「 CMA CGM Air Cargo 」 一覧
【初撮/昼夜】CMA CGM Air Cargoの777F【First taken/Day and Night】777F of CMA CGM Air Cargo
今日の投稿は香港遠征の昼撮影の一発目です☆ Today's post is about the first target that I took on the daytime spotting on ...
【初撮/昼夜】CMA CGM Air CargoのA332F【First taken/Day and Night】A332F of CMA CGM Air Cargo
2021/12/9 A330, CMA CGM Air Cargo, 夜撮影(Night Spottings), 飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting), 香港国際空港(Hong Kong Int'l Airport)
今回も最近香港で見かけるようになった貨物機です☆ Today's subject is also about one of the cargos which we can see these days ...