As I introduced on this article last time, thank to the information from one of very kind readers of this blog, HKG current operations will continue until 15th April.
The number of flights are now very small but there are some shots we can take under current operations I will continue to try them☆
また、申し訳御礼が遅くなり申し訳ございませんm(_ _)m
Dear Mr.J, Thank you very much for your kind infoamtion every time!!!
And sorry for my late appreciations! m(_ _)m
↑: 画像は最近深夜に時々来るようになったベトナム航空の787-9です。やっぱりというか、機体の色が暗いので、機首のライトがついていないと、真っ黒で何が何だか分からない(^^;)
↑: This photo is 787-9 of Vietnam Airlines, which come to Hong Kong at mid night these days. Their color is so dark that I cannot recognize it without their nose light even I retouch by much lighten it in addition to it the back is lighter than their body(^^;)↑: しかも時々貨物で来ている模様
↑: In addition to it, they seem to come as a cargo flight sometimes.