飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

ハーン空港のくの字型の誘導路を通る747: 747 taxing on the く shaped taxi way at Hahn airport



I saw a very rare scene at Hahn airport(^^)☆

Before visiting Hahn airport, I found some photos of these angles at overseas photos posting sites and I thought “How and where on earth they took these photos !?”.Not having found the ways and the points I did not imagine I could take that kind of shots so I got really satisfied with taking these shots I show you now(^^)  

Anyway then, the angles and shots I'm taking about is seeing a 747 going down the く shaped taxiway on Hahn airport. And fortunately I could see it with one of the passanger 747s of Atlas(^^) 

↓The く shaped taxiway is HERE↓

↓Let's see it(^^)☆↓

There are lots of posted shots but, thanks to the rains, I could take nice landings with water splashes, please see from landings(^^)

↑↑↑↑↑: 着陸の様子(^^)確かに当日は雨で最悪でしたが、ただの曇りよりは水しぶきが出てずっとよかったと思います(^^)
↑↑↑↑↑: Seeing the langings(^^)It was quite bad conditions due to the rains, but the shots got quite much better with water splashes than those taken under just cloudy conditions(^^).
↑↑: 21エンドでUターンして、滑走路上をそのまま戻ってきました(^^)
↑↑: Having turned at the end of 21 and comming back on the runway(^^)
↑: 正直言うと、奥には直線の誘導路もあるので、ここは通らないと思っていたので、急に減速して右折を始めた時には大興奮でした(^^)
↑: To tell the truth I did not expected it went down on this taxiway because there is another straight taxiway on end of the 03 so I got really excited when I saw it reduced its speed and started to turn right(^^) 
This taxiway can be seen く shaped on the map but we can see it as W shaped from this point, don't you think(^^)? 

↑↑↑↑↑↑: 下りてくる様子です(^^)
↑↑↑↑↑↑: Seeing it going down the taxiway(^^)

Showing you with photos can provide you only some part of it. I want to try to take movies under fine condition next time(^^) 

There are another straight taxiway on the end of 03 so some flights whose spots are located north side may not go down this taxiway I guess. This time I showed you the landings during 21 operations but I found that ↓ some flights also go down on it during 03 operations ↓. So there should be chances regardless of the winds(^^) 



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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