飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

運航会社変わったのかな?Oparation company may have been changed?



★Without enough investigation such as finding news or something, today's post includes much speculations★

Then, today's subject is about below aircraft☆

Longtail Aviationで活躍中(だった)747のVQ-BWSです。
Longtail AviationがJet One Xの運航をするようになって、つい最近ようやくこの機体にも"Jet One X"のロゴが付いたのをフライトレーダーの画像で知ったところです。
VQ-BWS, which is(was) one of the 747s under longtail Aviation.
I have just known, by the attached photos on the Flightradar, that it has finally got the "Jet One X" logos after  Longtail Aviation has started operations for Jet One X. 

さて、そんなVQ-BWSですが、4月29日にJet One Xのロゴが付いてから(多分)初めて香港に来たのですが、その時のフライトレーダーがこんなことになっていました。
Then, VQ-BWS came to Hong Kong on 29th April, should have been the first time after it got "Jet One X" logos. That flight could be seen as below on the Flightradar.

機体番号がTF-AMKに変わって、CC615、つまりAir Atlanta Icelandicの便でバンコク経由で香港にきました(°▢° 😉
It came from Bangkok but its registration No. has been changed to TF-AMK and the flight No. was CC615, Air Atlanta Icelandic flight(°▢° 😉

正確には、個人的にAir Atlanta Icelandicではプレイターの747が入ることが多い(と思っている)CC600番台の便を時刻表で見つけていたので、Air Atlanta Icelandicの747の プレイターが来るかなと楽しみに待っていたら、この機体でびっくりしました。
Exactly speaking, I regard Air Atlanta Icelandic usually allocate 747 preighters to CC6XX, so I was looking forward to seeing one of them after I had found this CC615 on the airport timetable, so I got really surprised when I knew it was flying to Hong Kong.

便名もAir Atlanta Icelandicの便(CC615)で機体も今や同社もの(TF-AMK)、もうJet One Xの運航はしていないのかな?と思い、ロゴも消えていると想像、どんな状態で来るのか楽しみ?で待っていると、
Then, now it is one of Air Atlanta Icelandic fleets (TF-AMK) and is allocated their flights (CC615), I guessed it no longer operates to Jet One X, the logos had already been deleted? , I wondered what color it is wearing now.....

・撮影画像: The photos taken

まだJet One Xのロゴが付いてますね(・▢・)!
It still wears the Jet One X logos(・▢・)!

As it can be seen, only registration No, has been replaced (VQ-BWS⇒TF-AMK) (・・)!

I really wondered what had happened to this aircraft and found,,,

登録がLongtail AviationからAir Atlanta Icelandicに変わった後に、Jet One Xにリースされたように見えます(・▢・)
It is now being leasing to Jet One X after its registration changed from Longtail Aviation to Air Atlanta Icelandic(・▢・)

つまり、Jet One Xの運航会社が、Longtail AviationからAir Atlanta Icelandicに変わったということ"のように見えます"?
That is, I can see, Jet One X has changed their operation company from Longtail Aviation to Air Atlanta Icelandic?

If this is true, I really am interested in the registration changes of other aircrafts and which aircrafts will be allocated to Jet One X flights in the future☆ 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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