撮影資料(Spotting Data)

リエージュ空港の05L/23R :05L/23R of Liege Airport



There are 2 runways at Liege airport, longer one 05R/23L 3,287m and shorter one 05L/23R 2,340m. The shorter one, 05L/23R seems not to be used for taking off and landings but as a part of taxiway. To tell the truth I thought there was only one runway at first and found 2 runways when I looked for information of this airport(^^;)

I hereby place an article of it because I think there are not so many operations like this at other airports☆

The flights which use 05L/23R as a taxiway are those spot at the cargo terminal which is on the left bottom on the below map and on the day with 23 operations. However if they taxi on the 05L/23R they cannot reach the end of 05R, so most of those taxi on 05L/23R were the short or middle range flights. If we try to take those flights from 05R end point, we cannot take them due to the anntenas beside the runways. 

↑: 上の図のような感じで使われていました。赤の矢印を通る長距離便は05Rポイントからは撮影できました。青の矢印を通る近距離便はアンテナ邪魔をするので撮影できません。
↑: The taxing routes during 23 operations are like those on the below map. We can take long range flights taxing on the red arrows but, due to the anntenas beside, we cannot take those short-middle range flights on the blue arrows from 05R end point.

↓I show you the photos of planes on the blue arrows↓
↑↑: かなり遠いですが、05L/23Rに入ったあたりは坂を下る感じで、まだ機体全体の撮影はできます。
↑↑: It was too far from the 05R end point but, thanks to the this part of runway being a slope, we can take full bodies of the planes when they go down the slopes on 05L.
↑: 後半になると、坂を登る感じになるので機体下が隠れます(><)
↑: Latter half of the taxings, planes go up the slopes and some part of their bodies must be hidden(><)
↑↑↑: 向きを変えて23Lに乗るあたり、ギアは隠れるしアンテナが前にあるのできれいに撮影できません。
↑↑↑: Seeing planes turing and going on to 23L, their gears are still hidden and the anntenas beside the runway much bother our shots. 
↑: 23Lに乗ったところです。アンテナはなくなり機体全体は見えますが、やはりギアが隠れます。
↑: Seeing planes on the 23L, we can clear the anntenas but plane's gears are still hidden(><) 

This is the end of my report “We cannot take the departures of short-middle range flights from 05R end point during 23 operations at Liege airport”(^^;)


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