Due to the sever securities matter these days, in case for your troubles, I have not described the details of them on my Phuket Airport page, I found during my visit this time that 2 spotting points had disappeared(><)
I need to say sorry to the people who know these points first time and the sample photos are now just old information, but anyway I'm glad if you regard that you do not need to think about visiting these points when you visit Phuket in the future, especially these points require you to rent a car or to walk so long time from the beach.(You can avoid the costs and hard works for in vain).
I do not know what they will be in the future, but anyway, I here by report them as the points that we cannot access now(Feb 2020).
↓消滅したのはこの2ポイント(><;)↓Those disappeared 2 points are below(><;)↓
①ビーチと反対側のエンド: The Opposite side from the beach
②滑走路の北側: North side of the runway
①ビーチと反対側のエンド: The Opposite side from the beach
As you can see on the map, there are narrow pathes around the oppsite end of the runway from the beach.↑: 現在は入り口にバリケードと監視小屋まで付いていますので、完全に入れなくなりました(><;)(2019年3月は何もなかったです)
↑: Now there are barricades and watching cabin, nobody cannot enter(><;)(There were nothing on March 2019)
~昔撮った画像のご紹介: I hereby show you sample photos I took in the past~ ↑: 27運用の際は真下まで行けたので、27運用でもターゲットを逃すことはなかったです(><)
↑: I could be just below the approaching planes during 27 operations. I did not fail to catch my targets during 27 operations.↑↑: 夕陽もきれいでした。ギャラリーに載せているこれらの画像もここからです(;;)
↑↑: I could see nice sunset from here, these photos on my galary were taken from here(;;)↑↑: (ビーチが順光ということは)一日逆光なのであまり撮影はしていませんが、山の斜面に登れば長距離の09離陸機もいいアングルで撮れました。
↑↑: (Planes seen from the beach are following to the light means)Planes are back to the light whole days so I did not tried many times but I could take nice 09 taking off from here.↑: 夜もトライしたことがありました(><)
↑: I tried night spotting once(><)
From Dec 2016 to March 2017, I had visited there many times but I had not seen securities. Due to my favorite midnight flight disappeared, I could not visit Phuket on weekend so I had not visited Phuket for long time. I visited again on March 2018, I met secuties first time and they asked me to leave with smile. When I visited again on March 2019, securities rushed to me when I just tried to enter there.
☆Anyway I just saw smile securites twice I never fought with them(^^;)☆←For sure
②滑走路の北側: North side of the runway
You can walk here from the beach, I could enter here by car in the past. Now something seems to be constructed here so we cannot enter(><)
~ここから昔話: Old story from here~
In the past I could reach beside the fences here by car, so I could clear the fences with rough way, standing on the car roof(^∀^;)I have never seen the securities but the lands of beach side of this point were just sands. Cars could be got stuck easily.
To tell the truth, I found local people had there cars stuck here but I also had my car stuck here last time. Parking at the east side of this point should be OK but I regarded this point was danger for showing as a point so I could not discribe the information of this point on my page(><;)↑: 27到着機: The plane had just landed to 27
↑: 27離陸機(高め)The plane taking off from 27(High)
↑: 09着陸機はターミナルをバックにタッチダウンまで撮影できました(;;)
↑: I could take the tauching down of 09 landings with terminals back(;;)
To tell the truth, I plannd to visit here this time so I selected SUV in case for getting stuck,,,,it got in vain(;∀;)