【Data for Airliner Spotting】Liege Airport
↑: ターミナル: Terminal
↑: 管制塔 : Control Tower
・概要 : Summary
・便数およびターゲット: Amount of Flights and Targets
・撮影サンプル: Sample Photos
・滑走路運用 : Runway Operations
・撮影ポイント : Spotting Points
・アクセス: Access
・オススメホテル: Recomended Hotel
■概要 : Summary
空港コードはLGG(IATA)/EBLG(ICAO)で、05R/23L(3,287m/45m)と05L/23R(2340m/45m) の2本の滑走路があります。滑走路はベルギー軍のビエルセ空軍基地と共有しています。
⇒空港HP: https://www.liegeairport.com/passenger/fr/
Liege Airport is an international airport located in Liege in Belgium.
Its airport code is LGG(IATA)/EBLG(ICAO), and has 2 runways 05R/23L(3,287m/45m) and 05L/23R(2340m/45m). It shares the runways with Bierset air base.
Most flights are freighters. ALS airlines Belgium bases this airport. As of the figures in 2018, Liege Airport is the 7th biggest cargo airport in Europe and 22th biggest cargo airport in the world.
⇒Airport HP: https://www.liegeairport.com/passenger/fr/
■便数およびターゲット: Amount of Flights and Targets
貨物メジャーのFedexやアトラス、ベースにしているASLエアライン以外にもリエージュとテルアビブ(およびアメリカ大陸)を結んでいるCALカーゴ(Cargo Air Lines)や欧州とアフリカを結んでいるマグマ・アビエーションやアストラス・アビエーションなど、普段アジア圏では見られない貨物機を見ることができます。
Not only major cargo airlines such as Fedex and Atlas, and ASL Airlines which bases this airport, but we can also see rare cargo airlines which we cannot see in Asia, for example, Cargo Air Lines which connects Liege and Tel Aviv (and North America), Magma Aviation and Astral Aviation, which connect Europe and Africa.
However most of flights seem to arrive and depart at midnight, there seem to be around 1 flight per hour in daytime. And I found there were no cargo timetables on airport HP and some flights on Flightrader might not be active but some flights which were not shown on Flightrader came. So we should try to be patient if we have some targets.
↑: ALSエアラインの747: 747 of ALS Airlines
↑: カーゴ・エアラインの747: 747 of Cargo Air Lines
↑: マグマ・アビエーションの747: 747 of Magma Aviation
↑: アストラル・アビエーションの747: 747 of Astral Aviation
■サンプル画像: Sample Photos↑↑: 05Rエンド付近にて撮影: Taken from 05R end
↑: ラウンドアバウト側の斜面より: From on the slope beside roundabout
■滑走路運用 : Runway Operations
滑走路は2本ありますが、短い5L/23R(2340m/45m) の方は、ほとんど誘導路として使われているようで、私がいた間に5L/23Rからの離着陸は一度も見ませんでした。
There are 2 runways in this airport but short one, 5L/23R(2340m/45m), seems to be used as a part of taxiway. I have never seen the flights which took off from or land to this runway during my stay.
⇒For the details please see this article.
■撮影ポイント : Spotting Points@注意@リエージュ空港周辺の土質について←クリック
@Attention@Soils on and around Liege airport←Click!
①05Rエンド周辺: Around 05R End
☆②ラウンドアバウト側の斜面: the Slope beside roundabout
☆③ホテルの裏山: The mountain behind the hotel
④23Lエンド周辺: Around 23L End
☆We need radders or narrow width lenses(For spotting in daytime)
※I could not take any photos at ③,④, angles are not checked
■アクセス: Access
There seem to be only only a few passanger flights at Liege Airport.(I could see only 2 round flights during my 4 days stay), so we should visit here by car rent, buses or trains. Nearby airports are Brussel(BRU) and Luxemburg(LUX), I came here from Brussel by car.
Driving in Europe is left-hand driving, if you come from the area with right-hand driving, such as Japan, please be much careful of driving all time.
⇒Attentions for driving in Europe(Just from my experiences)
■オススメホテル: Recomended Hotel
Park Inn By Radisson Liege Airport ①~③の撮影ポイントが徒歩圏内にあります。駐車場も無料です。
You can reach the spotting points ①~③ on foot. Parking fares are free.↑: 空港側をリクエストしたら、窓からこんな感じで見えます。
↑: If you request airport side, you can see this view from the room.