香港空港近況(Latest Hong Kong Airport)

最近の香港(5月7日): Hong Kong these days(7th May)



Golden week has been gone by (For Japanese), how are you doing these days?

I guess people need to stay home at many places in Japan, in Hong Kong, we do not need to do so badly, just do not gather more than 5 people. I could stay almost as usual in this holidays, except I could not go out from Hong Kong.

I originally planned to post articles and to work changing thema of this blog on this long holiday if the weather bad but many targets came everyday and the weather was nice so I went out for spottings everyday(^^;)
For airliner spottings, I did not take crowded trains on commuting time but took vacant buses and airport terminal was also vacant, so I did not feel any dangers.

↑: 平日の昼間なのにターミナルはガラガラ!
↑: Vacant terminal even at daytime on weekdays!  

Famous Hong Kong holiday scenes, Filipinas festival everywhere, even many polices watched them but I could regard it was as usual on last Sunday. Polices did not alart so badly to gathered people?
↑: 香港政府のサイトではどの地域にどれくらいの感染者がいるのか分かります☆
↑: Hong Kong gov shows the place and the number of the infected people☆

Anyway there were another spotters festival at airport(^∀^)
I guess more than 100 spotters came to see that aircraft. It was so exciting day☆

Now I describe Hong Kong these days as below.
・No new infected people in 5th May
・No people allowed to enter Hong Kong from outside by air. If Hong Kong residents come back to Hong Kong, they need to be quarantined for 14 days, this extended to 7th June.
・All trasnsit serives are also suspended
First annoucement:


-香港空港近況(Latest Hong Kong Airport)
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