飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

表示がおかしい!?Displayed wrongly!?



This is a subject with a certain aircraft which I found when I was spotting at night last week.

機体番号G-CKFB、機種Schempp-Hirth Discus-2T
Reg No. is G-CKFB, the type of aircraft is Schempp-Hirth Discus-2T

Schempp-Hirth Discus-2Tって何よ!?って、調べたらグライダーの一種のよう。まぁ、何か個人所有のちっこいのが来たなって感じで、特に気にも留めず。
I wondered what Schempp-Hirth Discus-2T is like? and found it seems to be a kind of sailplane. I had just thought a private small plane just arrived at Hong Kong.
(I should have wondered that it must be impossible to fly from Hanoi to Hong Kong by sailplane...)

After I finished taking targets, when I was waiting in a line for the bus to home, a large aircraft suddenly flew over me! What's that!!!??? I found it was this G-CKFB!!

大急ぎで状況確認。個人所有(VIP)のでっかい機体かも(だってPrivate ownerってあるし,,,)と一瞬悪夢がよぎるも、便名の頭がP3、、、、つまりカーゴロジックエア、そう言えば、撮影対象だったカーゴロジック今夜出てきてなかったなと思っていたのを思い出し(ちょっとほっとする)、空港のHPを確認すると同名の便が同じ時間帯に出発しているのを発見
I rushed to try to find information of it. Guessing the worst case that it may be a large aircraft of private VIP (Because the words “Private owner” is shown,,,) and found the “P3” on the top of the flight No., yes, P3 means Cargologicair and I remembered  “I have not seen Cargologicair, one of my targets tonight”,,,(I got released a little) . And I found same flight No. at airport HP and it departed at almost same time. 


That aricraft must be one of the fleets of Cargologicair!!


Then, what do you think when you encounter this kind of situtation??


私は、『カーゴロジックエアに新しい747が加わり、その機体番号が昔Schempp-Hirth Discus-2T に使われていたG-CKFB』なんだと予想新しい747を撮り逃がしたことを非常に後悔(T_T)し、それから毎日ずっとフライトレーダーをチェックしていました。。 
I guessed 『A new 747 joined to Cargologicair and the new reg No. is G-CKFB which used to be allocated to Schempp-Hirth Discus-2T before』. I got really regretted not to take new 747(T_T) and have checked flightrader eveyday.

Then, the chance finally came on last Sunday(^^)


I found at airport HP that the expected departure time was 7:00AM. It should be just after sunrise. And it had been fine those days so I expected I could take nice shots from Scenic Hill! So I left home at 5:00AM and took the night bus to be in time for sunrise. 

I remember this kind of situation many times these days......

(If you guess not so good ending,,,,! you are very clever!!)

As I expected it was very fine, I waited for Cargologicair with taking nice photos with beatuiful morning sunlight.↑: 天気のいい日の朝の觀景山は最高です☆I love taking photos from Scenic Hill in the clear morning☆

Then, the cargologicair was showed on flightrader at around 8:30AM.
The shots I took after waiting long time were ↓HERE↓

。。。そ、、そうですか、ABC(Air Bridge Cargo)から来た機体をそのまま使っているのね。
.....O,,K, OK,,,now I understood you are using this aircraft which came from ABC (Air Bridge Cargo) without changing its logos.

I have already known that one of 747s of Cargologicair, G-CLAE has not been changed the logos from its original company, ABC (Of course I have already taken it) . I just understood this new aircraft is on the same situation as G-CLAE.

Anyway, I tried to check the reg No......
The No. G-CKFB should be on the strong blue part where they apparently over painted




That's G-CLAE, which I have just talked about!!!

I'm really wondering what is going on G-CLAE and G-CKFB on the flightrader(^^)??


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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