これから大量に投稿を始めるにあたり、40日間撮影に集中していた訳を簡単にご説明m(_ _)m
Before starting many posts, I'd like to show you the brief reasons for that 40 days training. m(_ _)m
The main reason is because I failed taking night shots of my all targets on the 2 days in end of October, on first day 3 targets came, the second day I tried night shots of my target, which usually comes and departs on daytime. So I understood I need hard trainings(^^;)
The second chance itself of some of them have not come but, thanks to your long waiting, I can say I could recover night shots★
Other reasons are
I found a new night spotting point
During my long out, most of the fleets of night flights had been changed
Many airlines and fleet started to come to Hong Kong
(I tried to get them not only at night but also at daytime)
For these reasons I stayed long time at the airport(^^;)
I'd like to show you some of them below★
↑: こんなエアライン来てますよ(^^)★
↑: This airline comes to Hong Kong these days(^^)★↑: 以前ご紹介したビーマンの777-300は今や常連★
↑: 777-300 of Biman Bangladesh Airlines, which I posted before are now regular member(^^)★
↑: ユナイテッドも一日に何便か見かけます★
↑: I can see sone United flight on same day★
↑: 先ほどご紹介したエル・アルですが、こちらも復帰しています★
↑: I've just posted same photo,,El Al came back to Hong Kong★
And, as I mentioned, I took it from new spotting point★
↑: 貨物ではこんな機体も来ています★
↑: As of the cargo airlines, this aircraft comes to Hong Kong these days★
Can you guess which airline it is belonging to(^ω^)?
I will earnestly post them, please wait a moment★