飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮】2022年初撮りはROM Cargoの747を撮影!!!【First Taken】Could take 747 of ROM Cargo as the first spotting in 2022!!!



Today's subject is of my first target in 2022☆
My 2022 started with hot target☆

My first target in 2022 was,,,,↑: ROM  Cargoの747-400、YR-FSAです(^∀^)☆
↑: YR-FSA, the 747-400F of ROM Cargo(^∀^)☆

I needed to take its landing at very dark time but could take its departure with following lights under fine conditions☆

ROM Cargoについて: About ROM Cargo
~撮影画像: The photos taken~
到着編: Landing
離陸編: Departure ⇐必見☆Must-see☆

■ROM Cargoについて: About ROM Cargo
ROM Cargoはルーマニアの貨物エアラインです。2021年年末辺りに1か月くらいルーマニアの民間航空当局から免許を保留されていたようですが、最近復活したようです。理由は公にはされていないようですが、書類の不備との非公式のコメントもあるみたいです。アエロトランスカーゴなどと同様に、Air One Aviationと専属契約を結んでいいるようです。ロゴが付きだしたアエロトランスカーゴの各機と同じように、機首にAir One Aviationのロゴがあります。
ROM cargo is a Rumanian cargo airlines. Rumanian civil aviation authorization seemed to suspend the certification of ROM cargo about one month at around the end of 2021, it seemed to be re-activated these days. The reason is not officially reported but there are some unofficial comments which say the reason was lack of some documents?  Same as Aerotranscargo, ROM cargo made exclusive contract with Air One Aviation. We can see the logos of Air One Aviation on YR-FSA nose same as the 747s of Aerotranscargo (after Aerotranscargo logos painted). 
(リンクː Link)関連外部記事ː Related outside article

Its airline code is "NJ", we can see its flight as NJXXXX on the ⇩airport timetable⇩ as below.

なお、ROM CargoにはHPはあるようですが、ワードプレスで作成中なのか、各リンクをクリックしても何も起きません(^∀^;)
I found ROM Cargo own HP but it seems to be under construction by WordPress, nothing happens when I clicked each links(^∀^;)
Romcargo – Romcargo

■撮影画像: The photos taken
・到着編: Arrival
到着ですが、時刻表の定刻では7時5分到着予定、フライトレーダーでは6時35分(日の出は6時55分) 6時半くらいに山ポイントに着くようにと、4時半のバスで向かいました。
I took the AM4:30 bus to arrive at mountain point at 6:30 to see ROM Cargo arrival time on 7:05 on airport timetable, 6:35 on the Flightradar (Sunrise 6:55 ) 
↑↑: 当然バスに乗るときも、山道に入るときも真っ暗(ちなみに懐中電灯は不所持(^^;))
↑↑: Of course it was totally dark when I took the bus and I was at the entrance of mountain trail(Anyway I did not bring any lights(^^;))
↑: 途中の村に入る門。開いていてよかった(^∀^;)
↑: I got released to see the gate of the village on the way was opened(^∀^;)
↑: 途中(^∀^;)
↑: On the way to mountain point(^∀^;)

I expected YR-FSA would arrive some minutes after the arrival time on the Flightradar and it should be after sunrise, I expected it should not be blight but also not dark. I expected I could take it with daytime set but,,,,it was ⇩below dark on 6:30⇩
↑↑: もうすぐYR-FSA着くというのに、真っ暗(^∀^;)2022年は一発目からちょっとハード(^∀^;)
↑↑: YR-FSA would arrive soon but it was such dark(^∀^;) My first spotting in 2022 started with such hard(^∀^;) 

YR-FSA landed around 6:45, almost on time not delayed as I expected,, The photos I took with daytime set were ⇩as below⇩(^∀^;) 
↑↑↑: 画像処理で無理やり明るくした汚い画像ですスイマセン(><;)
↑↑↑: Sorry for these dirty photos edited badly to make blight(><;)

離陸編: Departure
Totally different from its arrival at dark time, it was quite fine whole day on 2nd Jan, I could take photos with following lights but with strong gas. I needed to take long fight for adjusting white balances badly...  
↑: 出てきた!
↑: It started taxing!↑↑↑: 綺麗には撮れたけど、ガスのせいでホワイトバランスの調整に非常に時間がかかりました(^∀^;)。。。最終的にあきらめて、軽度に抑えたけど(爆)
↑↑↑: I could take well but due to the strong gas, I needed to try adjusting white balances badly, that took long time for preparing photos(^∀^;).....Finally I gave up and edited lightly(@@;) ↑: 1枚の中に747が6機(≧ω≦)!!!
↑: 6 747s on one shot(≧ω≦)!!!

ROM Cargoが香港で撮影できるなんて思っていなかったので、新年最初の撮影から大変満足です☆
Anyway having never expected to take ROM Cargo at Hong Kong I got satisfied with taking it as the first target in this year☆
I will chase it for a moment, I'd like to post about it again when I take it with other angles or at night☆   


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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