Today's aircraft is small but the subject is big(^∀^)
Everyone, listen to me, it is Air Koryo.
AIR KORYO☆Yes! The airline comes from NORTH KOREA(^^)!
It is generally known to be seen only at Beijing and, of course, I regarded it so but now we can see(※) it at Macau. And on Sunday(^^)!
(※)I placed notice on the latter part of this article.
This is because I went to see it last Sunday. To Macau☆
Then, let's see it☆☆↑: 機材はAn-148で、機体番号はP-671(個人的にはTu-204希望でしたが(笑))
↑: The aircraft was An-148 and the reg No. is P-671(I myself hoped to see Tu-204(^^;))
It is a little far from this spotting point but the arrived planes taxing on and around the runway were following to the light.
↑↑: 一日逆光のポイントでしたが、フェンス無しの間近、しかも橋の上というこんなレアな環境で高麗航空を撮れた事には大満足です☆
↑↑: All photos are back to the light from this spotting point, but I got really surtisfied with taking Air Koryo so closely with such rare conditions that we see planes on the bridge without any fences☆
↑: 真横カット(^^)The right beside shot(^^)
↑: 離陸時の撮影: Shot of its taking off
■注意書き: Notice
Unfortunately, all things I can say about this Air Koryo's Macau flight are only those I saw
“They arrived at 13:50 and departed at 15:20 on some Sunday”(^^;)
For preparing this article, I tried to know about this flight at several HPs, I could not find any so I visited Air Koryo HP directly. I got surprised that they have their own HP(^^;)
HP: http://www.airkoryo.com.kp/
Then, but there are not any descriptions about this flight to/from Macau on their timetable(´■` )
Then when I tried to visit booking page, securities soft blocked it(^^;)
The first time I had found this flight was 3rd Nov, I found it was CANCEL on 10th Nov, I did not check on 17th Nov because I was in Japan, anyway then this means there should be some Sunday without their flight←This should be the biggest problem(^^;)
We can check flight status on Macau Aiport HP but it should be those within 24 hours so we should visit there on Saturday afternoon (correct) night (amended 1st Dec 2019) and again midnight. If there is no cancel, we should decide to visit Macau.
I will do so in the future.