飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

カーゴルクスの50周年塗装☆: 50th Anniversary of Cargolux☆



The weather was not good last weekend but LX-VCC, one of 747-8s of Cargolux, with 50th Anniversary came Hong Kong so I went to take the arrival on last Saturday☆

↑↑↑: 天気はよくなかったですが、ほんの少しだけうっすらと陽だけは当たってくれたみたいです☆画像処理をしている時に気づきました(笑)
↑↑↑: It was not good weather but sun rays seem to have hit the body a little☆I found it when I edited these photos(^^;)↑: 最後に機首だけズーム、、、というより激しく切り取り(^^;)カーゴルクスのgoが50の文字になっていますね☆あと、“Spirit of Cargolux”と書いてあります☆
↑: The last shot is zoomed to the nose....No, just trimming badly(^^;)The “go” on Cargolux changed to “50”☆And the words“Spirit of Cargolux”on the nose.

It is not related to today's subject, I found following aircraft this morning.↑: 画像は同じ番号の小型機ですが、ロースルロイスのエンジンテストに747-400が登場したようですね(^^)
↑: The photo seems to be the small aircraft with same No. but Rolls-Royce seems to have added 747-400 for their engine test(^^)↑: 747-438なので、退役したカンタスの747-400の一機ですね。  400ERの8機とは違い、エンジンがロースルロイスなので、自然といえば自然ですね☆
↑: The aircraft type 747-438 taught me that it comes from Qantas. Not same as 747-400ER of Qantas, the engines of 747-400 of them are Rolls-Royce, it should be natural that Rolls-Royce selected them☆

Rolls-Royce has 747-200 origin from Cathay for engine test. I really want to see both and take photos of them but, I entered Iran twice, it must be very hard for me to enter USA. It is really sorry to me(TωT)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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