飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

CGKの展望デッキらしきもの(の跡): (The tracks of)The places being a kind of observation deck at CGK



As on my previous post, I did not know the reason but anyway I found my lovely lovely target staying in the airport on the first day. I regarded it must be danger to take much time for going outside to find any spotting points under such situation as not knowing target's schedules.  I decided to stay in the hotel whole day and to keep watching outside. But I shortly went to the terminals to see the (tracks of) the observation decks. 

It was very fine in the morning on the second day. I guessed I could take better shots of my target. To try better shots or to know if my target still being there (to know if it had departed at night) , I decided go out to see it.
I could see it again but due to the plane spotting next spot, I could not take photos but could know my target would not depart in short time (around in a hour) thanks to out of boarding bridges. So I decided to visit observation decks in short time.  


Showing the end first, there were no such places on the free areas of terminals where we can do spotting at ease(^^;)

The best places for spotting I found this time were only from hotel room and beside the gates in the international terminal (Both are paid area). I guess some rooms in the hotel may not be suitable for spotting so I concluded I need to study about CGK outside spotting points in the future. 

Anyway then, I went to see the 4 points on the below map.
I could take only a few photos at ① (but the spotting point was only for 2 or 3 people), I could not take photos at ②, ③ and ④ were closed.

So this report is mainly for ①(But I do not mean to recommend it)  

↑↑: 展望デッキに行く前に第1ターミナルの入り口付近の様子。スカルノ・ハッタ国際空港の第1ターミナルは、外に自動チェックイン機があったり、入り口でチケット・セキュリティチェックをしている感じでした。
↑↑: Before going to observation decks, these are the views in front of terminal 1. There were auto-check-in machines beside the entrances of  CGK terminal 1. Only the people who have air tickets can enter.

Then, let's to see the place like observation deck located on the corner of terminal 1.

まず①から: The first is ①
↑: ①へ向う階段です。敏感な人はここで既に緊張するかも?同じ向きの矢印が喫煙所を案内していますねー(苦笑)
↑: This is the stairs to go to ①, some sensitive people may get tense here? Same arrow leads us to the “Smoking Area” (^^;) 
↑↑: 現地の様子。すごいたくさん人います。座れる椅子がなかった。
↑↑: These are the view of the point. There were so many people staying!!There were no seats for me and, I did not take any photos but there were also many people sitting beside the 10 -20m aisle from stairs to here.

And there also many sleeping people. I need to alert you not to not leave your belongings ,,,, Some left baggage can be seen just in front on me on the second photo!!

↑: はい、ここ最大の問題点。アクリル板です。1枚目の画像の左端に、人が3人くらい入れるスペースがあって、そこだけフェンスに近寄れます。そこから隙間の撮影です。
↑: This is the biggest problem here, yes, there were acrylic plates. This photo was taken from the space on the corner of this place.(Left end of the first photo) We can reach to the fences only here but only 2 or 3 persons can stand. 

Even fences made me feel so bad but also acrylic plates gave me much crazy time. And we cannot enter the space between fences and acrylic plates. What we can do here is taking photos from that space, where I have just mentioned, 2 or 3 persons can reach to the fences or get a nap. But when I came here, there had already been some smokers...  

↑↑: 現地からの風景。そして、3つめの障害物です。木です。
↑↑: These are the views from there. We can see the 3rd obstacles, TREES!
If we can clear the fences with narrow lenses, for example, trees must bother our shots next time(^^;)

The battle power of the obstacles here must be quite high(T-■)!
The power must break our scouters←From what animation!?

↑: When I tried to take nearby planes, it got like this. I could see lovely special marking...

So,,,what kind of shots we can take???

That is,,,

↑: かなり遠くの滑走路上の機体です(^^;)。メラメラがありますが、着陸機はタッチダウン前後が撮れます。
↑: That is the planes on the runway but so far from here(^^;). There must be some heat hazes but I could take some of before and after landings a little.
↑: 滑走路脇の建物ですべては見えませんが、滑走路は所々見えます。この画像は正面辺りです。この便は近距離便で上がりは高いほうです。ただ、場合によっては、この画像のように手前を通る機体の排気が入るかもしれません。
↑: Due to the some buildings, we cannot see whole runway only some parts of it. This photo was seeing just right from of us. This flight was short range and took off quite high.  And, as you can see on this shot, APU exhaust gas from taxing planes may bother our shots.

I concluded here was not suitable for spotting and decided to move and see ② on the opposite side...

Showing the end first, there are no airplane photos from here.
If you are busy, you do not need to read all(^∀^;)

↑: ②への階段付近。敏感な人はほっとするかも?喫煙所の案内ないですね(^^;)
↑: Then, this is the view of the stairs to go up to ②. Some sensitive people may get released because there are no guides which leads us to “Smorking Area”(^^)
But another kind of sensitive people must get tense??? because we can see some vehicles with the words “Securities”(^∀^;)
↑: ②の様子。さっきの①より確実に広いくせに、数人しかいない状態。喫煙所がないだけで、こんなに違うのか(°□°; )???  
↑: This is the view of ②. Here is apparently larger than ① but only a few people here!!! Just without smoking area makes the differences that much(°□°; )???  
↑: こっちにも奴が待っていました(` ´)。アクリル板です。①にあったアクリル板の端っこの空きがないので、こっちは完全にガードされています。
↑: They were waiting for me here(` ´). Yes, acrylic plates. At ①, we could find some space without them but here,② is none. They were fully guarding the fences.
↑: ①と違って、木がないし。目の前スペマとかレアなエアラインいるんだけどなー。。。
↑: Not benig same as at ①, there were no trees in front of me and I could see rare airlines and some planes with special markings.... 

I stayed at ② on only a few minutes and left to terminal 2.

I could see something like observation deck on terminal 2 from SKYTRAIN. I went to see them.
↑: 何かありましたね。閉ざされたゲートです。③は入れず。
↑: I found something. That's CLOSED GATE. I could not enter ③.
↑: ④も何かありました。閉まっているゲートですね。なぜか③④とも台車がある。もちろん入れず。
↑: I also could find something at ④. That seemed to be a CLOSED GATE. I did not know why but there were carts at both ③ and ④.

I'm not a stair fleek. Taking stair photos made me boring so much.

Anyway then, at that time, my lovely lovely target had not departed. It must give me sad end if my target departs during my walking for finding outside spotting points so I decided to go back to hotel room. 

2 hours after my back to hotel room, my target actually departed. It was right to decide to go back to hotel room that time ← Of course I will post it in the near future☆ 



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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