【テューペロ地域空港】東側の原っぱ :【Tupelo Regional Airport】East side Field


【Tupelo Regional Airport】East side Field
・概要 : Summary
・ターゲット : Targets
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access

■概要 : Summary
This point is on the feild besde east side of Tupelo Airport. Most of the planes are placed this side so our spottings should mainly be from this point. The planes just beside factory cannot be seen behind some planes but we can see most of the others. Planes are following to the lights in the morning. If you want to take them such conditions (following to the lights) you need to stay in the morning.
And there are fences along here, if you concern about them, you need to prepare ladders or narrow lenses to clear the fenbces.

■ターゲット : Targets
Most of the planes are placed this side, our spotting should be from here. Those beside the factory cannot be seen behind other planes. If the line of the planes long, it may difficult to take the latters. 

■現地からの眺め : Views from this point
↑: 東側(列の前の方)からの眺め
↑: Seeing from east side (seeiing the face of the planes)↑: 南側(列の後ろ側)から見た眺め
↑: Seeing from south side (seeing the back of the planse)

■撮影サンプル : Sample photos
↑: フェンスクリア後に全体を撮影(それでも先頭の一機は撮れず(><))
↑: After fences cleared, taking the whole line(I could not taken top one(><))↑: 先頭の機体です。先頭の機体は解体が進んでいます。2015年2月に訪問時はここには鉄くずがりました。
↑: This is the plane placed at top of the line. The plenes pleced on the top may have been much  disassambled. When I visited on Feb 2015, there were scrapped irons here.
↑: フェンスありで全体を。一応私はそんなに気になるレベルではないと思います
↑: Taking whole view of the 747 with fences. I myself think fences did not bother the shots badly
↑: 列の後ろの方の機体です(フェンスクリア後)
↑: Taking the planes places latter back of the lines(After fences cleared)↑: フェンスをクリアして撮影
↑: Taking after fences cleared↑: 夕方逆光になった時間帯に撮影
↑: Taking at late afternoon, when planes were back to the lights.

■撮影環境 : Conditions
・レンズ: Lease
I had only 70-200mm then so all sample photos were taken with 70mm. I could not right beside shots of 747 from the fence with 70mm. I believe we should bring wide zoom lenses such as 24-120 in case for taking whole line.  

・光線状況: Sun Rays
Planes are following to the lights in the morning, back to the lights in afternoon, so our spottings should be in the morrning.

・脚立: ladders
There being fences, to clear them we need to bring ladders or narrow lenses, for ladders I (180cm) needed 2 steps.

・花: Flowers
I visited here twice, in Feb and in May.There were many flowers here in May I could take planes with flowers.

■注意事項等 : Attentions
There are only fields, if you want to go tolets, it should be those in airport. And there are no shades, if you visit here in summer, you need to prepare sunscreens and enough water and umbrellas in case for the rains. 
・セキュリティ: Securities
I had never seen airport securites during my spottings but when I was staying the car beside this point, I got police check once. So I recommend you to see your car regularly when you come here by car.

■アクセス : Access
The route from airpot is as on below map. Both on foot and by car are almost same. There are no sidewalk, if you come here on foot please be much careful for passinga cars.
I could find some spaces for parking car on the entrance of old way and on the road accross from here. I had once got police check when I was staying my car so I recommend you to see back your car regularly during spottings. If you concern about police checks badly, I guess parking cars at airport parking should be better(But you need to pay the parking fares) ↓: 北側の道路の様子
↓: The view of the north side road ↓: “AIR PARK RD”の交差点を右に曲がってください
↓: Please turn right at the corner “AIR PARK RD”
↓: 曲がったらこんな感じです。ポイントは目の前です☆
↓: The view after you turned, you are just beside the point☆
・駐車スペース: Parking place
I found some places beside this road for car parking, but I saw many large trackes passing this road, I parked my car at the “P” in case for trackes scrach to my car. “P” seems to be an entrance of old way. But I cannot guarantee this place is the most safety. We cannot see our cars during spottings, I recommend you to see back your car regularly in case for the police checks.  


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