【Data for Airliner Spotting】Tupelo Regional Airport
・概要 :Summary
・ターゲット(解体待ち機体) :Target(The planes waiting for recycled)
・サンプル画像: Sample Photos
・撮影ポイント :Photgraphying Points
・アクセス :Access
・ホテルその他 :Hotel and the others
■概要 :Summary
便数は一日2,3便と、それほど多くはありませんが、UAM(Universal Asset Management)の工場が隣接されていて、時期によってはモハヴェ砂漠のように、解体される飛行機が並んでいるのを見ることができると思います。ANAの747-400Dが解体された場所としても有名です。
Tupelo Regional Airport is loceted at Tupelo on Lee contry in Mississippi States. Airport Code is TUP(IATA) and KTUP(ICAO), and it has one runway (18/36, 1982m)
There are not so many flights per day.It usually should be 2 or 3, but, thanks to the factoy of United Asset Management being beside TUP, we may see the lines of airplanes which are waiting for being diassembled like at Mohave airport.
It is famous as the place where ANA's 747-400Ds were disassembled.

ターミナル: Tupelo airport's Terminal

ターミナル内部 : Inside of Tupelo Airport Terminal

管制塔 :Contorol Tower of Tupelo airport

待合室(制限エリア): waitig room (restricted area)

ターミナルを出た瞬間、もう解体機待ち機が見えます☆: Just going out the terminal, we can see the planes waiting for being recycled☆.
☆I will post articles of my visits here in the future(^^)
Anyway Tupelo is famous as the town where Elvis Aron Presley was born.
ウイ ウィル ロック ユ~♬⇐ちがくね(´■`;)?
We will rock you~♬⇐That's aonther musician(´■`;)!
■ターゲット(解体待ち機体) :Target(The planes waiting for recycled)
There are not so many flights here so I guess most of the people who come here wants to see the lines of the airplanes waiting for their being recycled. However there seem not so large lands for placing planes, such as Mojave Air & Spaceport and so on, almost all planes must be completely disassembled in order. So no planes seem to be placed for long time. What we can see should be different day by day, we should try to know what airplanes are placed there by some way.(ex, some phtos posting site or something)
■サンプル画像: Sample Photos↑: 黄色い飛行機と黄色い花(^ω^)☆
↑: Yellow plane and yallow flowers(^ω^)☆
■撮影ポイント: Spotting Points
I introduce you the 4 spotting points as on below map.
★①UAM工場脇 :Beside UAM Factory
★②東側の原っぱ :East side Field
③ナショナル・ガード脇: Beside National Guard
④ターミナル脇: Beside Terminal
■アクセス :Access
・飛行機で来る: By Air
It sounds quite strange to hear how to access because it should be by air to come to airports. Yes, you can fly to TUP. You may come by air in the morning, take photos and fly out in the evening if there're any such flights.
However as I mentiened before there are not so many flights and airlines may change sometimes. I visited TUP twice but the second route was different from the first one due to the airline cease the flight. And now the airline which I took second time has also ceased that flight.
At the time of August 2019, there are only 3 flights between Nashville per day.
・メンフィスからレンタカー :By Car from Memphis
It was via Memphis when I visited Tupelo second time, I needed to stay there more 2 days so I decided to come back from Memphis by car. I found it was not so far and not so difficult to find the route, it was just change highway 1 time. I remanber it took around 2 hours.↑: 各空港周辺の細かい道中は省きますが、町同士の間は、ほとんど78=22号線です。トゥーペロ空港周辺が45号線です。22号線はメンフィス周辺が78の表示になっていますが、同じ道路です。22と45の分岐と向きさえ間違わなければ大丈夫だと思います。
↑: I skip the detail route near each airport. Almost all route between Menphis and Tupelo is No.78=22. Only the part of near Tupelo is No.45. No.22 and No.78 are the same road. It is showed as No.78 near Menphis. So just being careful of the direction at the junction between No.22 and No.45.
Memphis is the second largest cargo airport in the world, you can see many cargo flights. In 2015, I visited there, Memphis was like the nest of DC-10 and MD-11, I could see many of them made a line at particular time. Even at the out side point I found, it may depend on the securities level to take photos but if you have any experiments of driving in US, it should be nice choice to take photos at Memphis together with taking photos at TUP. If some polices prevent you from taking photos out side, it is through windows but you can take photos from inside Memphis terminal.↑: メンフィスにて撮影。MD-11の同時離陸(^^)
↑: Taken at Memphis. 2 MD-11 took off at the same time(^^)
■ホテルその他 :Hotel and the others
If you need to stay night at Tupelo,the nearest hotel is 2km from terminal, I guess you need to call taxi or go to hotel by car(Rentacar). There are some desks of rentacar company and phones to call taxis in the Tupelo terminal.
At my first visit, I tried to go to hotel on foot but some people recomended me not to.