【Data for Airliner Spotting】Frankfurt-Hahn Airport
・概要 : Summary
・撮影サンプル: Sample Photos
・便数およびターゲット: Amount of Flights and Targets
・ターミナル : Terminals
・滑走路運用 : Runway Operations
・撮影ポイント : Spotting Points
・空港周辺の様子: The View Around Airport
■概要 : Summary
フランクフルト・ハーン空港(Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn)は、ドイツのラインラント=プファルツ州(Land Rheinland-Pfalz)ライン=フンスリュック郡(Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis)ハーン(Hahn)にある国際空港です。フランクフルト国際空港から約100kmの距離にあります。
Frankfurt-Hahn Airport is an international airport located at Hahn in Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis Land Rheinland-Pfalz Germany. It is about 100km from Frankfurt Airport.
空港HP: www.hahn-airport.de
Its airport code is HHN(IATA)/EDFH(ICAO) and it has one runway 03/21 (3,800m/45m) . Its landing fee is not so expensive, most of its flights are LCC and cargos.
Airport HP: www.hahn-airport.de
・元空軍基地: Used to be an air base
It had originally been constructed as an air base. Most parts were returned to civil on Sep 1993 and completely returned in 2012. However there are still many combat chartered flights come to this airport.
・空港名: Airport name
When Ryanair started operations in 2001, they requested the airport to add “Frankfurt” on the head of airport name. Airport accepted it and changed their name from Hahn airport to Frankfurt-Hahn airport but Luhthansa were againt this change due to the confusion with Frankfurt airport. Airport decided not to change back the name but instructed Ryanair to describe the difference when they place the airport information on their AD and documents to the passangers and customers.
・アクセス: Access
There are some buses to Frankfurt airport (one hour and 45 minutes) and so on, not only by air, we can reach here by buses or by car from other airports.
(I visited from Liege airport by car)
■サンプル画像: Sample Photos↑: 展望デッキより: From observation deck
↑: 21運用の日に、第1駐車場(P1)10階より離陸する747を撮影
↑: Taking a 747 taking off from the 10th floor of parking 1 on the day with 21 operation.
■便数およびターゲット: Amount of Flights and Targets
As of the passanger flights, they are not so many flights and they should be some of Ryanair and Wizz air, which you can see some at other airports, but as of cargos and chartered flights, you can see US combat chartered flights and rare cargo airlines.
Even during my only 1 day stay, I could see taking off of 744 of SF Airlines and passanger type 744 of Atlas was landing.
These flights, US combat charterd flights and cargo flights are comparatively long range, you can come to this airport after you see their departures if you stay nearby airports.
I myself stayed beside Liege Airport and left there by car after I saw my target, US combat chartered flight, had departed from Norfolk.↑: 21運用の日に到着した米軍チャーター機: Seeing arriving US combat charter flight
■ターミナル : Terminalsターミナルは一つにまとまっているAおよびBと、離れて貨物ターミナルがあります。旅客ターミナルにはエプロンは11ありますが、全てB737クラスのものになります。
It has 2 passanger terminals, A and B, in the same building and has cargo terminal a little far from passanger terminals. There are 11 aprons on passanger terminals but all of them are for the planes whose size is B737.
■滑走路運用 : Runway Operations滑走路が1本のため離着陸の向きは風向きのみですが、滑走路がターミナルよりかなり高い位置にあるため、21運用の際には、着陸した大型機が誘導路を通らずにランウェイ上をUターンして、貨物ターミナル前のくの字形の誘導路を降りてくる光景を目にすることができます。
The runway being only one so operations depend on only winds.(It should be easy for us to expect the operations). However the runway is located quite higher than terminals, during 21 operations, we can see large aircrafts turn on the 21 end and taxi on the runway, and go down from runway on “く” shaped taxiway in front of cargo terminal
⇒You can see the details on this article☆
①ターミナルA展望デッキ: Observation Deck on Terminal A
★②第1駐車場(P1)10階: 10th floor of the Parking 1
★③21エンド付近の北側の側道: Sideway on the north side of 21 End
(④03エンド付近: Around 03 End)
(⑤格納庫脇: Beside the Hanger)
★②③は有名なポイントらしいです★②③ seem to be famous spotting points
※I could not take photos at ③~⑤, angles could not been checked.
■空港周辺の様子: The View Around Airport
↓↓Airport having been an air base we can see many remains of hangers.(A)
↓The view on the road north beside of runway(B)
We can see the runway along but there are fences. There are almost no spaces for cars parked. Runway being quite higher, if we can get the fences clear, gears or some parts of the aircraft body may be hidden.
↓Altitudes of this airport being quite high, we can see many roads go up and down badly(C)
It was rainy but I guess we can take very nice photos on fine days especially in spring or in autumn(^^)