【Data for Airliner Spotting】Madrid-Barajas Airport・概要 : Summary
・ターミナル : Terminals
・滑走路運用 : Runway Operations
・撮影ポイント : Photographying Points
正式名称をアドルフォ・スアレス・マドリード=バラハス空港(スペイン語: Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas)といい、2014年にこの名称になりました。通称で旧名のマドリード=バラハス空港とも呼ばれます。
The official name is Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas (Spanish: Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas). They changed the name to this in 2014 and usually call with old name Madrid-Barajas Airport.
The IATA cade is MAD and ICAO is LEMD.
Madrid-Barajas Airport is the biggest airport in Spain and the main airport of Iberia and Air Europe. Almost 49 million passengers visited in 2010 and this was the 10th biggest in the world. There are 2 set of parallel runways(4 runways)
14R/32L: 4,100m
18L/36R: 3,500m
14L/32R: 3,500m
18R/36L: 4,349m
■ターミナル : Terminalsターミナルは、南側に昔からある第1~第3ターミナル、やや離れて北側に第4ターミナルおよび第4ターミナルサテライトがあります。第1~第3ターミナルは繋がっているので、ほとんど同じ建物のように感じるかもしれません。2006年に共用を開始したターミナル4はイギリスの建築家リチャード・ロジャースの設計で、特に内部は非常に美しいです。
There are 4 terminals. Terminal 1 ~ Terminal 3 are located on south side from the past and they are connected closely, you may regard them as one building. Terminal 4 and terminal 4 satellite were constructed on north side in 2006. They were desined by famous UK architect, Richard George Rogers. Inside of terminal 4 is really beautiful.

第4ターミナルの内部は非常に美しいです : Inside of the terminal 4 is really beautiful
第1ターミナル: イベリアやOne world グループ以外の国際線
第2ターミナル: イベリアやOne world グループ以外の国際線
第3ターミナル: イベリア以外の欧州域内便
第4ターミナル: イベリアを中心とした欧州域内の便
第4ターミナルサテライト: イベリアやOne world グループを中心とした国際線
Just by seeing the operations, they seem to classifiy the flights with terminals as following.
Terminal 1: International flights EXCEPT Iberia group and One World group
Terminal 2: International flights EXCEPT Iberia group and One World group
Terminal 3: Flight to inside Europe EXCEPT Iberia group and One World group
Terminal 4: Flight to inside Europe BY Iberia group and One World group
Terminal 4 Satellite: International flights BY Iberia group and One World group
In addition to these 4 terminals, there is a cargo terminal located on south side of terminal 1.
■滑走路運用 : Runway Operations
It had been north winds during my stay I saw planes landed to 32 and took off from 36.
As for landing, the flights from inside Europe and from Asia and Millde East landed to 32R, those from west and over Atlantic Ocean landed to 32L, however some flights landed opposite especially in busy time.
For departures, it was almost same as landing, flights to inside Europe, Asia and Midle East took off from 36R and those to west and over Atlantic Ocean took off from 36L, however it seems not to be classified strictly compared with landings.
■撮影ポイント : Photographying Points
I took the photos at 4 points on the following map. You can see the details by clicking the point name.
①電柱ポイント : Pole Point
②The Mound : The Mound
③歩道橋ポイント : Footbridge Point
④T2レストラン(スポーツバー) : T2 Restaurant (Sports Bar)