【Phuket Int'l Airport】Nai Yang Beach
・概要 : Summary
・ベストシーズンとターゲット : Best season and Targets
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access
■概要 : Summary
This is the famous point located at west side end of the runway (27 end). During east wind operations (09 operations), we can take shots of airplanes approaching above sea and beach like the those at Princess Juliana International Airport (Saint Martin island)
■ベストシーズンとターゲット : Best season and Targets
The dry season, from December to March, is also the resort season at Phuket. Many flights from each district especially from Russia come to Phuket. So I can say this period is the best season for airliner photographying as well. As of the Russian airlines, we can see Rossiya, Royal Flight, Azur and Pegas Fly which are difficult to be seen at other airports.
And we can see some 747s at Phuket. At the time of June 2019, we can see ※747 of Thai Airways everyday and of Rossiya on some days in a week and seeing the past operations, both had more flights during dry season.
In addition to these 747s, some other large aircrafts such as 777-300 and so on, also come to Phuket. We can enjoy powerful shots of them from the beach.
※747s of Thai airways are now under-retirements. We cannot know the schedules of next dry season and futures, please carefully check the latest information before you come to Phuket.
■現地からの眺め : Views from this point
↑↑↑ :立ち位置を変えることで、いろんな角度から撮ることができます。私も毎回いろいろと挑戦しています。3枚目、天気がよければ、これが最高なのですが(^^;)あと、ご参考までに下の方に失敗例も載せています。
↑↑↑ :Changing the places, you can take various of angles. I try to find the best place everytime. If the weather was fine, 3rd photo must be the best(^^;) For your reference, I uploaded failed shots at latter part.
→to see my failure shots
■撮影環境 : Conditions
①使用レンズ : Lenses
Please prepare the one you like(^^)
Some people may want to try zooms from a distance, some want to try wide from just below of the planes and the other may want to try fisheye lens. Please try the best one for the shots you want to take.
Anyway, for your reference, the one I use at this point is only 24-120. All of beach shots on this HP are taken by it exept any descriptions.
②太陽光線 : Sun Rays
All my visit to Phuket were only in dry season. I remenber sun rays came to planes from terminal side (from south) almost all day. Sorry but no visit prevent me from saying about other seasons....
■注意事項等 : Attentions
①体調管理 : For your health
Even in winter, it is very hot and the temparatures are usually over 30℃ in daytime. And the sun rays are so strong that you must get burned badly in just short stay. The water you bring must be hot water in shot time. And the sands are also very hot.
You can find some shades under trees but there are no trees around the place you take planes. It must be danger to stay that places long time. I strongly recomend you to move to under the trees and take rests regularly.
②セキュリテイ : Securities matter
During my stay in March 2019, I saw some securities guards always stayed around this beach. If you try to approach to the airport fences, they must rush to you and force you to go away. Please do not go close to the fences.
③撮っちゃダメ! :Do not take them!
I have talked only about airplane photos but however ,,(No this is such siute!), this point is not the place only for airliner photography but for sea bathing. Especially on dry season(=resort season), there must be many people who come here to enjoy swimmings. You may find many women with swimwears. So please do not face your lens to the people in swimwears and not to take photos of them. (It should be OK only when they are in your airplane shots with SMALL size.)
④食料品の取り扱い : Take cares of your foods
Even at beaches, lot of powerful ants must rush to your foods soon. So please keep sealed your foods and trushes with left foods. And the high temparatures make your water to hot water and make weak foods spoiled, I recomend you to select storng foods and always keep them under the shades.
Amang the nice persons who kindly come to this page, some persons may have alreadly been aware,,,, there are no descriptions of 27 operaitions(^^;)
As you know basically most of the shots from this point are those of the planes approaching above the sea and beach during east wind operations (09 operations) and almost all people include you and I come here to try it. So during the opposite operations (27 operations), we are forced to take planes taking off with only sky background. 27 operations may make our journey in vain.

オーマイ逆ラン(TωT)! : Oh my ...opposite operation(TωT)
Even we can be here on 09 operations, we also need blue sky and blue sea for the perfect shots. But, of course, the rainfalls should not be 0 even during the dry season. I have encounterd some cloudy days and rainy days before. For the last, we need planes to land with low altitudes for our powerful shots. I once felt really sorry that my target landed highly when other conditions was perfect.↑ :条件全部完璧なのに、降りるのが高かった(;ω;)
↑ :Other conditions were PERFECT, but landed too high(;ω;)
Airport operations (09), weathers and plane's approaching with low altitudes, there are many conditions for the perfect shots. I believe it should not be easy to get the perfect shots at just one visit to Phuket.
Everything should not be a kind of the things related to our efforts so there may be nothing which excuse my angry,,,, No! I must not get angry(><)
That is the reason why I have been here for over 10 times(^∀^;)
↓下記いろんな失敗作をご紹介 : I show you my failure shots below↑低いんだけど、天気が。。。: Plane kindy landed lower but the weather was,,,
↑ :曇りな上にターゲットが高く降りてきて、しかも自分も目線の低いところに降りてきていたので、ちょ待てよ状態。
↑ :In addition to the weather was not good, plane landed higher and I had unfortunateldy moved to lower place,,,, all made the shot spoiled.↑ : せっかくの貴重なロシア航空の747のチャンスなのに雲が真っ暗だったので、流し撮りで作品にしようとあがくも、、、失敗。
↑ :It being precious chance to take Rossiya 747 but dark clouds forced me to struggle with low shatter speed to take better shots...but I failed↑ :同じく別の天気の悪い日に正面からタイ航空の747の迫力ある絵を撮ろうと待機したら、異常に高い高度で通過、迫力どころか、小粒に、。。ここまでくると、ゴーアラウンド?的な状態。。ちなみにこの画像、撮影サンプルの3枚目とほぼ同じ場所からの撮影です。
↑ :Same as above, in another cloudy day I waited in front of TG 747 to try its powerful shots but it passed over too highly,,,, the shots was not powerful but just small and can be seen as they are going around. Anyway, this shot was take at almost same place of the 3rd photo of sample photos.
■アクセス : Access
I show you the way from international terminal to Nai Yang Beach as the arrows on the map below.
The red arrows are on foot and the pink arrow is walking on the beach. if you go there slowly, it should take 30-40 minutes on foot part and 20-25 minutes on beach part so it shoud take around 1 hour from airport. You can find convenience store (FamilyMart) at smile mark. If it go away or close, you can find some to go south on the street in front of airport.