【フランクフルト空港】07Rエンド展望デッキ【Frankfurt Airport】07R End Observation Deck


【Frankfurt Airport】07R End Observation Deck

・概要: Summary
・ターゲット : Targets
・現地からの眺め : Views from this point
・撮影サンプル : Sample photos
・撮影環境 : Conditions
・注意事項等 : Attentions
・アクセス : Access

■概要 : Summary
This point is the famous spotting point located beside the cycling road near 07R end. This place was made as an observation area with concreat sitting space (it can be a standing point).
This point is suitable for spotting approching planes to 25L・25C during 25 operation. Most of the planes land to 25L in front of us. Some land to 25C, this case planes must be little far from here but we can take them with terminals back. 
Departures from 25C also can be seen from here but heat haze may bother their clear shots when temparatures get high.
We also can see 07L landings and some nice 07C departures with control tower but, here being end of 07, they are so far from here so heat haze may bother the clear shots and some short range flights have already been high around here. 
And we can see the taxing planes which go to and come back from the spots on the south side of airport. They taxi on the taxiway just in front of us.

■ターゲット : Targets
The targets should be the approching planes to 25L and 25C, and those go to and come back from the spots on the south side of the airport. We can see the departures from 25C but heat haze may bother their clear shots when the tempararutes get high. Same as them, I could see nice view with taxing planes with control tower but clear shots can be taken only in the morning (in May), heat haze may spoil them from the afternoon.   
I could see the planes approching to 25R but they were so far from here even taking them with 500mm, if we take them the shots may not be clear.    

■現地からの眺め : Views from this point↑: レトロのD-ABYTを中心に747が4機!画像ないですが(スイマセン)左側には管制塔が見えます。
↑: We can see 4 747s on the same shot and the center is the retro color, D-ABYT! There is no photo (SORRY) but you can see the control tower on the left side.  

■撮影サンプル : Sample photos
↑↑↑: 25L到着機は主に空がバックですがタッチダウンまで撮れます。運が良ければ3枚目のように離陸機と絡むこともあります。
↑↑↑: The back ground should be maily the sky, you can take 25L approching and touching down like these shots. 
↑: 07R/25Lと07C/215Cの間にも誘導路があり、東側のスポットに到着する機体は通るようで管制塔の前を通ることもあります。少し遠いので、気温が上がってくると陽炎が気になります。
↑: There are taxiway between 07R/25L and 07C/25C. Some flights whose spots are east side of the terminal seem to taxi on it. Some of them can be taken with control tower back. It is far from this point so when the temparatures get high, heat haze may bother clear shots.↑: 同じく25L着陸機です。25Rにも頻繁に下りているので、この画像のように25L降り機と25R降り機が一緒に写ることがよくありました。
↑: There also are many approachings 25R, when you take 25L approchings, 25R approchings can be taken on it like on this shot. 
↑↑: こちらは25C降り機です。25C降り機はターミナルや、離陸待ち機がバックに入ります。
↑↑: These are the shots of 25C landings. When you take them, terminals and some planes waiting for their taking off can be taken as back.↑↑: 25C離陸機です。タキシングや出発待ちの様子が見えます。気温が上がると陽炎できれいに撮れません。。。
↑↑: The departures from 25C. You can see their taxings and waitings. When the temparatures get high it may be difficult to get clear shots.↑: 07R/25Lと07C/25Cの間の誘導路を通る到着機でターミナル2の機体の中には、このように手前まで来る機体もありました。
↑: Some planes taxing on the taxiway between 07R/25L and 07C/25C smetimes come just in fron of us.
↑: 07R到着機です。日中は陽炎できれいに撮れませんが、早朝だと影響も少なく、朝日を正面に浴びた絵が撮れました。
↑: 07R landings. They are so far from here that we cannot see them clearly in the afternoon but I could see clear one of them with facing sunrise in the early morning. ↑↑↑: 07C離陸機です。遠いので陽炎が気になる時間帯もありましたが、長距離便だと管制塔をバックに離陸していく様子が撮れました。なお、滑走開始位置が2種類あるようで、奥の便では近距離の小型機でも管制塔をバックに離陸する便もありました。
↑↑↑: They are 07C taking offs. They are so far from here that some of them could not be seen clearly in the afternoon due to the hear haze. Some middle-long range fights can be seen with control tower back. There seem to be 2 starting points of taking off, some short range flights which started near us could be seen with control tower.    
↑↑↑: 空港南側のスポットエリアに出入りする機体です。本当に目の前を通っていきます。出入りの頻度も少なくないので、たくさん撮れました。
↑↑↑: They are the planes which go to or come back from the spots on the south side of the airport. They went by really in fron of us. I could see these kind of taxings many times, I could enjoy taking them. 

■撮影環境 : Conditions
There are almost no obstacles from here exept the fences and buildings when we see the taxing planes to/from the spots on the south side.
・レンズ: Lenses
When we take B747, the nearest point on 25L approching was with around 120mm, 50mm when they taxi on the taxiway in front of us.
・太陽光線: Sun Rays
Planes were following to the lights from in the morning to afternoon and get back to the lights from late afternoon on May I visited.
・陽炎: Heat Haze
On the May I visted, heat haze bothered the clear shots of most of taxing planes on the ground especially in the afternoon on sunny days. The departures from 25C were also bothered badly. I could take nice taxing shots with control tower but they could be taken only in the morning. I cannot say exactly but these kind of shots may be difficult to be taken even from the morning in summer.....? ↑↑: 晴れた日の午後に撮影した画像です。晴れて機体にきれいに陽が当たるので、たくさん撮りましたが、ほぼすべて陽炎で機体番号・細部は判別不可でした。細部がきれいに撮れたのは午前中と曇った日だけでした、5月の時点でこの状態なので、夏などはどうなることやら。。。
↑↑: They were taken in the afternoon on sunny days. They could be seen very nice so I took much of them but almost all of the shots were spoiled by heat haze, not only regstration no and the details but also whole of plane bodies were spoiled. Clear shots were taken only in the morning or on the claudy days. They were taken even in May,,, I'm not sure when we come here on hotter day in summer....  

・菜の花(5月?): Rape blossomes(May?)
I do not know it can be seen every year but I could see many repe blossomes on the green areas on the runway in May 2019 I visited. I could take nice shots with them so I decide to take memo here. I had seen nice shots with repe blossomes on LGW in May 2018 and I visited again there on the same day in 2019 but none of them there so I can say trying the shots with repe blossoms need much investigations before we decide the day we visit. I believe rape blossoms are very shy(´ω`*)←WHO ARE YOU?

■注意事項等 : Attentions
There is only spotting area, are no toilets, roofs, vending machines and no shops on the way from the station we need to buy water and foods at airport before coming here. Except staying at the Intercity Hotel, we should go to the toilets before come. It was cold in May I visited, but there being no roofs,if we visit here in summer we should prepare the sunscreens and umbrellas in case for the rain. In turn, I saw the minus temparatures in February, we must prepare much against to the cold winds.  

■アクセス : Access
The access from airport is by train. We need to change trains once. This point is just 10 muntes walk from the station. This point is on the way to the Intercity Hotel where I introduced as the recommended hotel by train. The station we change trains should be nice place to take trains I believe. If you love to take trains I recommend to take trains there (Especially when you go back to the airport) . If you arrive at FRA in the morning, you can come here first and waiting for the hotel's check in time with taking photos.(Planes following the lights in the morning, it should be better to come here I believe.)
↓: 全体図です。①空港から市内方向のS8かS9に乗り、②最初の駅のF-StadionでS7に乗り換え、③最初の駅、Zeppelinheimで降りて徒歩5-10分です。
↓: This is the overall veiw.①Taking S8 or S9 which goes to city side②Change trains to S7 at the first staion, F-Stadion③Get off at the first station, Zeppelinheim and walk 5-10 minites
①↓: 下記空港の案内地図です。近距離鉄道駅は空港の北側地下にあります到着階がLevel1なので、一つ降りてLevel0に行き、鉄道の案内に沿ってホームに向かいます。レストランが並んでいるエリアの奥にホームに降りるエスカレーター・階段があります。
なお、下記の案内だとホームは1つに見えますが、実際には2面3線あります。ホームに降りる際のエスカレータ・階段の上にある“To City”の表示を確認してから、ホームに降りてください。降りたらS8またはS9の列車に乗ってください。赤い車両になると思いますが、列車の表示も必ず確認してお乗りください。
①↓: This is the station guide map of airport. Local train station is located on the north side of the airport. Staion is on Level 0 and arrival floor is Level 1, so you can reach the station by following the station signs and going down to Level 0.
You can find the escalators and stairs to the platform beside restaurants area.
You also can find ticket machines near the escalators and stairs, there are no tickets gates, you just buy tickets and go down the escalators・stairs.
Below map can be seen simple but there are actually 2 platform islands for 3 platforms, please make sure to check the sign “To City” above the escalators・stairs. Please take S8 or S9, their body should be red but please make sure to check the line No before you get on them.
②↓: 最初の駅のF-Stadionで降りて、下記の赤の矢印に沿ってS7のホームに向かってください(青の矢印は帰りの動線です)
なお、主に帰りになると思いますが、地図中緑の印のところで、鉄道の写真が撮れると思います(^^) ⇒詳細
②↓: Please get off the train at the first station, F-Stadion. And please change the train to S7 with following the red arrows on below map(Blue arrows are for your return) 
It should be on the way you return, you may take nice trains photos at the mark on the map(^^)⇒The deatails
②↓↓: 行きのS7が停まるホームと列車です。ホームでは行先と到着までの時間が表示されていました。
②↓↓: This is the platform of S7 and the train. The sign inform you the destinations and the minutes to next train.
③↓↓: 最初の駅、Zeppelinheimで降りて、矢印の通り、森の中を進んでください。まっすぐ歩くだけなので迷うことはないと思います。高速道路の上を跨ぐ橋を渡った目の前が撮影ポイントです☆ 
③↓↓: Please get off the train at the first station, Zeppelinhein and go along with the arrow on below map. Just walking straight in 5-10 minutes in the forest, you may not lost the way. After you accross the bridge above the highway, you can reach this point.☆

※↓: 撮影ポイントからおすすめホテルのIntercity Hotelまので道順です。ピンクの矢印に沿って歩いてください。途中に飛行機が展示されている公園があります。
※↓: Below is the route from this point to the recomend hotel, Intercity Hotel Frankfurt Airport. Please go along with the pink arrow on below map. On the way to the hotel, you can find a park at which some old planes are displayed.
You can reach the hotel in around 10 minutes. There are some construction works related to new terminal 3, some parts may be changed due to the works, please be careful of the changes if any.  


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