!!Context updated on 6th March 2020(Red words and delete part)!!
☆Thank you very much Mr.J for providing me the details(^^)☆
I have not uploaded even the photos of my targets taken at Phuket (SORRY...), but I'd like to report you this first.
I found this change in the plane when I went to Phuket, as you know on my records I have discribed that HKG changes its runway operations from one runway to two runway before 8:00AM (I saw 7:15 the most), they seem to change at around 10:00AM these days.
↑: これ、今朝(3月3日)の9時57分に離陸した便です。07Lから上がっています。10時前後なら07Rから上がるはずです。
↑: This flight took off 9:57AM today(3rd March). It took off from 07L, usually it should take off from 07R at around 10:00AM. ↑: こちらは今日の10時16分に離陸した便です。10時16分には通常通り、2本体制だったようです。
↑: This flight took off at 10:16AM today. At this time HKG has already changed back to two runway operations.
I do not know the reason. I guess this is becacuse of the decrease of the many flights and less runway maintemance stuffs due to the Coronavirus. There are many vacant spots on the terminals and the aircraft parking aprons are filled with planes.
Anyway I guess these oparations are limited to for a while and nobody knows when HKG will change back the time to 8:00AM when they start two runway operations.
On their current schedules, HKG does this operation until the morning 31st March but some change of the conditions may extend it.
Anyway the main subject of today's post start from here☆HKG extend the one runway operation to 10:00AM these day, this means...
We CANNNOT take 07R taking off when HKG use 07L (take off from 07L)
We CAN take 07R landings easily when HKG use 07R
We CANNOT take 25L taking off when HKG use 25R (take off from 25R)
We CAN take 25L landing when HKG use 25L.
Is short, it should be difficult to take taking offs when HKG uses seaside runway(07L/25R) however when HKG uses moutainside runway it enables us to take landings to mountainside runway (07R/25L) easily, which used be difficult to be taken before(^^)☆↑↑: 25Lのエンドから: Taken from 25L end
↑: 香港天文台の丘(沙螺湾ポイント) から: Taken from Wind Profiler Station(Sha Lo Wan Point)
↑: 山の上ポイントから: Taken from mountain point
↑: 觀景山から: Taken from Scenic Hill
↑↑↑↑↑: この辺りの画像は、朝の7時15分前に着くか、日中の運がいい時しか撮れませんでしたが、ここしばらくは10時前までチャンスがあるということでしょうか(^^)
↑↑↑↑↑: These kinds shots could be taken when we arrive the spotting points before 7:15AM or only when we are lucky in daytime. Now we can try them before 10:00AM for a while(^^)
As you can see from my records, HKG usually use moutainside runway in the morning of
Wedesday/Thursday/Sunday(it means just I saw many times not must be )
If you want to try, it should be better to try after you check on the Flightrader if HKG use moutainside runway at midnight or early morning☆
Anyway, I already repeated sometimes, nobody knows when HKG will change back the time when they use two runway operaions to around 8:00AM, please understand it when you find they change the runway before 8:00AM when you try(><;).
Of course I will inform you as soon as when I find HKG change back to normal operations!!