【マドリード=バラハス国際空港】The Mound : 【Madrid-Barajas Airport】The Mound


【マドリード=バラハス国際空港】The Mound
【Madrid-Barajas Airport】The Mound

現地の画像 : Veiw of this point

・概要 : Summary
・現地からの画像 : View from this point
・ターゲット : Target
・撮影サンプル : Sample Photos

・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access

■概要 : Summary
This point is closer to taxiway than pole point, located almost beside of it. This point seems to be famous point, we can see many photos taken here at each photos posting sites. We can take powerful shots of airplanes taxing on the taxiway in front of us.

■現地からの画像 : View from this point

■ターゲット : Target
・T1~T3および貨物機 : T1~T3 and Cargos
Same as pole ponit, we can see all departures from T1 - T3 and cargos are taxing the taxiway in front of us and can see the planes which landed on 32R as well. We can take more powerful shots than at pole point. We can clear all obstacles which we concerned from pole point such as lights, fences and trees, there are no obstacles from this point.

We can take powerful shots of the planes landed on 32L however there are only limited place for the planes going into and going out from T4, that is narrow space between trees. Taking their shots may not be impossible but must be difficult.

・T4 サテライト : T4 Satellite
For the shots of planes related to T4 satellite, we take them from lower place than pole point, obstacles on the ground and heat hazes begin to bother our shots. For example, shots of planes waiting for departure from 36L, obstacles hide half of their gears.

This ponit enable us to take more poerful shots of planes related to T1 - T3 and cargos but we cannot take some of T4 and T4 satellite, if you want to take them, taking from pole point should be better.

■撮影サンプル : Sample Photos↑: 誘導路をタキシング中の機体を撮影。撮影日は4月30日ですが21時前でこの明るさです!
↑: Taking plane taxing. The date is April 30 but the time is before 21PM! So blight!

↑: T4奥にある格納庫から出てきた機体を撮影。32Rに降りた機体もこのように撮れます。
↑: Taking plane coming from the hunger beseide T4. You can take planes which landed to 32R same as this photo.

■撮影環境 : Conditions
①使用レンズ : Lenses
80-400 can covers almost all planes but for 747, it seems to be too zoom so I changed the lens for 24-120.

Same as pole point. Planes are back to the light in the morning, follows to the light from afternoon.

Same as pole point, there is nothing for comfort staying. You can find only some rocks you can sit down on it but no shades, it should be better to bring umbrellras.

You may be shown on the photos taken from pole point. You may not bother planes itself and can be deleted by image processing but please take care if there are some other photographers at pole point.

■注意事項等 : Attentions
It should be same as those for pole point, there are no shades here so, especially visiting in summer, please prepare much water and umbrellas for heat strokes and sunscreens for sunburns. And as I describe at access part, please completely take care of the cars when you accross the highway.

■アクセス : Access
This way is just the one I found, it may not be the correct way but I introduce you the way from pole point to the mound as red arrows on below map.電柱ポイントからT4方向に歩くと、高速道路の高さまで楽に下りることができるので、そこから高速道路をお渡りくださいなお、ガードレールや特に※中央分離帯は高くて越えるが大変なので確実に車がしばらく来ないことを確認してからお渡りください。
渡った後は、フェンス沿いにしばらく歩いていただければ、The moundに到着できます。なお、行く過程で何度か坂の上り下りがあります。周辺の土は目が細かく砂状で滑りやすいので、足元を確認しながら、ゆっくりと上り下りください。
If you go to T4 side from pole point, you can reach to highway level easily, please accross the highway here.
Please be careful that the guardfence and, especially ※median strips are quite high. Please watch out much carefully and accross the highway after you are sure there are no vehicles for long time. After you accross the highy way you can reach to the mound just going along with the fences.There are some going up and down but the soils of this area is quite fine some parts are like sands, please walk carefully in case for for slipping.
※If you have much belongings or are not confident to accross the median strips. Please do not accross here but to go along with  the highway to the roundabout and accross the road there, there are no median strips.


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