飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮り】Longtail Aviationの747: 【First take】the 747 of Longtail Aviation



9月5日に香港にLongtail Aviationというエアラインの747が飛来したので、撮影してきました。
On 5th September, a 747 of Longtail Aviation came to Hong Kong, I went to airport to take it.
Of course it was my first time to see this airlines☆

As on my memories, it was its second visit to Hong Kong, last time it had arrived at midnight on Saturday and had taken off just before 5:00AM (Actually before 7:00AM) I remember, that had not been on the conditions I could take it (because both arrival and departures had been to/from seaside runway). This time, thanks to it arrived at 13:00 and took off 16:30, I tried to take it☆   

However it rained badly at city side in the morning, knowing the weather at city side being much different from that of at airport, hoping no rain at airport, I tried to visit. 

Then please see the photos taken☆

↑↑: 来た来た☆
↑↑: Coming☆
It did not rain(>ω<)And dry road face explained me there were no rains before I arrived. ※After these shots, it started raining...
↑: フライトレーダーで画像は見て知ってはいたけど、どこかで見たことがあるような塗装。
↑: Knowing its color in advance by the photos shown on the Flightradar, I remember I saw this color before somewhere.
↑: まぁ、見ての通り、元キャセイです。調べたら、B-HUKだったらしいですが、間にカーゴルクスが入っていて、カーゴルクス時代は、LX-FCLでした。
↑: As you can recognize sooner, it origin from Cathay. I found it used to be B-HUK, but it have been once belonged under Cargolux, its reg No. was LX-FCL.

↓I found the photos☆↓
↑: B-HUK
This ship left Hong Kong in Jan 2014, I started taking airliners photo in Nov 2013, I could find only this cheap photo ,,,but should be better than nothing(^^;)

ところで、この、Longtail Aviationとは何ぞやと思ったので、調べてみました。
Longtail Aviationは2003年登録のバミューダのチャーターエアラインで、機材はこのVQ-BWSの1機だけのようです。同社のHPでは設立は2003年だそうですが、Wiki(英)では1999年で、機材ももっとありました。とりあえず、HPではバミューダで飛行機を管理することのメリットを訴えています。
Anyway, I wondered so much about what this airline, longtail Aviation, is. I tried to find.
Longtail Aviation is a Bermuda's charter cargo airlines founded in 2003 and its fleet seems to be only this VQ-BWS. But on wiki(Eng), it is said founded in 1999 and has more fleets? Anyway it explains earnestly on its HP, how reasonable to operate aircrafts in Bermuda.
⇒同社HP(Longtail Aviation HP): https://www.longtailaviation.com/
⇒Wiki(英/Eng): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longtail_Aviation

なお、このVQ-BWSはLogtail Aviationの所有ではなく、Aquiline Internationalからのリースだそうです。(確かにエンジンにロゴある)  
And this VQ-BWS is not owned by Longtail Aviation but is leased from Aquiline International. (Yes, I could find its logos on engine cover)

↓↓↓↓Anyway, let see the departure☆↓↓↓↓

The weather got quite well around its departure time, the destination was Incheon same as last time. I could see on the Flightradar that it had taken off very low last time, so I expected same but it actually took off high, normal height to Incheon(><)  


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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