飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

fly nasの747(CGKのターゲット)2: 747 of fly nas (the target at CGK) 2



Anyway then, Ms. My Target whom I found on the first day,先日の記事の通り、初日からホテルから監視していたのですが、2日目に展望デッキを見回ってホテルに戻った2時間後くらいにタキシングしているのを撮れました☆
As I mentioned on previous post, I had been in the hotel room and kept waiting for its moving from the first day. I could take its taxing 2 hours after I came back from seeing around the observation decks on the second day.

この機体は、サウジアラビアのLCC、fly nasの747-400で、機体番号はER-BACです。機体は747-4F6でフィリピン航空に納入予定だったのがされずに南アフリカ航空に納入された後、途中トランスアエロやいろんなところを回って、今fly nasのようです。経歴長いので書くのやめました(笑い)
Before showing its taxing, I'd like to indroduce this ship☆
This ship, ER-BAC is one of the 2 747-400s of Saudi Arabia LCC, fly nas. Exactly it is 747-4F6, I had been built to Philippines Alirlines but actually delivered to South Africa Airlines. It have been moved amang many alirlines include Transaero and so on, so I decided not to describe all of them here(^^;) 
Ther reg no of the another fly nas 747-400 is ER-BAE. It had just come from Virgin Atlantic Airways. Its records are really simple (^^;) and it seems to be placed in Soekarno–Hatta International Airport as well.  

To tell the truth, I had already taken these 2 747s at KUL in Sep 2018, but the colors of them had been just partial and not current full color. So this time I saw them again with their full colors.(I want to post their previous color in the future)

↓Then, let's see the photos↓☆ 
↑: 1月12日の昼過ぎだったと思います。ホテルの窓際で監視していたら、本当に出てきました(^^)ただ、ホテルの部屋は西向きなので、東から来たタキシング機は前からや、真横辺りは手前のゲートや駐機している機体の一部が入るので、全体が撮れません。。。
↑: I remember it was around noon , 2 hours after I had come back from seeing around the observatoion deckes, I actually could take it(^^) However, unfortunately, my hotel room facing to west side, I could not take front and right beside shots of the planes taxing from east side due to some parts of terminal and other spotting planes.  

↑: ようやく撮れたのがこの辺り。
↑: It was taken when I could see its full body.
↑: 機首をアップしてみる(笑)
↑: Tried to zoom the nose(^^)
↑: 行っちゃいました(><)
↑: It had gone...(><)
↑: また君に会えるよね(><)?
↑: We will see again(><)?

As on the schedule I had checked before visiting, it would fly to Jedda on that day (12th Jan), if so it must depart from the runway I could see from the hotel room not the opposite runway. Flightrader taught me it had arrived here on 6th Jan and  had not moved from then, and thinking that aonther fly nas 747-400, ER-BAE was also staying in CGK, so I guessed it would not depart to other airport and this taxining was just moving to other spots, the season would end,,,,  ??

BUT after it gone, I heard large engine sound!!! I rushed to see the Flightrader and found it had just taken off!! 

Seeing it for a while, it had not gone uo\p higher than 5,000m and landed to nearby airport. The airport it landed is... 

↑↑: クルタジャティ国際空港(Kertajati International Airport)、別名西ジャワ国際空港(West Java International Airport)という空港のようです。
↑↑: Kertajati International Airport.(West Java International Airport)

After that, there seemed to no flights but, at shis time I write this post, it flys between Jedda or Madina and Jakarta☆


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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