【Phuket Int'l Airport】International Terminal Departure Area
・概要 : Summary
・ターゲット : Target
・撮影サンプル : Sample Photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・アクセス : Access
・一応。。: Anyway,,
■概要 : Summary
Taking photos from departure hall (securities area) of interantional terminal. You can reach to the glasses near gate No.10 and gate No.11 and can take planes going into and out from international terminal through windows. As for other gates, only passangers can reach to the windows after their gate opened. They can be close to the plane spotting next spot.
Yo can take the plane spotting to next gate. For the bus boading flights you can go to ground floor and can see planes at the north end of this area. Bus gates (Gate No.81-84) are located below the gate 10 and gate 11, if there are no planes and ground vehicles you can take planes.
■ターゲット : Target
You can take only the planes related to international flights. During 09 operations, you can see the planes approching from above the sea but, taking shots through windows, you may not get exact focus to approaching planes.
■撮影サンプル : Sample Photos
・スポット付近の機体: Planes on/around spots
↑: 11番に駐機中の機体
↑: The plane spotting No.11
↑: 10番11番に駐機がなければ真横の画像も可能です。You can take right beside shots if there are no spotting planes at gate 10 and 11.
↑ :タキシングしているAzurの757です。画像の下に駐機している機体の一部が映っています。
↑: Taxing 757 of Azur. You can see a part of planes spotting gate 10 and 11 below of this photo
・ランウェイ付近の機体: Planes on/around the runway
↑: 窓に対してレンズを斜めに向けるので、一部ピントが厳しいですが、ランウェイ周辺の機体も撮れます。
↑: We need to face lenses tiled to the windows, it may be difficut ot get focus to whole body but you can take planes around runway. I took this shot on 27 operation, but you can take the planes approaching on 09 operation before its touching down.↑: 09運用の際の着陸機です。ガラスに対してレンズを斜めに向けるのでピントが難しいです。
↑: Landing plane on 09 operation. Facing lenses tilted to the window, it is difficult to get exact focus.
・バスゲートから: From the bus gate↑: バスゲートは81-84番です。案内に従ってG階に降ります。
↑: Bus Gate is No81-84. Please follow the guide and go down to Ground Floor ↑↑: 目の前にバスが止まったり、空港車両が通りますが、10番11番ゲートの機体が地上目線で撮れます。駐機している機体や、地上に置かれているコンテナや車両がなければ、誘導路をタキシングしている機体も地上目線で撮れると思います。
↑↑: Some buses may stop and many airport vehicles may pass in front of us but we can take planes spotting to gate No10 and No11 from ground eye. If there are no planes and containers, we may see taxing planes, I believe.
At your gate(You can take the plane spotting next gate)
↑: 幸運にも私の便がロシア航空の隣のゲートからの出発でしたので、撮影できました。
Fortunately my flight spotted next to Rossiya 747 so I could take it closely.
■撮影環境 : Conditions
①レンズ : Lenses
There are 2 taxiways, for the 747 on terminal side taxiway should be 50mm and the one on back side taxiay should be 100mm. But if there are any planes on gate 10 and 11, you cannot take all body of the plane taxing on terminal side taxiway.
②ガラス : Glasses
We must take photos through windows but they are almost no colors and, thanks to the roofs, they are not so dirty. We do not need to take cares of both so badly.
■アクセス : Access
After you get securities check and entering departures gates floor, please go to gate 10 and gate 11. You can reach there soon by just going right side.
■一応 : Anyway,,,
You can find the open-air area on which some restaurants are located on the north side of departure floor. We could enter these area and could take airliner photos before. This erea was once open-air and was changed to smoking area with glasses. However at the time of March 2019, we cannot enter there.↑: 2020年2月の様子。立ち入り禁止柵があって、窓の側までは行けません。昔はこの辺りは喫煙所でした。奥の方は窓もないので、もし立ち入りができるようになれば、こちらの方が撮影に向くかもしれません。
↑: The view of this place in Feb 2020. We cannot reach to the window due to the NO ENTRY fence. Here used to be smorking area in the past. There are no windows on at the end of this area, if we can enter this place again in the future, here should be better place for spotting, I believe.
I do not know what will happen in the future but if we can enter this area again, we should stay here because, thank to no planes spotted due to gate works, I do not need to take cares of spotted planes. (But the windows have some colors compared with those of inside)