【Madrid-Barajas Airport】T2 Restaurant (Sports Bar)
現地および現地からの画像 : View of this point and from this point

ほぼ食事画像ですいません(^∀^;) : Sorry for it being almost a kind of a food photo(^∀^;)
・概要 : Summary
・ターゲット : Targets
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access
■概要 : Summary
Taking photos from a restaurant (sports bar) on the T2 departure floor. You can see around some T2 spots and 32L well from some counter seats facing windows.
店名(Name of the bar) : Mahou Sports Bar
営業時間(Opening hours) : 11:00 - 18:00
→お店の案内(空港HP) : Info of this restaurant (airport HP)
■ターゲット : Targets
It being center of T2, you can see the taxings of planes related to T1, cargos and some T2 spots of T1 side. You can take many large fleets of Air Europa. And you can see planes approaching to 32L and their touching downs and reversings. Taking photos through the windows, it may be difficult to get exact focus to their whole body but we can get Madrid-like background. I guess it deserve to be tried.
■撮影サンプル : Sample Photos ↑ :タキシング中の機体を真横から撮影
↑ : Right beside shot of taxing plane
↑ : リバースシーンを撮影。背景自体はいいのですが、32L上だと窓のせいでピントが全体に合わないです。
↑ : Taking plane reversing. The background is quite nice but windows bother the focus to plane's whole body when they are on 32L.
■撮影環境 : Conditions
①使用レンズ : Lenses
For the taxing planes should be 100mm~ and for the planes on 32L should be 200mm~.
Same as other points. Planes are back to the light in the morning, follows to the light from afternoon.
③窓越しなので。。。because taking through windows...
The windows make our focusing difficult especially to the planes on 32L. Planes on 32L being quite far from this point, even if we take much cares of focusing, many shots may be out of forcus. For taxing planes, we need to be careful as well, otherwise we fail to get focus.
Some windows has color a little, even if you can get non color windows and take by setting auto WB, some shots may need to be adjusted its color later. For some reflections, I remember there were not much reflections of lights from inside, I did not mind so badly.
■注意事項等 : Attentions
It being inside buildings and toilets are near of it, we can stay at ease however it is restaurant, of course, we need to order some and do not stay so long time. There may be differences during cultures what time is regarded as long staying but I saw some airport stuffs stayed around 1 and half hour, I guess it maybe OK to stay a little over 1 hour but when restaurant is crowded, we should take cares of around.
■アクセス : Access
Please go forward to runway side from T2 departure floor. After going through the departure information board, you can see the escalators going down, please do NOT go down but to go forward to the aisles on both side. You can see this restaurant soon.