【リエージュ空港】ラウンドアバウト側の斜面 : 【Liege Airport】the Slope beside roundabout


【Liege Airport】the Slope beside roundabout ↑: 05エンドのポイントから見たこのポイント: Seeing this point from 05 end point.

・概要 : Summary
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access

■概要 : Summary
This spotting point is located near 05 end point, on the slope near the roundabout. Same as other points, there are 2m fences along. We can see 23 approaching here but the back should be only the sky (I came here to see if I could take with any back landscapes)
We need ladders or narrow lenses to clear the fences in daytime but we may take the taxing and taking off planes during 23 operations. I guess we can take those shots with back landscapes, I have not taken in daytime but I took at night.
And, I guess it should be only in winter but we can see 737-757 size planes departing after their clearnings (romoving ices) at nights.(I could clear fences thanks to F2.8 lense)

■現地からの眺め : Views from this point↑: フェンス越しですが、こんな感じで真下のスポットが見えます。
↑: Seeing through the fences but we can see the spots below like this.
↑: 23アプローチ方向です。場所を工夫すれば、アプローチ機や離陸機もフェンスをクリアできますが、背景は空バックのみでしたし、撮れる範囲はあまり広くないかもしれません。
↑: Seeing 23 approaching side. You may find some places to take 23 approaching without fences but the back should be only sky and cannot take much. 

■撮影サンプル : Sample photos
Samples were only those taken at night but there wrere many flights departed at night, I took almost 1,000 shots only 1 night★  
↑↑: 737-757クラスの機体が目の前のスポットで掃除(除氷)してから離陸していく風景
↑↑: Seeing 737-757 side planes departures after their cleaning (removing ices)
↑: ランウェイ上の機体です。フェンスクリアができれば、昼間でも背景有で撮影できると思います。
↑: The plane on the ruway. If you can clear the fences, you can take them with some back landscapes in daytime.

■撮影環境 : Conditions
There are 2m fences along, we need to bring ladders.(Or bring narrow lenses)
・レンズ: lens
In daytime, we need to bring ladders to clear the fences or,if you do not bring ladders, you need to bring narrow leses which can be inserted to the space 5cm × 5cm.
They taxing too close to us I could not take 737 full bodies with 70mm so I guess 50mm should be better for the planes taxing in front of us. 
・太陽光線: Sun Rays
The season I visited, end of year, planes were on the lights from in the morning to afternoon (before 9AM to 15PM) and from arount 15PM, they got back to the lights. 

■注意事項等 : Attentions
・土質: Soils
It seems OK on the photo but some part of soils here are danger for walking
⇒Please see this as well
・セキュリティ関係: Securities Matters
I left here just in short seeing around here because I gave up taking photos due to that I found I needed ladders so I could not find anything about securities matters but if you were alarted by securities guards, please kindly follow their instructions. 

■アクセス : Access
↓: ポイントはラウンドアバウトの側の坂を登った、下の地図の赤い★の場所にあります。
↓: This spotting point is licated on the red ★on below map, on the slope beside the roundabout.

↓: この坂を登ります。フェンス沿いは土ですが、濡れているときは滑りやすいので、草のある所を歩いたほうがいいと思います。
↓: Please go up this slope. There are soils along the fences but when they are wet, it must be danger for slipping so it should be better for walking on the grasses.
↓: 少しの登ったら撮影ポイントです。
↓: You can reach the spotting point soon after a little climbing.


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