Sorry to be late, I'd like to post the subject with the target at Soekarno–Hatta Int'l Airport☆
Anyway which time zone of the flights do you usually select for overseas spottings?
I prefer to take midnight flights
I could get only 2 days as paid vacation this 4 years so almost all my holidays are on calender based. It must be precious time for staying overseas, to get the most of it, I usually select midnight flights.
But I took daytime flight this time to take many placed 747s inside Soekarno–Hatta Int'l Airport during my flight taxing (I could take no 747s but could take many places planes←I will post about them in the near future☆) And my target would come and depart CGK on the next day, having much time so I decided to take daytime flight this time.
After taking placed planes and having much time, it was my first visit to Indonesia but, I could enter at ease.
↑: ゲロトってなんだよ!?とか軽く突っ込みを入れたり(笑)
↑: Seeing the strange word “ゲロト(Geroto)”←it should be “ゲート(Gate)”
↑: 結構きれいだなと思ったり。
↑: Seeing there being clearn
Thanks to the new terminal building?, I could enter Indonesia without waiting for long time and any problems. And I took the free terminal connection train, SKYTRAIN to go to terminal 2 which my hotel is located on it.
↑: てか運転席との仕切り、ロープだけ(笑)
↑: There is only a rope which seperates the crew seat from cabin(^^;)
Staying in the SKYTRIAN first time I saw outside to find any planes from on it. I could see large space between terminal 2 and international terminal☆
(°■° ;)!!!!!!
My target is staying
(°■° ;)!!!!!!
HEY You!!Green!!You are to come here tomorrow morning???
Why you are staying such a place NOW!!!!????
After this time, anyway, only just 15 minutes after entering Indonesia, my spotting plan changed badly.
...To be continued