飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

P9800ってなんぞや!?What P9800 is like!?



Continuing the subject with cargos came to Hong Kong.

Below cargo came to Hong Kong on 21st April
What ZCSP9800 is like!? I got really interested with it.

Having taken this screen shot after arriving, we can see the actual arrival time but at first 19:15 was shown. I usually finish my job around 19PM but I could calculate it might arrive around 20PM and airport operated 25 then, I guess I could take it from termainal and I rushed to terminal after work.

There have been less buses these days but I could catch a bus and be in time for its arrival(^∀^)

BUT airport changed operation to 07(TーT) 

Same as of LCF on yesterday post, I have been unlucky for runway changes these days, but I can say I have already been unlucky on this time.

You can find what kind of airline and aircraft was comming to Hong Kong from this screen shot(^^;)、but anyway, you can find where I was and airport changed the oparation to 07.

I could find the its departure was the next day so I decided to take it and I went back to home without taking anything this day.

もうばれていますが、香港に来たのはAisa Pacific Airlinesの757です☆
You have already known it, the airline and the aircraft which came to Hong Kong was B757 of Asia Pacific Airline☆

この、P9800って便名が、あまり聞き慣れませんが、調べてみたら、この、Asia Pacific Ailinesの航空会社コードがP9なので、P9の800って便のようです。バンコク(ドムアン)から香港に来て、サイパンに向うという、運行でした。
I believe we rerally see this kind of flight number P9800 but after I investigated the detail of this airline, I found the airline code of Asia Pacific Airline is P9 so, this flight was No.800 of P9. It came from Bangkok(DMK) and would go to Saipan.

Anyway then I went to mountain point to take its departure on the next day.

Please see the photos taken☆
↑: B757-200PCFで機体番号はN688SLです
↑: It is B757-200PCF and the reg no. is N688SL.

Asia Pacific Airlinesは1998年6月設立でグアムが本拠地のチャーターエアラインだそうです。昔は727が3機いたそうですが、今は757が3機だそうです(英語のwiki)
Asia Pacific Airlines is a charter airline, which was established on June 1998  on Guam U.S.A. It used to have 3 B727 but now 3 B757.(from wiki Eng)

I hope I could see that B727(><)

This is the HP address of Asia Pacific Airliness, just visiting its top page, we can see large photos which shows welcome to this aircraft, N688SL.(^^)This must be their love to aircrafts(^^) 

As well as LCF, I hope it will come to Hong Kong again(^^)
↑You've still been thingking much about LCF(-ω-;)  



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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