もしかしたら今回初めてかもしれませんが、本日の投稿はビジネスジェットが主題です( ꈍᴗꈍ)
This may be the first post which is mainly focusing a certain aircraft.
Today's subject is business jets. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Most of readers may have already known, l love 747s, and large aircrafts, I just feel 『I see』when I see businesses jets, but I could see 3 Qatar Business Jet on one day during my spotting in Feb, I'd like to introduce them today. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
The reason why they came to Hong Kong is,,,
I don't know (・∀・;)
香港が旧正月だったのもあるかもですが、知らない人間が調べもしないで、想像であれこれ言うのは好かんので、知りませんフラグ立てます( ꈍᴗꈍ)
It may be related to lunar new year, but I should not place any comments without enough searches so let me say I don't know.
The 3 businesses jet I could see that day are as below. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
★This A7-CGC took off the most beautiful. (*´ω`*)★