I went to the airport to take cargo flights of Uzbekistan Airways on last Saturday and before last☆
I tried to find information at Planespotters net, there are only 2 767-300BCFs under Uzbekistan Airways fleets, I could see different reg No, in these 2 weeks, I ended to complete both 2☆
Then, When it comes to cargo flight of Uzbekistan Airways in Hong Kong, they sometimes were showed on airport timetable but actually did not come.
I remember I talked with other spotters about them and said 『This time fake again!』(^∀^;)
I saw that of on Saturday on last before same as last time, but I found timetables showed its expected arrival time, so I guessed it might actually come, and found, on the Flightradar, the one with same flight No. but with no destination info, I concluded it would come to Hong Kong!, it lead me to the airport.
Anyway, it had rained hard in the morning on that day due to a typhoon passing near Hong Kong, and it made airport operations to 07, I gave up to see landing before 8AM but decided to see its taking off at 10AM because I could expect the weather was getting better.
Basically it should be taken from mountain point or scenic hill but I decided to take it through the fences because I did not feel like going up the mountain in the rain for just one target, and as of from Scenic hill, B767s usually take off very high, I expected more on that windy day, I decided to take through the fences to take zoomed shots in stead(^∀^;)
★Anyway please see the photos taken on Saturday before last☆↑↑: というか、HAECOポイントに向かっている最中のバスの中から貨物を搬入中のことろが撮れました(>∀<)
↑↑: On the to HAECO point, I could see it from in the bus, they were just carrying in the cargos(>∀<)
↑: 撮影してから思いだしたけど、このポイント、貨物は真横撮れないんだった(^∀^;)
↑: After taking these shots, I remembered I could not take right beside shots of cargo flights from this point(^∀^;)
Then, on last Thursday when I was preparing for this post, I found their another flight was showed on the timetable on last Saturday☆
I decided not to post then but to post after taking of it, because I expected I can show you better shots on 25 operations after typhoon away☆
☆Below is 25L landing on last Saturday★ ↑↑↑↑: やっぱり、この季節の25Lのマンションバックの降りはいいですね☆
↑↑↑↑: I believe 25L landings with tall apartments back on this season must be superb☆
I talked with local spotter then, he said these Uzbekistan Airways cargo flight might be regular, I hope so(>∀<) And I hope to see their B8☆