飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【昼撮影編】Air X Charterの9H-BIG【Daytime Ver】9H-BIG of Air X Charter



Air X Charterの3機のA340シリーズ、本日は最後で9H-BIGの昼撮影編になります☆
Today's post is the last post of 3 A340s of Air X Charter, daytime spotting of 9H-BIG

I could take better shots at 3rd chance, I'd like to place all 3 tries photos(^∀^;) 

・最初の昼撮影: The first daytime chance
Around from this time, I remember, I could sometimes see 9H-BIG arrived at Hong Kong in the afternoon on the weekends. The date of below photos is 18th Sep, it was till very hot, I felt summer badly, of course I went to HAECO point to take 9H-BIG from north side for afternoon 07R landing shots. However I could find the south side of buildings on the way could be seen follow the lights, I got worried about which  directions the sunlight come from.... the results were,,,↑↑↑: よく言えばトップライトですが、だったら、山ポイント方が構図がいいので山ポイントに行けばよかったなと激しく後悔。もう季節は秋なんだなと激しく理解して、次のチャンスは絶対山ポイントから撮ると決意。
↑↑↑: I can say it was top light to the plane with better expressions but I regretted badly not to go to mountain point because I prefer to the angles from mountain point than HAECO point. It did teach me the season had already changed to autumn, I decided to go to mountain point at next chance.

・2回目の撮影: The second daytime chance
I once wondered if I should place below photos,,, below photos were taken at city side, from Hong Kong Island, where I usually do not take airplane photos(^∀^;)
To tell the truth below flight was the round flight of the first one, I saw Air X Charter stayed in Hong Kong over a day in the past, I expected it would depart at night. This day I stayed at the airport to take other targets from 4o'clock, I left airport earlier, around 7AM to take a rest at home. Just I arrived at Hong Kong island 8AM, 9H-BIG suddenly showed up on the Flightrader. It surprised me badly and I regretted to leave airport earlier, so I tried to take it from Hong Kong island because I remember I could see airplanes from city side   
↑↑↑↑: まぁ、当然ですが、画像の一部にビルを写すくらいしかできないですよね~
↑↑↑↑: Of course ,,,I could take planes with some parts of buildings. 

・3回目の撮影: 3rd daytime chance
I finally could take best shots at 3rd chance☆ 
Below photos were taken around14PM on 25th Sep. The first failure taught me planes are still following to the lights from mountain point around 14PM, I waited there☆
↑↑↑↑↑: 天気も良かったので、きれいに撮れて満足(^∀^)
↑↑↑↑↑:  Thanks to the best weather, I could take quite nicely(^∀^) 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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