【リエージュ空港】05Rエンド周辺: 【Liege Airport】Around 05R End


【Liege Airport】Around 05R End

・概要 : Summary
・ターゲット : Targets
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access

■概要 : Summary
This point is located on the large vacant land end of 05 taxiway. (There are some basement under this vacant land...) You can take all approaching and some departures during 23 operation. For approching planes, there are no obstacles for taking photos. If you stay in front of the end of taxiway, gears of departure planes must be hidded but you can take all of them moving to other place (I describe later). We also can take 05 departures but they should be taken their bottoms. 

■ターゲット : Targets
During 05 operations, plenes taking off should be taken their bottoms even if they are long range flights, so most of the targets from here should be the approaching planes and taxing departure planes during 23 operations. 

■現地からの眺め : Views from this point↑: 誘導路正面辺りから空港内を。ここからなら動いている機体はほぼすべて見えます。ここからは目の前を通る機体はギアが隠れますが、出発機はいつ出てくるか分からないので、この場所で動きを監視しながら、撮りたい出発機が出てきたら、全体が撮れる場所へ移動するのもありだと思います。
↑: Looking into the airport from in front of the end of 05 taxiway. We can see almost all planes moving inside the airport. The gears of taxing planes in front of this place must be hidden by the fences but, we cannot expect the departure time, it should be better way to see the planes from here and to move the place where we can take plane's full bodies when we find planes start to depart. 
↑: 滑走路ギリギリだとこんな感じ: Seeing the runway
↑: 23アプローチ方向: Seeing the 23 approaching side.
↑: 地図の赤い★の辺りからはこんな感じ。ここだと、タキシング機のギアは隠れないで撮れます。個人的には撮影はここが一番オススメ。ただ、ターミナル側の機体の動きが監視ができないので、普段は正面辺りで動きをチェックしながら、離陸機が動き始めたらこちらに移動して撮影していました。
↑: Seeing from the red ★ on the map. We can take taxing plane's full bodies without their gears hidden by fences. As for me, I like this place the most for taking photos. However from this place, we cannot see the planes moving inside airport, so I mostly stay the place where we can look into the airport and move back here to take photos. 

■撮影サンプル : Sample photos
↑: ★の辺りから23アプローチ機を撮影。このように背景を入れる場合は、★の場所よりはもう少し滑走路寄りの場所の方が綺麗に入るかもしれません。
↑: Taking 23 approaching from red ★, if you want to take this kind of shots, it maybe better to stay near runway than from red ★
↑: 同じく★の辺りからアプローチ機を撮影。
↑: Taking 23 approaching from red ★
↑: ★の辺りから23タキシング機を撮影。こんな感じで全体が写ります。
↑: Taking the 23 departure plane from red ★ We can take its full body like this. 
↑: 同じく★の辺りから滑走を始めたところを撮影。
↑: Taking planes startig takig off from red ★
↑: 03離陸機を撮影(訪問中はこの1回しかなかったです)。場所はよりも滑走路寄り(滑走路全体が見える辺り)の場所から撮影。
↑: Taking 03 departure (During my stay I could see 03 departure only this one). The place I took it was runway side from red ★(Finding the place where I could see the full runway)
↑↑↑↑: 少しだけですが、夜撮影もしてみました。フライトレーダーにで出ている到着機は到着時間が分かるのでいいのですが、離陸機はいつ出てくるか分からないので、冬の寒空の下で待ちながら延々といるのは根性が要ります(><)離陸機いい感じなので、、、頑張らなかったことをちょっと後悔。。。
↑↑↑↑: I tried to take night shots a little. I was comparatively easy to take approchings showed on Flightrader because I could know the arriving time but waiting departures in that cold air was quite hard time for me and felt it like forever because I could not know the departure time(><) But I love this night shots so I regret not to try more...  

■撮影環境 : Conditions
・レンズ: Lens
Taking approaching from the nearest place and taking right beside shots of departures can be taken my 80mm-400mm.  
・光線状況: Sun Rays
The season I visited, end of year, planes were on the lights from in the morning to afternoon (before 9AM to 15PM) and from arount 15PM, they got back to the lights.
・その他: Others
No toilets and no shades. Visiting in winter, it was confotable for me staying in the sun but it should be hard if you visit in summer so we should bring umbrellas in case for rains and making shades. Anyway then, there are only a few flights, it may better for us to bring some books and so on for killing times(^∀^;)

■注意事項等 : Attentions
・土質: Soils
It seems OK on the photo but some part of soils here are danger for walking
⇒Please see this as well
・セキュリティー関係: Securities matter
I stayed here all daytime during my 4 days stay but I have never been alarted by securities guards but please be sure to be careful of them 
・車で来られる方へ: For the person who visit here by car
During my 4 days stay, I came here by car and parked it on the “P” all daytime and found some local people also parked their car there. I have never encountered any troubles but I saw a wrecking car doing something there when I left Liege on last day, I could not find they were doing something for removing unlawful parled cars. There were just a coutryside so I do not think the worst case occurs but there bing overseas, we cannot expect what will happen, so please do not keep your valuables in the car and see your car regurally. Especially we cannot see cars from red ★, it should be bothering for us but I recommend you to do so.   

■アクセス : Access
・ホテルから徒歩で: On foot from the hotel
・ホテルから車で: By car from hotel
・ホテルから徒歩で: On foot from the hotel
The route from the hotel on foot is like on the yellow arrows on below map. Especially waliking blue ★ is danger, please be careful.
↓: 青い★の手前辺りです。矢印は土の上ですが、土が湿っているときはコンクリートの上の方がいいかもしれません。
↓: Before blue ★, the arrow is on the soils but when they are wet, it should be better to walk on the concrat.
↓: 黄色の矢印に沿って斜面を登り、反対側に行くと青い★の場所に付きます。斜面は泥が滑りやすいので注意です。
↓: Please go up the slopes along the yellow arrows, you can reach blue ★ after going up. The slopes are danger for slipping, please carefully go up.
↓: 青い★の辺りから30mくらい進んだら、赤い★の撮影ポイントですこの★の30mは歩き辛いので注意してください。
↓: Anout 30m from the blue ★, you can reach the spotting point red ★. This ★ 30m is danger for walking, please be careful when you walk. 

・ホテルから車で: By car from the hotel
When you visit this point by car from the hotel, the route should be on the yellow arrows on below map. I parked my car at the yellow “P” and found some people parked their cars around there as well.
↓:  車を停めた辺り、“P”の画像です。P車には貴重品はおかず、定期的に車の様子を見に戻るようにしましょう
↓: Seeing the “P”, where I parked my car. Please do not keep your valuables in the car and come back to see your car regually.


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