
D850買いました(^ ^;): I bought D850(^ ^;)



Almost 1 week went by from last post, I went back to Japan last weekend(11/16-11/18)

Living abroad from Japan, I usually do not care about Heisei and renewal notice has never come abroad, I did not aware when my drivers licence had been expired so I went back Japan to reissue it.

Long time went by from last back, I bought many Japanese products such as medicines as usual and this time I bought new camera(^^)
I bought D850 and compact digital camera as well.

I needed to have much courage to buy it because D850 is not cheap camera(><;)

In addition to it,,,,I bought new PC....(;∀;)

As on this article, LCD of my D810 stopped working during demonstration, it needs to be repaired but it should be cheap and must cost almost same amount when I buy new camera if I go back to Japan twice to bring it and receive it after repairment so I decided to buy new one. 

購入の一番の決め手は連写がD800で4枚/秒、D810で5枚/秒が、D850だと10枚/秒になるし、常用ISOも10000 (D800/D810は6400) まで上がっているので、夜にも使えるかな?というのも理由です(^^)いろんな人のレビューを見ていると、D810とD850では世代が全く違うようですので、それも後押しになりました(^^)
The main reason I bought D850 is continuous shotting, D800 is 4 shots/sec, D810 is 5 shots/sec and D850 is 10 shots/sec!! And the normal ISO is 10000! (D800/D810 is 6400), I expect D850 enables me to enjoy night shots with it. I can see many reviews which say D850 is totally different from those before D810 they pushed me to buy(^^)

Anyway, then why I bought compact digital camenra as well(^^;)?

I found old one died when I opened my bag some day(;;)

There were some problems when I reissued my drivers licence but anyway I finally could!☆





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