【フランクフルト空港】F-Stadion駅【Frankfurt Airport】F-Stadion Station


【Frankfurt Airport】F-Stadion Station
・概要 : Summary
・ターゲット : Targets
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access

■概要 : Summary
This is the train spotting from the station, F-Stadion where we change the train to/from 07 end point☆This point is end of the platform on which we get off the trains when we come back from 07 end point to airport so I guess we enjoy train spotting when we go back to airport.(Of course you can come directly here from airport for trains spotting☆) We can see well the 3 lines in fron of the platform. We can take well behind 2 lines. The trains on that 2 lines are mostly ICE express trains. There are some long trains, if they come from east side, we can take all cars. There are many trains passing, I believe we can much enjoy taking trains just in a hour(^^) 
We can see planes from inside this staion but those to/from 07C/25C・07R/25L are far from here and those to 07L/25R can be seen their bottoms.

■ターゲット : Targets
The targets should be the ICE express trains which pass the behind 2 lines of the 3 lines we can see from this point. The shots of the trains which are on the line beside us (the trains arriving or passing our platfom) should be just face shots.

■現地からの眺め : Views from this point↑: ポイントより東側、駅の構内を望む
↑: Seeing east side, inside the station.
↑: ポイントより西側を望む
↑: Seeing the west side from the point

■撮影サンプル : Sample photos: 連結器のカバー開いていますが、、、西側から来た短い編成の車両を撮影。編成が短いと全体が写ります。
↑: The cover of the coupler opened,,,anyway, taking the train comming from west side. If the train is short, we can see all cars.
↑↑: 同じく西側から来た車両を撮影。編成が長いと全体は撮れません。
↑↑: Taking the trains comming from west side. If the trains are long, we cannot see all cars.
↑↑: 東側から来た車両を撮影。東側を望んだ場合は、編成が長くても全体が入ります☆
↑↑: Taking the trains comming from wast side, when we see this side, we can see all cars even if they are long☆↑: 2階建ての車両もあるようです(^^)!
↑: They have some double-decker trains(^^)!↑: 自分のいるホームへ入線する列車を撮影。主に顔だけのショットになります。
↑: Taking the trains comming to our platform. Most of the shots should be face shots...↑: 貨物列車も来ました(^^)
↑: A freight train somming(^^)!

■撮影環境 : Conditions
レンズ: Lenses 
I used 24-120mm I thought it could cover all☆

■注意事項等 : Attentions
This is the common sense, please do not disturb the trains operaions, standing beside the rail tracks must be very danger. Please be careful of the trains all times. Especially when we seeing the trains comming from east side, we may not be aware the trains comming into to our platform from west side. So please do not stay close to the rail trackes and do not make train operators whisle the warming horns to you. There are not a few trains. We need to much careful to the trains comming from west side all time.  

■アクセス : Access
This point is just end of the platform on which you get off the train when you go back from 07R end point to the airport☆ 


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