【Data for Airliner Spotting】Phuket International Airport・概要 : Summary
・フォトジェニックな空港 : Photogenic airport
・ターミナル : Terminals
・気候とベストシーズン : Climates and the best season
・ターゲット : Targets
・撮影ポイント : Photographing Points
: Securities Matter.(please see before you visit)
・周辺環境ホテル等 : Around airport and hotels
・治安等 : Public safety
・野良ワンちゃん : Ownerless dogs
・注意事項 : Attentions
■概要 : Summaryプーケットにある国際空港で、正式名称はプーケット国際空港(Phuket International Airport (タイ語)ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติภูเก็ต)です。プーケットはタイ最大のリゾート地で、当該地域に空港はこの1空港しかないため、飛来する便も多いです。
An international airport located in Phuket. The official name is Phuket International Airport (Thai: ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติภูเก็ต).Phuket is the largest resort area in Thailand and there is only one airport so many flights come to HKT.
Airport code is HKT(IATA) and VTSP(ICAO), and HKT has 1 runway, 09/27 3,000m.
■フォトジェニックな空港 : Photogenic airport
東風運用(09運用)の日では滑走路の西側(27エンド)にあるナイヤンビーチ(Nai Yang Beach)からは、プリンセス・ジュリアナ国際空港(セントマーチン島)のように海岸の上を飛行機が低空で着陸していくところを見ることができます。晴れていれば青い空と海と海岸と飛行機の美しい絵が撮れます(^∀^)
You can take beautiful photos that airplanes landing above blue sea and beaches under blue sky like those of at Princess Juliana International Airport (Saint Martin island) during east wind operations (09 Operations) from Nai Yang Beach(^∀^), which is located west side of runway (27 end).
→Go to the page of Nai Yang Beach
↑ :定番のビーチショット : The famous shot with beach
↑ :立ち位置を変えればいろんな角度から撮れます(^^)
↑ :By changing your positons, you can take planes with various of angles.(^^)
■ターミナル : Terminals↑: 国際線ターミナル: International Terminal
There are 3 terminals. International termianl, which started in Sep 2016 and domestic terminal, which has been operated from the past and terminal X for gourp passengers from Feb 2014.
There are no direct flights from Japan in June 2019, so if you come via Bangkok you should arrive at domestic terminal, if you come via other outside airports such as Hong Kong and Manila, you are to arrive at international terminal.↑: 国内線ターミナル: Domestic Terminal
■気候とベストシーズン : Climates and the best season
Phuket belongs to tropical monsoon climate. There are not much difference on the temparatures through the year, it should be 25℃ - 34℃.
Roughly classified, there are 2 seasons. Rainy season from April to November (Sep and Oct are the most rainy months) and dry season from December to March.
I have been to Phuket about 10 times in the past, I regard February is the least rain month compared with December, which is generally regarded as the dry month.
(Of course there are many squalls in February)
■ターゲット : Targets
Phuket being one of the most famous resort area, many flights come compared with the size of this airport. Especially during dry season, many flights come from Russia. You can see Rossiya, Royal Flight, Azur and Pegas Fly which are difficult to be seen at other airports.↑↑↑↑ :Nordwindだけは最近777になっていますが、767で揃えられたのでプーケットで見られるロシアのエアラインとまてめてみました(^^)
↑↑↑↑:These days Nordwind has come to Phuket with 777, I gathered the photos of Russian airline at Phuket by 767(^^)
↑↑ :もちろんアエロフロートも来ています(^^)
↑↑ :Of course Aeroflot comes as well(^^)
In June 2019, ※747s of Thai Airways come everyday and 747s of Rossiya also come on some day.(most 747s of Rossiya are origin from JAL) And there are more flights by each airlines during dry season. For example, I saw 2 Thai 747 flights and 2 Rossiya 747 flights in one day in the past I could see 4 747s on that day.
They give us the chances to take powerful photos of 747 with beach and blue sky. I can say this is the must shot when we come to Phuket. I believe many people come here to try these 2 747s.
※They are under retirement, nobody knows its future schedules, please carefully check the latest schedules and information before you come.
↑↑ : タイ航空とロシア航空の747(^∀^) : 747 of Thai Airways and Rossiya(^∀^)
■撮影ポイント : Photographying Points
I hereby introduce you 2 points as on below map.
①ナイヤンビーチ : Nai Yang Beach
②国際線ターミナル内(制限エリア内) :
From international terminal (in the security area)
To tell the truth, there are (used to be) other several points around airport visiting by car (rental). However the securities level around airport seems to be getting severely these days. I can say these 2 points are the only points at which we can take airliner photos without any troubles.
Most part may be just my impression but please read next column, Securities Matter.
: Securities Matter.(please see before you visit)
As you can see at each photos posting sites, there are (used to be) other nice photos points around Phuket airport (in the past) other than Nai Yang beach.
In winter 2016 when I went to Phuket first time, I could visit many points around runway by car so I had been there many times in 2016 and 2017. During that many visits I encountered securities only one time and they prevent my photographyng just softly.However when I visited on March 2018 I found securities staying all times or rushed to me soon (I could stay only short time) and prevent me severly.And on Feb 2020, I found there were barricades and watching cabin, this means we no longer can enter there.
⇒Related article
↑: 立ち入り禁止になったビーチの反対側のエンド付近の道の入り口。
↑: The closed entrance of the way to opposite end of the runway from the beach
↑↑↑: 昔はこんなのが撮れました。今は難しいかもしれません(-_-;)
↑↑↑: I used to take these kinds of shots before. It must be difficult these days(-_-;)
And the securities at Nai Yang Beach seems to get sever these days.
When you find some photos taken at other points, please regard them as they were taken in the past or, if not, they might have been taken by local spotters when they fotunately visited the points.If you really want to try, please regard that all of such points are not suitable for taking photos.
I'm sure Nai Yan Beach is totally nice point but if the operation is opposite (27 operations) whole my journey gets in vain(TωT)

オーマイ逆ラン(TωT)! : Oh my ...opposite operation(TωT)!
I will continue to check the securities status at Phuket in the future.
■周辺環境ホテル等 : Around airport and hotels
There are many restaurants and convenience stores around the aiport. You do not need to care about buying what you want for daily use. Prices are little cheaper than that of in Japan. And there also are many hotels. You can find the one around JPY3,000 (around USD27 ※June 2019) per night. And you can take airplanes from some hotels.
■治安等 : Public safety
During my almost 10 times visits in the past I did not feel public safety was too bad however I think we need to take much care of our safety especially at night same as at other countries. And traffic manners are quite bad, there also local rules. I usually rent cars and concern the local rules badly everytime. It must be danger to stay with same safety feelings same as in Japan. Please be much careful for the vehicles.
■野良ワンちゃん : Ownerless dogs
Same as at Bangkok, we can see many ownerless dogs at Phuket. They walk around there and here, so it should be a kind of heaven for the people who loves dogs and for others should be a hell. And they do not wait for us with smiles as dog lovers expect.
(I also love dogs but when I encountered over 10 at Bangkok I felt much scared.)
Phuket is one of the few areas where hydrophobia is terminated in Thailand. So I guess the worst case should not occur but being ownerless dogs, they may have any disease or ticks, please do not approach and touch them even if some of them are really pretty.
Bacially both people and dogs are careless each other, people usually do not approach dogs and dogs do not come close to us. So I guess it should be OK to just keep away from them.

さすが“微笑みの国タイ” : That's “Smiling country Thailand”
■注意事項 : Attentions
①熱中症や日焼け対策 : Heatstrokes and sunburn
It being tropical monsoon climate, it is quite hot and sun rays are really strong. When you plan to go outside for long time, please much prepare water and goods for heatstrokes, dehydration and sunburn. (Especially water)
②元気な虫たち : Powerful insects
Here being in tropical area, most of insects are powerful. Of course, it is bad feelings. Ants make long lines sooner even at beaches and there are many mosquitos. Some of them must wait for you in your hotel room. In the past, I fought with over 10 mosquitos a night at a cheap hotel, I could not sleep at all. And I encountered many large ants when I tried to go into a forest, and they bited me so strongly and I rushed away soon. In a forest, insects are not poweful but brutal!
Once you open the packs, please keep your foods sealed. When you open them again, I recomend you to check if there are no ants around. And if you want to stay out at the time and the places that many mosquitos are active, I recomend you to wear long sleeves and spray insect repellents. They are sold at convenience stores you do not need to prepare before come.
③観光地なので : Here being resort area
Same as other countries, please be careful for your safety and belongings.