飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮/昼夜】CMA CGM Air Cargoの777F【First taken/Day and Night】777F of CMA CGM Air Cargo



Today's post is about the first target that I took on the daytime spotting on my back to Hong Kong ☆

It is ⇩below one⇩, which I once introduced it's Flightradar memo as it had started to come to Hong Kong then.

CMA CGMの777Fです(^^)☆
The 777Fs of CMA CGM(^^)☆

777Fは自社保有ː 777Fs are their own fleets
A330は機材に動きː Some movements related to their A330Fs
撮影画像: The photos taken

■777Fは自社保有ː 777Fs are their own fleetsCMA CGMは以前A330の撮影を投稿した際に、Air Belgium(KF)に運行されているとご紹介しましたが、今回の777Fは自社便(2C)のようです。
When I introduced their A330s on this post as they were operated by Air Belgium (KF), however their 777Fs seem to be their (2C) own fleets.

香港の時刻表にも、以前のA330の頃はAir Belgiumのエアライン名とKFXXXして表示されていましたが、777Fになってからは、CMA CGM名で2CXXXとして表示されています。
When their A330s came to Hong Kong these flights were described on the Hong Kong airports timetables with Air Belgium logos and their codes, KFXXX. In turn, when their 777Fs come, their flight codes are showed as 2CXXX and with CMA CGM name.

Air Belgiumの頃は主にリエージュ(LGG)から、777Fになってからは主にパリ(CGD)から香港に来ています。
And most of their A330s came from Liege (LGG) and 777Fs come from Paris (CDG)

777FはF-HMRBとF-HMRFの2機保有で、前回の投稿で、CMA CGMの機材計画としてご紹介した『2機の777Fと4機のA350を発注』とあった2機の777Fにあたると思われます。
The registration No. of their 2 777Fs are F-HMRB and F-HMRF, they should be the 2 777Fs, which were described on their future fleets plan as “2 777Fs and 4 A350Fs were ordered” .

■A330は機材に動きː Some movements related to their A330Fs
今回CMA CGMの777Fを調べた際にA330にも動きがあったことが分かりました。
前回A330はAir Belgiumの運行で、4機あるとご紹介しましたが、下記のCMA CGMの機材一覧を見ると、4機いるA330のうち、Air Belgium からのリースが2機で自社保有のA330が2機になっています。
I found there were some movements on their A330Fs when I tried to find information about their 777Fs. 
As I described last time that their 4 A330s are operated by Air Belgium however we can find those operated by Air Belgium are only 2 on below CMA CGM fleets list. Other 2 seems to be their own fleets.
CMA CGM Air Cargo Fleet Details and History (planespotters.net)

勘のいい方はすぐにお分かりかもしれませんが、前回Air Belgium からリースされていた4機のうちの2機がCMA CGMに移籍したもようです。
Some reader may find the reason soon? Yes, their own 2 A330Fs moved from Air Belgium to CMA CGM
移籍したのはOO-CMAとOO-AIRで、それぞれF-HMRGとF-HMFHになっています。Re-registeredを意味する“r r”のフラグが付いています。
The 2 A330Fs moved from Air Belgium is OO-CMA and OO-AIR. And their new reg No. are F-HMRG and F-HMRH., we also can find the “rr”, which means re-registered.↑ː F-HMRH


■撮影画像: The photo taken
There seem to be many flights of them, I could take them with my favorite 3 angles, but I could only one reg, F-HMRF,,(^^;)
・07Rへの着陸ː Landing to 07R
・25Lからの離陸ː Taking off from 25L
・夜の07Rからの離陸ː Taking off from 07R at night


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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