-Hahn Airport】Sideway on the north side of 21 End

・概要 : Summary
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access

■概要 : Summary
This point is located on the old sideway beside around 21 end. There are tall fences along the runway and runway itself is higher than sideway but, around this area, the road is higher than the fences so we can clear them easily.  According to the comments from local spotters, 『This point is the best point around Hahn Airport』. The old sideway being old read, there are a few cars passing on it and there are some spaces for cars parking.

■現地からの眺め : Views from this point↑: 03エンド方向: Seeing 03 end side
↑: 21エンド方向。確かに03着陸機はいい感じで撮れそうな気がします(^^)
↑: Seeing 21 end side. It should be easy for us to expect the nice views of 03 approachings (^^) ↑: 正面の滑走路; Seeing the runway

■撮影サンプル : Sample photos
SORRY...Due to the few flights I could not take planes photos during my visit

■撮影環境 : Conditions
・レンズ: Lens
I cannot say any detail commnets due to no planes photos taken (SORRY)
Due to the rains I could not check it(SORRY)
We can stay higher than the fences but the runway is still higher than we, I guess it should be better for us to bring ladders. According to the comments from local spotters 『Ladders are not necessary but are prefer to the better shots』and I have seen the photos that some spotters taking photos on the ladders.

■注意事項等 : Attentions
I could not find anything we need to take care here

■アクセス : Access
↓: 空港ターミナルからだと、下記の黄色いルートになります。複雑なように見えますが、ほとんど迷いませんでした★いずれにしても運転には常に気を付けましょう。
↓: The route from airport terminal is as yellow route on below map. It seems to be complicated at once glance, it actually was not so much. Anyway then, please be careful of driving all time along.
(念のため: Just in case)

I describe it for just in case. There is a “NO ENTRY” sign standing beside the last corner to this point. And the arrows on the road facing opposite side, so I though it my be one way road and I tried once to enter this old sideway from opposite entrance, but I found  “NO ENTERY” sing there.
It means this old sideway is NO ENTRY from both entrance.
The road conditions from the other side are unpaved and in the forest. I addition to it I found a car parking on the center of the road, so I gave up trying. (Going through the forest on unpaved road must be danger for hurting car body and stucking)
It should be far from there, I recommend NOT to enter from the other side.   
↓: 反対側の入り口はこの辺り?
↓: The opposite entrance is here?↑: こんな感じ(^^;): The entrace is like this(^^;) 



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