【リエージュ空港】ホテルの裏山: 【Liege Airport】The mountain behind the hotel


【Liege Airport】The mountain behind the hotel

・概要 : Summary
・ターゲット : Targets
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access

■概要 : Summary
This point is located on the small mountain behind the hotel. We can find some photos of planes approaching 23 with some back landscapes, I guess they were taken from around this point.
However there are about 2m fences, we need to bring ladders or select the lenses which can be inserted to the space 5cm × 5cm. I found some trackes some people use ladders and barbed wires bend so I guessed some poeples some here regurally.

■ターゲット : Targets
The targets should be the spotting planes or 23 approaching planes with landscapes. For spotting planes, I could take full view of 757 but others cannot be seen their full bodies due to the parts of other planes or some spotting lights. I'm not sure exactly but we may see some 05 taking off with some back? Anyway, it should be hard for us to bring large ladders. 

■現地からの眺め : Views from this point
↑: 隙間にレンズが入る携帯電話で撮影ですが、05エンド方向を撮影
↑: Taking 05 end side with cameras on mobile phone whose lens can be instertd the fences.  
↑: スポットエリアを撮影: Taking spotting area

■撮影サンプル : Sample photos↑: 便数が少ないことや、フェンスがあったので23降り機などは撮れませんでしたが、駐機していた機体は、携帯電話で撮れました。
↑: There being less flights and being fences here, I could not take 23 approachings but could take spotting planes with mobile phone.

■撮影環境 : Conditions

There are 2m fences along, we need to bring ladders.(Or bring small lenses)
・レンズ: lens
I could take only from my mobile phone so I do not know exactly but anyway if you do not bring ladders, you need to bring narrow leses which can be inserted to the space 5cm × 5cm.
・太陽光線: Sun Rays
The season I visited, end of year, planes were on the lights from in the morning to afternoon (before 9AM to 15PM) and from arount 15PM, they got back to the lights. 

■注意事項等 : Attentions
・土質: Soils

It seems OK on the photo but some part of soils here are danger for walking
⇒Please see this as well
・セキュリティ関係: Securities Matters
I left here just in short seeing around here because I gave up taking photos due to that I found I needed ladders so I could not find anything about securities matters but if you were alarted by securities guards, please kindly follow their instructions. 

■アクセス : Access
↓: ポイントまでは下記のようなルートになります
↓: The route to this point should be below
↓①: 空港周辺の土は滑りやすいですが、黄色の矢印のあたりは砂地でまだ歩きやすい方でした。(スポッターかどうかは知りませんが)人が通ったあとがあるので、通る場所は探しやすいです☆
↓①: Soils on and around airport are easy for slipping but some on the yellow arrows are a kind of rough sands, we can walk at ease. (I do not know they are spotters but) we can find some trackes which made by someome walked, it is easy for us to find whre we shoudl walk☆↓②: 登ったら道を渡って、フェンス沿いに進みます
↓②:  Please accross the road after climbing the slope and go along with the fences.↓③: この奥が撮影ポイントです。フェンス沿いの土は滑りやすいのでご注意を
↓③: The point is ahead of the arrows, please be careful that the soils along the fences are easy for slipping


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